with the metric DUR, and DUR with NJ, while the
metric RT is rather uncorrelated to the other metrics.
At first glance, this is surprising, as for example the
metrics RT and DUR both are temporal metrics and
nevertheless are only weakly correlated. A possible
explanation is that RT reflects a very early phase of
the trial, while DUR includes information also from a
slightly later trial stage.
Analyses based on SPoC showed, that the over-
all structure of those cross-correlations between the
five metrics can be reproduced well by an transfer ap-
proach: first, the best oscillatory EEG component on
one metric was estimated, and subsequently its infor-
mative content (in terms of power comodulation) was
tested against other metrics. The metric RT, for ex-
ample, does not show high correlations with the four
other metrics — correspondingly, the power of the
SPoC component derived by RT also does not cor-
relate well with the four other metrics. The opposite
can be observed for the metrics ISJ, DUR and NJ.
These results are astonishing, as the subspace
transfer approach bears a number of potential pitfalls
— the optimal frequency parameters vary between
the five metrics, and the eigenvalue ranking of SPoC
components reveals permutations already due to small
changes of the data set, e.g. caused by label noise
or overly small training data sets (Casta
et al., 2015a). Nevertheless on the grand average, the
transfer results reproduce the cross-correlation struc-
ture of the metrics.
The transfer results may have practical implica-
tions for the prediction of trial outcomes in a rehabil-
itation training: in cases, where no informative sub-
space can be derived for one metric, a transfer of a
subspace derived from another metric may contain in-
formation if cross-applied. In case of patients, where
lower SNR and a small number of available cali-
bration trials are common problems, the transfer ap-
proach may be key to success. But even under higher
SNR conditions, the trial outcome may be predicted
with an increased reliability, if informative subspaces
can be combined, which have been derived from dif-
ferent metrics.
The authors appreciate support by the German Re-
search Foundation (DFG, grant EXC1086) for the
cluster of excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools. Part of
this work was performed on the computational re-
source bwUniCluster funded by the Ministry of Sci-
ence, Research and the Arts Baden-W
urttemberg and
the Universities of the State of Baden-W
Germany, within the framework program bwHPC.
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