return to the opponent’s half. The return was
deemed successful when 3 consecutive balls can be
returned from that location; otherwise it would be
brought closer to the point in which the player is
able to perform the shot. The successful return
positions are subsequently defined as: Maximum
Forehand Reach (MFR), Maximum Backhand Reach
(MBR), Intermediate Forehand Reach (IFR),
Intermediate Backhand Reach (IBR), Near Table
Forehand (NTF) and Near Table Backhand (NTB).
To reduce the learning effect of the trial, players
were given sufficient time to practise the hitting the
sequence of shots until they were ready for a timed
3.2 Statistical Analysis
This is an exploratory study on a special population
where the existing sample size is very limited. A
non-parametric Kruksal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney
U-test was performed on the 2 groups of participants
at α=0.05 on SA, POT, ST, RTA and LTA.
The results are presented in Table 1 for Class 1 and
2 players. The SA for all participants was found to
be less than 50% of POT from the stationary
position. The Class 1 players understandably have
the lowest SA compared to the Class 2 participants.
This applies to total ST when compared to the same
group of players.
Table 1: Table of Results for Para table tennis reach
Class 1, n=3 Class 2, n=3
Average SA,m
0.56±0.08 0.64±0.04
POT, % 26.9 30.5
Average ST, s
4.92±0.98 3.69±0.58
Average right tipping
angle, RTA, °
20.7±4.78⁺ 49.3±8.06⁺
Average left tipping angle
22.0±2.94 36.0±11.9
* Kruskal-Wallis test, p=0.05 between all three groups of
Denotes significance in Mann-Whitney test, p=0.05
between Class 1 and Class 2 players.
Significant differences were not found using the
Kruskal-Wallis test for all the test parameters in the
three groups.
Difference between Class 1 and 2 players’ RTA was
found to be marginally significant (p = 0.05) using
the Mann-Whitney U-test. (Although the Kruskal-
Wallis test did not show significance (p = 0.078) for
RTA). From the 9 pairs derived base on three
participants each from Class 1 and 2 players, the
rank-biserial correlation r, calculated using the
Wendt formula was equal to 1 for RTA showing the
correlation (Kerby, 2014).
From the results there is an indication that RTA
as a differentiating factor between the 2 Classes of
5.1 Quantification of Result and
Functional Requirement
This study has provided a quantitative platform on
the ability of para table tennis players to complete a
series of movement on the basis of their functional
reach range.
In RTA where there are significant differences
between Class 1 and 2 players, the contribution may
be made by the class 2 player’s higher wrist, elbow
and shoulder strength compared to the other group.
Another possible contribution can come from a
particular Class 2 player who wears a chest strap
during training and competition as a safety device.
The chest strap used is elastic, allows the player to
lean his weight fully to extend the reach.
For future studies, the anthropometrical
contribution of each athlete should be taken into
consideration, particularly the arm length. It is
possible that this variable may influence SA
measurements and subsequently inter participant
What was not expected is that ST for all players
were not significantly different. A likely explanation
would be the normalising effect of the SA between
the 2 groups of participants. With the Class 1 players
having a lower SA, effort by Class 1 players can be
considered higher as they took approximately the
same time to complete the reach task within a
smaller area. In addition, the arm length of each
player was not taken into consideration during this
study. The contribution of the arm length may
possibly have an effect on both SA and ST but ST
may increase as load on arms may increase as a
result of the increased arm length. Normalising the
ST and SA into a ratio in table 2, the ratio expresses
the rate of area coverage by each classification of
players. This ratio can possibly be a useful