Can We Predict Blood Lactate Change Non-invasively during
Treadmill Exercise?
Study on Wearable Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) System
Madoka Yamazaki
and Hideo Eda
Department of Health Science, Daito Bunka University, 560 Iwadono, Higashimatsuyama, Saitama, Japan
Department of Medical Photonics, The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries, 1955-1
Kurematsu, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1202, Japan
Keywords: Blood Lactate, Wearable, Nirs, Treadmill, Exercise.
Abstract: Hemoglobin parameters by Wearable Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) were calculated and compared with
the simultaneously recorded blood lactate during treadmill testing. They showed a certain changes associated
with the exercise.
Blood lactate during exercise has been commonly
used to evaluate the training effect and its intensities
and to predict the performance endurance in sports
laboratories (Bourdon, 2000), (Faude, 2009),
(Beneke, 2011). Especially blood lactate threshold
and maximal lactate steady state power are highly
correlated with the maximum aerobic power and
athletic endurance performance. Near Infrared
Spectroscopy (NIRS) calculates hemoglobin
parameters such as changes in oxygenated
hemoglobin (oxyHb) and deoxygenetaed hemoglobin
(deoxyHb). It is well known that oxyHb decreases
and deoxyHb increases during exersice (Homma,
1996). Now the system has become smaller, and
Wearable NIRS has developed (Eda, 2014). Purpose
of this study is investigating whether Wearable NIRS
can predict the blood lactate change non-invasively.
Seven track athletes ( male / female : 5 / 2, mean age
20yr, height 166.5 cm, weight 58 kg) and non athletes
( male / female : 3 / 4, mean age 21.4yr, height 163.3
cm, weight 57.6 kg). All subjects were otherwise
healthy and had no history of heart vascular disease
and provided written informed consent. The
experiment was conducted in accordance with the
ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and
was reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics
Committee of Daito Bunka University (K15-001).
Subjects performed treadmill testing (Aeromill,
STM-2000, NIHON KOHDEN, Japan) using Bruce
protocol. Predicted peak heart rate was calculated as
220 age. Subjects were encouraged to exercise until
85% of maximum predicted heart rate was achieved.
During the exercise and recovery stage, cuff blood
pressure, heart rate, cardiac rhythm (Mason-Likar
lead system) were recorded. Finger prick blood
samples (0.5μl) were taken every 3-5 minutes in the
right fingers and measured the blood lactate
concentration by using Lactate Pro TM (ArkrayTM,
Kyoto, JAPAN). Wearable NIRS was attached the
left index finger fixed with medical tape during the
exercise. The NIRS calculates haemoglobin
parameters We estimated the tissue oxygen level by
the Hb parameters.
The treadmill exercise duration was from 697 to 1048
(mean 921) seconds in athletes and from 451 to 784
(mean 627) seconds in non- athletes. The athlete’s
treadmill exercise duration was significantly longer
than non-athletes.
Blood lactate concentration increased in
association with the intensity of the exercise in all
subjects (Figure1 A, B). The changes of the blood
Yamazaki, M. and Eda, H..
Can We Predict Blood Lactate Change Non-invasively during Treadmill Exercise? - Study on Wearable Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) System.
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
lactate was from 2.3 to 8.7 (mean 5.1 mmol/l) in the
athletes and from 3.0 to 6.1 (mean 4.8 mmol/l) in the
non-athletes. There was no significant differences
between two groups.
Figure 1: Blood lactate concentration during the exercise.
A: case Athlete FS, B: case Non-athlete GT Arrow showed
the end time point of the exercise.
Oxy Hb showed a certain changes associated
with the exercise. Its pattern was divided into
decreasing (4/7 athlete, 3/7 non-athlete : Figure 2A),
increasing (2/7 athlete, 3/7 non-athlete : Figure 2B)
and no tendency (1/7 athlete ,1/7 non-athlete) pattern.
Deoxy Hb showed no exercise-specific change.
Figure 2: Hb parameters during the exercise
A: case Athlete FS. B: case Non-athlete GT.
Arrow showed the end time point of the exercise.
We investigated whether if NIRS can capture the
dynamic body signal change which related with blood
lactate concentration as the Hb parameters (oxyHb
and deoxyHb) during the treadmill exercise. Our Hb
parameter results recorded from the fingertip showed
no obvious relation between the changing rate of
blood lactate concentration and the Hb parameters.
Dynamics of the lactate is complicated which not
only released but absorbed at the same time and the
lactate clearance is different between the individuals
(Faude 2009).
There have been several studies which evaluated
the Hb parameter changing for the local skeletal
muscle by using NIRS (Hamaoka 1992, Homma,
1996, Boushel 1998, Celie 2012). They reported that
decreased oxyHb reflected the exercise intensity and
metabolic rate. In this study, we may capture the
results of dynamical changes which affected the Hb
oxidation or deoxydation throughout the body as we
attached NIRS module on the finger not on the
skeletal muscle related with the treadmill exercise.
Our wearable NIRS has advantages for
monitoring the physiological changes sampled from
everywhere in the body non-invasively. There has
several problems for the feature studies. We need
further evaluations whether if the Hb parameters
differ in the sampling location and cautions for
interpreting the dynamic changing of the Hb
parameters. However this wearable NIRS has
potential to be an easy use, non-invasive and portable
whole body sampling device which can capture the
physiological changes.
This research was supported by Genial,
LTD, Hamamatsu, Japan and ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,
LTD, Tokyo, Japan
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