The Misfits in Knowledge Work
Grasping the Essence with the Lens of the IT Knowledge Artefact
Louise Harder Fischer and Lene Pries-Heje
IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaards vej 7, 2300 København S., Denmark
Keywords: IT-knowledge Artefacts, UC&C, Situativity, Socio-Technical Fit, Individual Practices, Knowledge Creation.
Abstract: The workplace is changing rapidly and knowledge work is conducted increasingly in settings that are global,
digital, flat and networked. The epicenter of value-creation are the individuals and their interactions. Unified
Communication and Collaboration Technology (UC&C) supports individual interactions, collaboration and
knowledge creation. The use of this technology is growing globally. In a previous study, we found that UC&C
in collocated and distributed settings, produced misfits and fits between situated enacted practice-use of
UC&C and the experienced productivity. We respond to the KITA 2015 call with this work-in-progress paper.
We apply
the IT Knowledge Artefact (ITKA)-interpretive lens from Cabitza and Locoro (2014) to a case of
knowledge workers struggling with appropriation of UC&C for creating and sharing practice knowledge. We
evaluate the framework - and discuss the usefulness of the lens in this specific setting. To further improve and
enrich, we pose questions, aiming at contributing to the communication of valuable insights informing the
design and use of future KITAs in knowledge work.
Interactions between people over distance, time and
location has given rise to a new type of Information
and Communication Technology called UC&C
UC&C supports interactions, connections,
collaboration and communication, providing a
unified interface to an ensemble of IT-artefacts like e-
mails, chats, virtual meetings, presence and IP-calls
(Silic and Back 2013). Applications well known and
easy to use. When introduced though, the use is non-
mandatory; the adoption is voluntary and the
exploitation formed by individual preferences
(McAfee 2006). UC&C amplifies the horizontal
structure and creation of practice knowledge, that
otherwise is difficult to support in virtual work-
Our recent article “Co-configuration in
Interaction work” (Harder Fischer and Pries-Heje
2015) communicates on several issues with
productivity and autonomy in knowledge work, from
the individual practice-use of technology. The paper
involves a case of socio-technical misfit in an
Numbers are classified market data, but many and different
sources report from 30 – 65 % adoption of UC&C in
organizations on a global scale, and increasing.
organization and reveals that practice-use of UC&C
in situ is perceived as negatively influencing
community culture and minimizing the opportunities
for sharing practice knowledge. Hence, our previous
case study reveals a misfit between technology-in-
use, knowledge-practices and community culture.
Reading the call for papers for the KITA
workshop we were inspired to experiment with the
framework of IT-knowledge artefacts (ITKA) From
Cabitza and Locoro (2014) and use it as an
interpretative lens to gain new insights related to the
issues found in our previous work. Working with the
framework we experienced some challenges but also
some interesting novel insights. In this paper we
report on our experience using the framework and
invite the KITA community to discuss some of the
challenges we experienced. Hence, we evaluate the
usefulness of the framework contributing to refine
and enrich it.
Our overall aim is to minimize the negative
consequences of technology in organizations
(Harrison et al. 2007) and we believe that a useful
interpretative lens can guide analyst and designers
Fischer, L. and Pries-heje, L..
The Misfits in Knowledge Work - Grasping the Essence with the Lens of the IT Knowledge Artefact.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 436-443
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
when working with ITKA-based applications in
organizational contexts.
We believe that an interpretative lens, providing a
reification of knowledge, might be a way forward to
minimize the misfits in knowledge work. Sarker,
Chatterjee and Xiao (2013) makes an equal proposal
when promoting a view, that renewed understanding
of socio-technical fits, could be in terms of focusing
on the “I” in IS, and begin to look at the fit between
information and system (Sarker et al. 2013).
Progressing in our on-going studies of value
creation in modern knowledge work, we seek to
provide new understanding of misfits, tackling them
from a socio-technical perspective, seeing them
through the ITKA-framework as an interpretative
We strive to answer these questions: What do we
gain from evaluating UC&C as an ITKA in the
peculiar setting? Can we use the framework to
understand the design and use of this ITKA’s in other
settings? Can our experiences with the framework
reveal new insights that can enrich the interpretative
This paper is a reply to the invitation in the call for
paper: “we invite other authors to apply this
framework to their cases to both validate it and
improve and enrich it, as a convenient interpretative
lens”. Thus, our purpose and contribution with this
paper is to evaluate and discuss the framework.
Ultimately, to pose questions for a future debate in the
KITA community based on our experience.
Consequently, this is not a classic paper and this is not
a classic method section. This section describes how
we have approached this endeavor. First, we must
explain our conceptual starting point.
In the out-set, we decided to experiment with how
to use the ITKA framework as an interpretative lens -
to understand our case in a new perspective. As a
starting point, we decided to follow the logic
suggested by the paper it-self and produced five
consecutive questions that could help us to categorize
and classify UC&C. The questions are out-lined in
table 1.
The questions was intended as a starting point;
helping us positioning our work in the framework and
start thinking of how to use the framework. This
minor experimentation with the framework provided
the challenges and insights reported in this paper. We
have organized the paper in the following manner.
Table 1: Questions for categorizing and classifying ITKAs.
Question Five consecutive questions as the
interpretative lens
Q 1 Is UC&C an IT-artefact?
Q 2 Is the IT-artefact an IT Knowledge Artefact
Q 3 Is the ITKA socially situated or
Q 4 Is UC&C an ITKA-based application?
Q 5 Can we classify the ITKA according to the
degree of objectivity and situativity, implied
from the design input and requirement for the IT
artifact as the final out-put.
In section 3, we present our understanding of the
case, as it was prior to experimentation with the
In section 4, we apply the framework and provide
the answers to the five questions defined in order to
experiment with the ITKA-framework.
In section 5, we discuss the experience we gain
from applying the framework as an interpretative
lens; does it make sense and does it provide new
insights to the misfit we found in our previous work.
We present challenges and insights as questions for
future debate.
In section 6, we conclude and answer our overall
questions. We conclude suggesting how our
experience with the framework may contribute to the
evolution and refinement of the interpretative lens
and hopefully inspirer to an interesting future
conversation in the area of ITKA’s.
The company has approximately 15.000 employees
of whom 1300 works at the head quarter in Denmark.
A consequence of the distributed workforce is that
people collaborate less collocated and often
distributed with project-teams all around the world.
They are very dependent on UC&C technology for
coordinating work, assisting each other, share
knowledge and information in a here-and now
Our presented understanding comes from the
interpretation from a facilitated discussion on
improving knowledge sharing practices with eight
participants from the organization that took place in
February 2015. We saw issues of people feeling
socially disconnected because of a situated practice
of “never putting on video in virtual meetings and
conference calls”…”I now feel a distance to my
The Misfits in Knowledge Work - Grasping the Essence with the Lens of the IT Knowledge Artefact
colleagues”(participant). The interrelatedness in
these quotes are better understood from the lens of
social presence theory. Social presence is the
acoustic, visual, and physical contact that can be
achieved between two [or more] communication
partners (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010). Social presence
involves intimacy and immediacy in the
communication. Following this logic, social presence
are lower for mediated (calls) and higher when
interpersonal (face-to-face); low for asynchronous (e-
mail) and higher for synchronous (live chat) (Kaplan
and Haenlein 2010). When feeling caught in e-mails
and calls without face expressed in “never putting on
video” the feeling of intimacy and immediacy should
be low. It seems that it affects knowledge sharing on
a somehow more profound level:”From previously
sharing a lot of day-to-day knowledge to now an
obsessive focus on text and documents”…”is
changing our knowledge sharing focus”.
The interrelatedness in these quotes are better
understood from the lens of Brown and Duguid
(2000) promoting how we generate knowledge in
practice, but implement it through process in
organizational contexts. Practice emphasizes the
lateral connections within an organization, the
implicit coordination and exploration that, for its part,
produces things to do. Process emphasizes the
hierarchical, explicit command-and-control side
organization - the structure that gets things
done. Practice without process tends to become
unmanageable; process without practice becomes
increasingly static (Brown and Duguid
2000). UC&C, as mentioned in the introduction, is an
ensemble of IT-artefacts, supporting interactions
between people coordinating and communicating
virtually. When emphasizing lateral connections and
the implicit coordination between team-members, it
becomes clearer that UC&C is a medium for practice
knowledge in an organization and as such supports,
the horizontal structure in the organization.
The appropriation of UC&C and the situated work
practices in this case, is “changing our knowledge
sharing focus” …”From previously sharing a lot of
day-to-day knowledge to now an obsessive focus on
text and documents”. They communicate work–
output and coordinate tasks in a more formal way,
using documents and e-mails. It seems that they use
UC&C for transfer of information and not for
promoting practice knowledge. In communities of
practice, ideas move with little explicit attention to
transfer and practice is coordinated without much
formal direction; they seem to acknowledge the lack
of practice knowledge as a problem and recognize it
as an important element of knowledge creation in an
The lack of social presence and lack of practice
knowledge seems to illuminate the cultural change
expressed “previously being socially oriented”. The
distribution of colleagues – co-located and distributed
- are tipping in the direction of distributed work. In
these setting UC&C should/could support the
informal connections and social interactions,
promoting the horizontal structure in the organization
but it seems that it falls short in providing this, due to
an emerged situated enacted practice on the
individual level, skewing the focus on practice
knowledge to a transfer of information. The perceived
related change of culture “changing our knowledge
sharing focus and company culture “seems essential
in understanding the situation.
Goffee and Jones (1996) promotes a view on how
people relate to a community, based on either
sociability or solidarity. Sociability is present when
we can see friendliness and non-instrumental
relations among members of a community. When we
see people share ideas, interests, values and attitudes
through face-to-face relations, sociability is build and
sustained. Solidarity is when people see each other as
instruments for achieving results, pursuing -
nevertheless - shared strategy goals quickly and
effectively. Building relations with colleagues comes
from common tasks, mutual interests and shared
goals (Goffee and Jones 1996). Organizations should
seek an equilibrium between the two (Goffee and
Jones 1996)
When colleagues primarily interacts with
colleagues located in other countries and regions, and
when the relation is not build or sustained with face-
work as in “never putting on video” the more
instrumental the relationships gets. In this case, it
affects all relationships “I now feel a distance to my
colleagues”. The social side of work decreases and
in-personal relationships arises and the possibilities
for creating knowledge trough the sharing of practices
Our understanding of the case comes from
illuminating certain aspects, abstracting it with theory
supporting our interpretations. In this case, we see the
situated enacted practice use of UC&C influences the
very type of knowledge shared and again influence
the community culture, which again influences how
much importance is put on social presence from the
daily appropriation of UC&C. The case reveals a
situation of socio-technical misfit. We see the
entanglement of people, technology and
organizational use (Orlikowski and Iacono 2001) not
amounting to joint optimization (Sarker et al. 2013).
KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and
Tackling the situation from a socio-technical
perspective, we try to understand why the underlying
intention of fit and optimization between the technical
system and social system (Sarker et al. 2013) is not
achieved. In our former article (Harder Fischer &
Pries-Heje 2015), we conclude that users are in fact
appropriating this technology, by improvising (Sarker
et al. 2013) and adopting individually (McAfee 2006)
balancing individual autonomy with experienced
productivity in work. On the individual level, they –
in socio-technical terms - produce a fit, but on the
organizational level these appropriations does not
seem to amount to joint optimization.
It seems as if the situated appropriation of UC&C
creates a social void inhibiting the general ability to
share practice knowledge in the whole organization
and in the end – changing the community culture. We
seek a deeper understanding of the underlying nature
of UC&C grasping the essence of socio-technical
fits/misfits in interaction knowledge work.
In this section, we experiment with the
interpretive lens of ITKA’s from Cabitza and Locoro
(2014) applying it in the manner described in section
2, we answer the questions from table 1
Q1: Is UC&C an IT-artefact? Orlikowski and
Iacono (2001) provides five premises for IT-artefacts.
In their view IT-artefacts are not natural, neutral,
universal, or given; they are embedded in some time,
place, discourse, and community; they are made up of
a multiplicity of often fragile and fragmentary
components; they are neither fixed nor independent,
but emerge from ongoing social and economic
practices. They are not static or unchanging, but
dynamic. UC&C is clearly dynamic, the
appropriation emerges from ongoing social and
economic practices and is clearly embedded in a
community culture.
UC&C is not neutral or given. UC&C is promoted
in organizational settings as enabling easier
communication, faster and more efficient
collaboration from virtually anywhere, anytime (Silic
and Back 2013). Moreover, the intent is to deliver
flexibility, interoperability and efficiency (Silic and
Back 2013). Hence, UC&C is an IT-artefact.
Q2: Is it an IT Knowledge Artefact (ITKA)? We
adopt the view from Cabitza and Locoro (2014)
defining ITKA as “a material IT artefact which is […]
purposely used to enable and support knowledge
related processes with in a community” (Cabitza and
Locoro 2014). In our case, UC&C is used for
transferring knowledge. This makes UC&C an ITKA.
Underneath the value propositions of UC&C lies an
intent of establishing more appropriate knowledge
flows in dispersed organizational contexts. The
intention of UC&C is clearly to provide a digital
manifestation of the horizontal informal structure
supporting the flow of practices i.e. practice
knowledge in an organization. Either way, seen from
the perspective of Knowledge Artefacts (KA) - it
could be described as an “item that captures explicit
or [and] tacit knowledge” (Smith 2000, in Cabitza
and Locoro 2014). Applying a socio-technical
perspective on UC&C, it becomes clear that this IT
artifact enable and support knowledge-intensive
activities and tasks, hence being a IT-knowledge
Q3: Is it socially situated or representational
ITKA? First, we must interpret the nature of
knowledge provided as either tacit, cultural, practical
and actionable or explicit and representational.
Representational ITKA’s provides structured sources
of static knowledge while socially situated ITKA’s
acts as a support or scaffold to the expression of
knowledgeable behaviors (Cabitza and Locoro 2014)
and practices. UC&C has the ability and
intentionality to be a scaffold for unfolding practical
wisdom (Nonaka and Takuechi 2011) throughout a
dispersed organization and as such is the opposite of
static knowledge. The ontology is clearly cultural,
practical and actionable. Second, we must interpret
the epistemology as being either constructivist,
interactionist and emergenist or positivist. UC&C is
clearly interactionist, providing interactions with an
underlying notion of interactions as sense-making.
We thus categorize UC&C as a socially situated IT
knowledge artefact.
Q4: Is UC&C an ITKA-based application? An IT
knowledge artifact is a class of software applications
that encompass material artifacts either designed or
purposely used to enable and support knowledge
related processes within a community (Cabitza and
Locoro 2014). UC&C is designed specifically to
enable and support the lateral connections and
implicit coordination in work, the backbone of
sharing practice knowledge. As such, it is an ITKA
based application. Adopting the view from Livari
(2007) on typologies and archetypes of IT-
applications, we can refine the answer by interpreting
UC&C primarily as a medium with the specific role
and function to mediate. Livari (2007) mentions e-
mails, instant messaging, chat rooms and blogs as
examples of mediators. In UC&C, a combination of
these applications are unified through an interface
with possibilities for talk, calls and video and
The Misfits in Knowledge Work - Grasping the Essence with the Lens of the IT Knowledge Artefact
presence indicators, extending the mediation of text
to also sound, picture and presence. The knowledge
mode is typically unstructured as in audio/calls and
free text. With the use of video, a tacit dimension
comes along. In the case, we see that this ensemble
of IT-artefacts also gives way for more structured
knowledge modes of transfer of explicit knowledge.
The focal point either way is enabling or support of
knowledge related processes we will categorize it as
an ITKA-based application.
Question 5: Can we classify the ITKA according
to the degree of objectivity and situativity, implied
from the design input and requirement for the IT
artifact as the final out-put.
In figure 1, we see each group of ITKA-based
applications associated with a research stream, design
principles, values and assumptions of the disciplines
that lays at the intersection points in the figure
(Cabitza and Locoro 2014).
Figure 1: Classification of ITKA-based applications.
(Cabitza and Locoro 2014).
Having categorized UC&C as a socially situated
knowledge IT artefact and as a KITA-based
application, we must be able to express the degree of
objectivity and situativity implied by the design input
and requirement for the IT artifact as the final output.
Situativity, is the extent to which the KA is capable
to adapt itself to the context and situation at hand, as
well as the extent it can be appropriated by its users
and exploited in a given situation (Cabitza and
Locoro 2014). The situativity side of figure 1 is
clearly the appropriate hemisphere. The design
principles behind the UC&C is end-user malleability
and the values and beliefs of out-put is a socio-
technical fit. The objectivity hemisphere implies to
what extent the KITA can handle quantifiably
information in a centralized way and to which extent
it supports standard processes (objective knowledge)
with computational autonomy as design principle and
quality as the values and beliefs in out-put. The
degree of objectivity in the design of UC&C seems
nonexistent. UC&C as a design belongs to lowest
right side in figure 1. The specific appropriation in
our case shows an interesting dynamic. Caused by the
high degree of situativity, users change the purpose of
the design hence moving it towards more objectivity
decreasing the perceived socio-technical fit between
technology and system.
Seen from the design view it is possible to map
UC&C in the right lower corner in figure 1. When
appropriated in the specific context of the case, it
becomes uncertain to where it moves. From the case,
we witness a move towards more objectivity
interpreted as the need for documenting which
implies a preference for quality in out-put. We also
witness a deselection of video, implicating a move
away from practical knowledge created through
interactions. What is apparent from our case is that
this move negatively influences the creation of
knowledge through sharing practice and influences
community culture. We find that this move challenges
a meaningful classification.
Table 2: Summary of questions and answers.
Questions Answers
UC&C is an IT-artefact; dynamic, embedded
in context.
The intention is to support practice
knowledge creation and thus is an ITKA.
The ITKA is socially situated; an underlying
interactionist view on building culture from
UC&C is an ensemble of ITKA-based
applications supporting many practices of
knowledge sharing and creation
Seen from a design input view a high degree
of situativity and user-driven malleability is
evident. It should produce socio-technical fits
as output. The users appropriate UC&C with
intentions of transfer and produces misfits.
This dynamic makes is difficult to classify
meaningful in figure 1.
To make sense of classification, the categorization
tool should provide knowledge for designers and
analysts to understand better the design and the use
from the ontology and epistemology implied. With
the possibility of negative impacts from
sociotechnical misfits or decrease in quality output, it
is essential. It seems that the dynamics in use from
user appropriation is difficult to grasp in the present
The examples and the research streams of IS,
CSCL and CSCW should guide us then. We see some
KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and
important differences. Reflecting upon the research
streams and the associated applications, we sense an
underlying notion of planed change (Sarker et al.
2013). UC&C is rarely introduced as a planned
change (McAfee, 2006). UC&C is an ensemble of IT-
artefacts, which implies that certain practices with
artifacts could come into the foreground, we do not
detect the same degree of malleability in IS, CSCL
and CSCW. The software applications in the IS-box
does not seem to support the important horizontal
informal structures supporting the sharing and
creation of practice knowledge, created by people and
their interpersonal relations through daily situations
where social presence is important. We acknowledge
that software applications in the CSCW-box supports
informal interactions between people, but often in
specific project-work with a fixed and planed
purpose. In comparison, UC&C is supporting
companywide knowledge creation through the ability
to share practice knowledge. The software
applications in the CSCL-box has specific intentions
of organizational learning purposes. In other words,
we cannot assign UC&C to any of the research
Experimenting with the framework has been
valuable and has given us some new insights and
knowledge of the essence of misfits. We find it
difficult though to fit UC&C in the contemporary
research streams boxing in the software application.
We also find it difficult to fixate it in the figure 1.
In the following section, we will discuss what we
have gained from using the interpretative lens. We
end with some questions for the KITA community, to
progress in the enrichment and improvement of the
We have answered the questions out-lined in section
2, with our understanding from the case description in
section 3. In section 4 we used the interpretative lens
as a categorization tool, just as intended from the
authors ”A tool for analysts and designers to interpret
the peculiarities of the setting hosting ITKAs, as well
as to understand the ways and goals according to
which ITKAs are built and used” (Cabitza and Locoro
2014). We will discuss what we gained by answering
the questions, interpreting the specific use of UC&C
in a case of socio-technical misfit.
In general, by applying the ITKA-interpretative
lens, the embeddedness of technology in a complex
and dynamic social context becomes clear. ITKAs are
neither dependent nor an independent variable but
instead enmeshed with the conditions of its use
(Orlikowski and Iacono, 2001) and within its culture.
Framing UC&C as an IT-artefact makes sense
seeing more clearly the changeable and dynamic
nature of the UC&C.
It makes sense to view UC&C as an IT-knowledge
artefact, since it brings the important element of
knowledge creation through sharing of practice
knowledge to the foreground.
Categorizing UC&C in the light of ontology and
epistemology makes sense, understanding the
intentions underlying this ITKA. Defining it as a
socially situated ITKA is valuable too, since it brings
forward the tension between design-intent and user-
appropriation. From our case, we see a clear
dependency between the specific appropriation of
using UC&C and the transfer of information
happening. UC&C in this case, is no mediator of
human-to-human interactions increasing social
presence. Thus stated as an important foundation for
sociability and producing practical knowledge. The
use then is different from the design-intention.
Framing UC&C as a specific ITKA-based
application – a medium - draws attention to the
intention of design and use of the applications. Being
an ensemble of IT-artefacts, the knowledge forms
vary from formal to informal. It highlights the issues
and tensions present in the case. The expressed
frustration of a socio-technical misfit from an
organizational point of view, while at the same time,
choosing preferred knowledge modes. These
dynamics creates an unintended move.
We find it important to understand the nature of
implementation with UC&C. Introducing UC&C in
organizations is not a planned change. Instead, the
adoption is voluntary and random. Andrew McAfee
(2009) promotes the view that adoption - as in joint
optimization - within this archetype of IT-
applications is the sum of a large number of
individual choices about which technologies to use
for communication, collaboration and interaction
(McAfee, 2009).
In our prior article (Harder Fischer & Pries-Heje
2015) we saw the paradox of individual knowledge
workers producing autonomy in knowledge work
settings with UC&C by adopting practices for
becoming more productive on the individual level yet
becoming less productive on a collective level.
The ITKA-interpretative lens provides insights
and reveals a more fundamental tension between the
individual knowledge worker and the organizational
setting in which the technologies are appropriated.
Focus on knowledge, the center of knowledge
work is a valuable contribution to the evaluating
The Misfits in Knowledge Work - Grasping the Essence with the Lens of the IT Knowledge Artefact
UC&C. We have become more aware of the actual
meaning that people - appropriating these artefacts -
assign to them.
With underlying assumptions about socio-
technical fits, it also makes the misfits clearer.
Reflecting on situativity and objectivity highlights the
relatedness between knowledge, practices with
technology and intentions with the software
applications, in a specific culture and context.
So why do we have difficulties when classifying
the KITA-based application and draw a box in figure
1? While we certainly belong to the situativity
domain, with aspects of extreme end-user
malleability and fit (possibility for misfits) as
dominant dynamics, it is still difficult to position it
meaningfully. Popular speaking it is a moving target.
We are missing a dynamic dimension of use truly
seeing the impacts from individual or collective
appropriations and practice-uses in the situated
context. The associated applications within the
research streams are designed according to intentions
of objectivity and situativity. There seem to be an
underlying notion of a logic relationship between
design in-put and use out-put. From our case, we
report on a change of purpose, from people’s practice-
use, with the ITKA-based application. These
dynamics are the core of situativity. Reflecting on the
ITKA-based applications (gathered under research
streams), we see a common denominator though; that
all of these systems and applications are designed and
formally implemented in an organizational context,
hence grounded on believe that a fit between intended
design purpose and end-user malleability can be
planned and managed.
As such, the framework seems to emerge from
established research domains, build from a common
mindset of planned change, steered design and
mandated IS-implementations. We seem to lack the
ability to categorize and classify an end-user
malleable KITA, introduced at random, adopted on
the individual level, so moldable and powerful, in a
specific time, context and culture that it can change
the design intention of the software.
We see some issues that we find important to
discuss further in the process of refining the
framework in the shared pursuit of providing a
valuable tool for designers and analysts to understand
design requirements but especially the use of ITKAs
in peculiar settings in the future.
We ask the following questions. The questions are
our primary contribution in this paper. The questions
comes from our experiences from experimenting with
the lens from the framework:
Table 3: Questions for the KITA-community.
Questions How do we tackle:
1 Dynamic ITKAs from a sociotechnical pers-
pective underlying the interpretative lens?
2 ITKAs influenced by user appropriation,
changing the setting of knowledge focus and
community culture?
3 The distinction between intentions in design
and intentions in use?
4 The difference between planned change and
individual driven appropriation of ITKA’s?
5 The distinction between ensembles of ITKAs
as opposed to single ITKA’s?
6 How do we classify and understand moving
7 The issue of our difficulties of not being able
to assign UC&C to a research stream?
8 ITKAs that support both tacit/explicit- and
process/practice knowledge?
9 A lens viewing the organizational and the
individual level at the same time?
The changes in the workplace, happening right
now, seems to be running a little ahead of IS-research.
In future knowledge work, individuals and their
interactions - and not the hierarchy - becomes the
locus of value-creation. Connecting, interacting and
producing knowledge of high quality
productively/efficiently becomes increasingly
important. Knowledge professionals, freelancers and
contractors will increasingly configure and co-
configure the many ITKAs in order to create value
and at the same time be productive. They might even
bring with them individualized ITKA software
applications and preferences for productive practices.
Supporting and sustaining the equilibrium of
process & practice and sociability & solidarity will be
the foundation for successful and productive value-
creation in networks and communities.
In this section, we conclude by answering our overall
questions: What do we gain from evaluating UC&C
as an ITKA in the peculiar setting? Can we use the
framework to understand the design and use of this
ITKA in other settings? Can our experiences with the
framework reveal new insights that can enrich the
interpretative lens?
The very aim is to take the socio-technical nature
of UC&C more serious, to be able to minimize the
negative consequences of technology in
organizations (Harrison, 2007). Seeing UC&C in the
light of the ITKA framework was valuable. It gives
KITA 2015 - 1st International Workshop on the design, development and use of Knowledge IT Artifacts in professional communities and
us a better understanding of the difficulties of joint
optimization with the individually driven
appropriation of dynamic knowledge IT-artefacts in
different contexts, with different purposes for
supporting knowledge creation.
We support the purpose of the work (Cabitza &
Locoro 2014) seeking an interpretative lens that
illuminates the dynamic relatedness between people,
knowledge and IT-artefacts and the community
culture (evident in this case). It seems that the
framework becomes a little backward looking more
than forward-looking. We discuss how we
meaningfully can classify the individual-driven
appropriation of dynamic knowledge IT-artefacts in
different settings with situated preferences for
knowledge sharing and creation. These dynamic
forces are important to conceptualize in the
framework. We believe that the nature of KITAs with
powers to change knowledge sharing focus and
community culture is important to understand in the
future value-creation process.
We believe that our experimentation with the
ITKA interpretative lens and the resulting questions
for the KITA-community, will contribute to the work
and improvement of the ITKA-framework. We find it
important and valuable to supporting the
development of a lens, used by for designers and
analysts, so that design and appropriation of KITAs
in the future workplace can contribute to positive
impacts. Grasping the essence of misfits in
contemporary knowledge work, would be a valuable
starting point.
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The Misfits in Knowledge Work - Grasping the Essence with the Lens of the IT Knowledge Artefact