training set (12 or 24 samples of the ERP class) it
clearly outperforms the other spatial filters by 4 or
1% (xDAWN: p = 0.009, aXDAWN: p = 0.003, and
new axDAWN: p = 0.02 for both numbers of sam-
ples). This result is expected, because for a larger
amount of the data the noise should not have such a
high influence anymore. Further, the result is con-
sistent with the findings in (Lotte and Guan, 2010),
where the highest performance increase due to regu-
larization of CSP was achieved when the amount of
available training data was very low.
In Figure 4, the chosen lambda values in the pa-
rameter optimization of the raxDAWN are shown.
The values are diverse and depend on the number of
used ERPs as well as on the dataset. This parame-
ter behavior is unexpected and needs further investi-
gation. A more sophisticated parameter optimization
might result in a more stable choice and even better
performance. The problem of parameter optimiza-
tion can be also observed when Figure 2 is compared
with Figure 3. Figure 3 displays the best performance
value in the cross validation cycle for the parameter
optimization. Here, the raxDAWN shows slightly bet-
ter performance in the cross validation for every num-
ber of used ERPs and not only for the low number.
This difference indicates a parameter overfitting.
3.5 Influence of the Number of Retained
In this evaluation, we used a reduced number of sam-
ples as in Section 3.3 but varied the number of re-
tained pseudo channels. Again the regularization pa-
rameter of the raxDAWN was optimized. The results
are shown in Figure 5. For a number of 4, there is no
large difference between the algorithms because the
noise has possibly less influence. For 62 channels the
raxDAWN performs slightly worse. For the group of
8, 16, and 32 retained channels, the raxDAWN outper-
forms the other filters by 1− 3% (xDAWN: p = 0.04,
axDAWN: p = 0.02). The other filters show no dif-
ference in performance (p = 0.49).
In this paper we successfully applied the regulariza-
tion concept for spatial filters to the axDAWN algo-
rithm and introduced the new raxDAWN algorithm.
We evaluated the algorithm on data from a BCI ex-
periment and showed that it improves xDAWN and
axDAWN especially in the initialization when only
few training data is available.
In the future, we would like to analyze other reg-
ularization methods. For example, the first filter from
a previous session or a different subject could be used
for the regularization in a zero training setup instead
of using the filter for initialization as done in (W
et al., 2015). Another point is a deeper analyses of
the optimal choice of the regularization parameter to
speed up the optimization. One possibility might be
an online optimization which combines some models
weighted by their accuracy.
This work was supported by the Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant no.
We thank Marc Tabie, Yohannes Kassahun and
our anonymous reviewers for giving useful hints to
improve the paper. We thank Su Kyoung Kim for pro-
viding the statistics.
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NEUROTECHNIX 2015 - International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics