Adapting Processes via Adaptation Processes:
A Flexible and Cloud-Capable Adaptation Approach
for Dynamic Business Process Management
Roy Oberhauser
Computer Science Department, Aalen University, Aalen, Germany
Keywords: Dynamic Business Process Management, Dynamic BPM, Adaptive Process-Aware Information Systems,
PAIS, Adaptive Workflow Management Systems, Process Change Patterns, Aspect-Oriented Processes,
Cloud-based BPM, Adaptation-as-a-Service, Web Services.
Abstract: Dynamic business process management (dBPM) is dependent on automated adaptation techniques. While
various approaches to support process adaptation have been explored, they typically involve another or
some combination of modeling paradigms or language extensions. Moreover, cross-cutting concerns and a
distributed and cloud-based process adaptation capability have not been adequately addressed. This paper
introduces AProPro (Adapting Processes via Processes), a flexible and cloud-capable approach towards
dBPM that supports adapting target processes using adaptation processes while retaining an intuitive and
consistent imperative process paradigm. Based on a case study using a REST-based Web Service prototype
realization invoking process adaptation patterns in a distributed of Adaptation-as-a-Service cloud setting,
the initial evaluation results show the feasibility of the approach and gauge its performance in the cloud.
Dynamic business process management (dBPM)
seeks to support the reactive or evolutionary
modification or transformation of business processes
based on environmental conditions or changes. The
technical realization of business processes, known as
executable processes or workflows, are implemented
in what is known as either a business process
management system (BPMS), workflow
management system (WfMS), or process-aware
information system (PAIS).
However, many PAISs today lack dynamic
runtime adaptation with correctness and soundness
guarantees (Reichert et al., 2009). And when such
adaptation is supported, it is typically limited to
support for manual change interaction by a process
actor (Reichert & Weber, 2012). Typical types of
recurring modifications to workflows are known as
workflow control-flow patterns (Russell, van der
Aalst & ter Hofstede, 2006), change patterns
(Weber, Reichert & Rinderle-Ma, 2008) or
adaptation patterns (Reichert & Weber, 2012).
In light of the dBPM vision, as the degree of
automation and workflow usage increases, there is a
corresponding need to support adaptation by agents,
be they human or software. Our previous work on an
adaptable context-aware and semantically-enhanced
PAIS in the software engineering domain
(Grambow, Oberhauser & Reichert, 2010, 2011a,
2011b) included automated adaptation work and
work on supporting the user-centric intentional
adaptation of workflows (Grambow et al., 2012).
However, an open challenge remains towards
practically expressing and maintaining adaptations
in an intuitive manner for process modelers and
process actors for a sustainable dBPM lifecycle.
This paper introduces and contributes a practical
and flexible cloud-capable approach called Adapting
Processes via adaptation Processes (AProPro) for
supporting dBPM in a generalized way that can be
readily implemented and integrated with current
adaptive PAIS technology. It supports the ease and
accessibility of process adaptations in an intuitive
imperative PAIS paradigm for process modelers and
process actors or users. It can further the
maintenance, reuse, portability, and sharing of
adaptations, including cloud-based provisioning of
adaptation processes within the community, thus
supporting sustainable adaptability by extending an
Oberhauser R.
Adapting Processes via Adaptation Processes - A Flexible and Cloud-Capable Adaptation Approach for Dynamic Business Process Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0005885000090018
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2015), pages 9-18
ISBN: 978-989-758-111-3
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
adaptation process's lifecycle. A case-study
demonstrates its feasibility and its cloud-based
The paper is organized as follows: section 2
describes related work, followed by a description of
the solution approach. A technical realization is
described in section 4, followed by an evaluation.
Section 6 concludes the paper. Larger figures are
placed in the appendix. Since this paper focuses on
the technical implementation of a process, the terms
workflow and process are used interchangeably.
Various approaches exist that can support the
manual or automated adaption of workflows. The
survey by (Rinderle, Reichert & Dadam, 2004)
provides an overview from the perspective of
support for correctness criteria. (Weber, Reichert &
Rinderle-Ma, 2008) provide an overview based on
the perspective of change patterns and support
Declarative approaches, such as DECLARE
(Pesic, Schonenberg & van der Aalst, 2007) support
the constraint-based composition, execution, and
adaptation of workflows. Case handling approaches,
such as FLOWer (Van der Aalst, Weske &
Grünbauer, 2005), typically attempt to anticipate
change. They utilize a case metaphor rather than
require process changes, deemphasize activities, and
are data-driven (Reichert & Weber, 2012) (Weske,
2012). (de Man, 2009) provides a review of case
modeling approaches. Case-based approaches
towards adapting workflows include (Minor,
Bergmann, Görg & Walter, 2010). Agent-based
approaches support automated process adaptations
applied by autonomous software agents. Agentwork
(Müller, Greiner & Rahm, 2004) applies predefined
change operations to process instances using rules.
(Burmeister, Arnold, Copaciu & Rimassa, 2008)
applies a belief-desire-intention (BDI) agent using a
goal-oriented BPMN modeling language extension.
Aspect-oriented approaches include AO4BPEL
(Charfi & Mezini, 2007) and AO4BPMN (Charfi,
Müller & Mezini, 2010), both of which require
language extensions. Variant approaches include:
Provop (Hallerbach, Bauer & Reichert, 2010), which
supports schema variants with pre-configured
adaptations to a base process schema; and vBPMN
(Döhring & Zimmermann, 2011) that extends
BPMN with fragment-based adaptations via the
R2ML rule language. rBPMN (Milanovic, Gasevic
& Rocha, 2011) also interweaves BPMN and R2ML.
Automated planning and exception-driven
adaptation approaches include SmartPM (Marrella,
Mecella & Sardina, 2014), which utilizes artificial
intelligence, procedural, and declarative elements.
AProPro differs in that it is an imperative
workflow-based adaptation approach that does not
require a case metaphor and is activity-, service-,
and process-centric with regard to runtime
adaptation. Additionally, no language extensions or
other paradigms such as rules, declarative elements,
or intelligent agents are required. Further, distributed
and cloud-based adaptations to either instances or
schemas are supported.
The AProPro approach follows an imperative style,
and process models are kept as simple and modular
as reasonable for typical usage scenarios. This is in
alignment with the orthogonal modularity pattern
(La Rosa, Wohed, et al., 2011). Special cases can
either be separated out or handled as adaptations via
adaptation processes. A guiding principle of the
AProPro approach is that adaptations to processes
should themselves be modeled as processes,
remaining consistent with the process paradigm and
mindset. The solution scope focuses primarily on
adapting process control structures, and not
necessarily all adaptations to processes can be
accomplished with this approach. In particular,
internal activity changes, non-control and (internal)
data structure changes, and implicit dependencies
are beyond the scope of this paper.
The following description of the solution
approach will highlight certain perspectives. As
shown in Figure 1, Process Instances (PI1..n) are
typically instantiated (1) based on some Process
Schema (S) within a given PAIS (filled with
diagonal hatching). In adaptive PAISs, Adaptation
Agents (AA) (shown on the left with a solid fill), be
they human or software agents, utilizing or reacting
to Information (I) (e.g., external information such as
context or other internal system information such as
planning heuristics) or Monitoring Information (MI),
trigger modifications to various process structures. A
Schema Adaptation Agent (SAA), such as a process
designer or modeler, makes Schema Adaptions (SA)
to one or more Process Schema (PS). An Instance
Adaptation Agent (IAA), such as a process actor or
user, may perform Adaptations (A) on some Process
Instance (PI). Support for such adaptation has been
available in adaptive PAISs, e.g., the ADEPT2-
based AristaFlow (Reichert & Weber, 2012, Ch. 15).
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Schema (APS)
Adaptation Process
Instance (API1..m)
Adaptations (SA)
Information (AI)
Inf ormation
Monitoring Info
Events (AE)
Adaptations (A)
Adaptation Schema
Adaptations (ASA)
Adaptation Instance
Adaptations (AIA)
Ins tance
Schema Adaptation
Agent (SAA)
Adaptation Process
Schema Adaptation
Agent (APSAA)
Adaptation Process
Instance Adaptation
Agent (APIAA)
Commands (AC)
Figure 1: Conceptual solution architecture.
Workflow-driven adaptations of workflows:
adaptations, such as adaptation patterns, are
specified in the form of workflows that will operate
on another workflow. For this (see Figure 1 dotted
fill), an Adaptation Process Schema (AS) is created
or modified from which one or more Adaptation
Process Instances (API1..m) are instantiated (2) in
the same or a different PAIS. The (API) to target
(PI) relation may be one-to-one, one-to-many,
many-to-one, or many-to-many. Utilizing
Adaptation Information (AI) such as events, triggers,
or state, automated instructions denoted as
Adaptation Commands (AC) can be sent to an
Instance Adaptation Agent (IAA) that executes
Adaptations (A) on one or more (PI). Note that in
certain PAIS architectures, a direct adaptation
mechanism (3) that avoids the (IAA) intermediary
may exist, with (API) acting as an (IAA). (API) may
provide Adaptation Events (AE), e.g., so that an (AA)
can be aware of the current state of an (API).
Adaptation patterns as workflows: Adaptation
patterns (insert, delete, move, replace, swap, inline,
extract, parallelize, etc.) can be integrated in
workflows and applied conditionally based on
Adaptation Information (AI), e.g., in the form of
process variables or events.
Aspect-oriented adaptations: this is supported by
modularizing and constraining an adaptive workflow
to operate on one aspect (such as authorization),
while having other adaptation workflows address
others. The many-to-many relations between (API)
and (PI) or Schemas (PS) was previously mentioned.
Congruent with the chain-of-responsibility design
pattern, adaptations can be modularized and chained.
Variation points: these can be intentionally
incorporated via markers for explicit adaptation
support during process modeling, e.g., given
insufficient modeling information. Adaptation
workflows can then dynamically "fill in" these areas
during process configuration or enactment.
Adapting adaptation workflows: This concept
supports a further degree of flexibility by supporting
adaptation workflows operating on (other)
adaptation workflows. Adaptation Process Instances
(API) send Adaptation Commands (AC) resulting in
Schema Adaptations (SA) to a Process Schema (PS),
either via a Schema Adaptation Agent (SAA) or
directly via (4). In a similar fashion, Adaptation
Schema Adaptations (ASA) can be applied to an
Adaptation Process Schema (APS) via an Adaptation
Process Schema Adaptation Agent (APSAA) or
directly via (5). Note that in this case, an (API) can
change its own schema (APS) or those of others, and
potentially change itself (API) or other instances
(API), possibly even directly via (6).
Recursive adaptation: instead of separating the
(API) from its target (PI), if preferable (for instance,
to access contextual data), a (PI) can include its own
(APS) fragments and thus become self-modifying.
Exception-based adaptations: (un)anticipated
exceptions can be used to trigger the enactment of
adaptation workflows within exception handlers.
Reactive and proactive adaptations: in support of
dBPM, event- and context-driven changes can
automatically trigger and cause automated predictive
or reactive runtime adaptations to be incorporated on
an as-needed basis, rather than taking all
possibilities into process models a priori.
Push-or-pull adaptations: for push, the adaptive
workflow is triggered first and applies its changes to
the target; for pull, the target workflow triggers the
adaptive workflow to initiate its adaptations.
Reusability: shared modeled/tested adaptation
workflows support the wider reuse of adaptation
patterns in the community, e.g., via repositories like
APROMORE (La Rosa, Reijers, et al., 2011).
Composability: more complex adaptations can
be addressed by composing multiple adaptation
workflows, e.g., via sub-processes into larger ones.
Process Compliance and Governance: the (AP)
can be used to verify expected structural and state
conditions (no changes applied), or to additionally
apply adaptations when these are not in compliance.
Cloud-based provisioning of adaptation
workflows: the concept supports operating in a
distributed and PAIS-independent (heterogeneous)
manner on other workflows in other clouds, making
these adaptation workflows readily available to
operate on others as needed. Shared tenancy and pay
for use could reduce infrastructural costs.
Service-oriented adaptation services: the
approach supports the ability to provision and
support adaptations-as-a-service (AaaS) in the cloud.
Thus, AProPro supports the goals of dBPM by
enabling desired automated or semi-automated
adaptations, while allowing process modelers and
users to remain in their current process paradigm
Adapting Processes via Adaptation Processes: A Flexible and Cloud-Capable Adaptation Approach for Dynamic Business
Process Management
and modeling language without requiring language
extensions. Empirical findings that support such an
approach includes: (Haisjackl et al., 2014) who
empirically investigated understandability issues
with declarative modeling, and found that subjects
tended to model sequentially and had difficulty with
combinations of constraints; (Pichler et al., 2012)
determined that imperative models have better
understandability and comprehensibility than
declarative ones; (Reijers, Mendling, & Dijkman,
2011) suggests that process modularity via
information hiding enhances understandability; and
(Döhring, Reijers & Smirnov, 2014), which showed
that process complexity affected maintenance task
efficiency for process variant construction - here
subjects preferred high-level change patterns to
process configuration.
To verify the feasibility of the AProPro approach,
key aspects of the solution concept were
implemented utilizing the adaptive PAIS
AristaFlow. The solution approach required no
internal changes to this PAIS, relying exclusively on
its available extension mechanisms via its generic
Java method execution environment. RESTful web
services were used for cloud interaction. Adaptation
workflow activity nodes utilize a
to invoke the extension code contained in a Java
ARchive (JAR) file, which sends change requests to
a REST server in the same or another PAIS.
To support heterogeneity, both the
communication and the change requests are PAIS
agnostic. They could thus be invoked and sent by
any PAIS activity in any adaptation workflow
located anywhere. Only the actual workflow change
operations require a PAIS-specific API. Other PAIS
implementations can be relatively easily integrated
via plug-in adapters.
4.1 Adaptation Patterns and AaaS
The initial realization focused on demonstrating key
AProPro and AaaS capabilities basic to typical
adaptations: inserting, deleting, and moving process
fragments. On this basis, more complex adaptation
workflows can be readily built. For instance, the
replace change pattern was realized as a subprocess
consisting of an insert and a delete operation.
The AristaFlow application programming
interface (API) expects various method input
parameters in order to modify a workflow. Thus,
pattern implementations were designed to include
these expected values even if some are optional.
The insert process fragment pattern, shown in
Figure 2(a), takes the following input parameters:
procID: ID of the target process instance;
pre: ID of the predecessor node;
suc: ID of the successor node;
activityID: ID of activity assigned to node;
newNodeName: name of the new node;
staffAssignmentRule: of this node;
description: of this node;
readParameter: input parameters for the new
writeParameter: output parameters of the new
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: (a) insert, (b) delete, and (c) move process
fragment patterns.
The delete process fragment pattern, shown in
Figure 2(b), takes the following input parameters:
procID: ID of the target process instance;
nodeID: ID of the node to be deleted.
The move process fragment pattern, shown in
Figure 2(c), takes the following input parameters:
procID: ID of the target process instance;
pre: ID of the new predecessor node;
suc: ID of the new successor node;
nodeID: ID of the node to be moved.
The replace pattern was realized as a subprocess
that uses the insert and delete patterns (see Figure 6).
RESTful web services were created in Java
according to JAX-RS using Apache CXF 2.7.7, with
Java clients using Unirest 1.4.5. For basic pattern
AaaS services, the following corresponding REST
operations were provided at the target PAIS
containing the target workflows to be modified, with
procID passed in the URI and the rest of the inputs
described above passed as parameters:
PUT /procID/{procID}/insert
PUT /procID/{procID}/delete
PUT /procID/{procID}/move
The following REST operations provide the
interface for more advanced AaaS services that
invoke adaptation workflows which modify a
separate target workflow instance. These processes
are explained later in the evaluation section, the
technical interface parameters of the adaptation
service implementations are given here:
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
For quality assurance:
PUT /procID/{procID}/adapt/qa
with the string parameters urgent, high risk,
junior engineer, and targetIP;
For test-driven development:
PUT /procID/{procID}/adapt/tdd
with the string parameters testDriven and
4.2 Implementation Details
The AaaS client-side adaptation process nodes
internally invoke static methods in the
class for that change pattern
or equivalent). This
method invokes a REST client that sends the
corresponding request to a REST server. The service
determines the type of Request, on which basis a
corresponding (e.g., InsertProcessFragment-)
Command object is instantiated and passed to a
Controller, which determines when and in what
sequence to execute a given command. Refer to
Figure 3. To support heterogeneity, the commands
utilize the corresponding Supplier classes which
utilize PAIS-specific APIs for the operations.
A lock is acquired for the AristaFlow target
process instance and a ChangeableInstance object is
generated. All changes are first applied to this
ChangeableInstance object. When the changes are
committed, the entire instance is checked by
AristaFlow for correctness. If the changes are
correct, the actual process instance is modified
accordingly. If errors were found, the changes are
rejected and the actual process instance remains
To evaluate the solution concept and one realization
thereof, this initial case study focused on
demonstrating key process adaptation capabilities of
the concept and assessing its viability with respect to
performance, especially for a distributed cloud
scenario. The solution concept envisions provisioned
adaptation workflows in the cloud that are available
to operate on other workflows. Since certain reactive
dBPM scenarios may be sensitive to delays, the
technical evaluation encompassed cloud
performance measurements. Workflows operating
across geographically separate PAISs utilizing a
basic cloud configuration would represent a worst
case area of the performance spectrum.
Figure 4 shows the evaluation setup. System A,
which ran the adaptation workflows, was an
Amazon AWS EC2 t2.micro instance eu-central-1b
in Frankfurt, Germany consisting of an Intel Xeon
E5-2670 v2@2.50GHz, 1 GB RAM, 1 Gbps
network, AristaFlow PAIS 1.0.92 - r19, Windows
2012 R2 Standard x64, and Java 1.8.0_45-b15.
System B was an equivalent Amazon AWS EC2
t2.micro instance on the US West Coast (Northern
California) us-west-1b containing the target
workflows. A remote configuration means A is
active and communicates with its target on B. A
local configuration implies that the Adaptation
Process is collocated with the Target Process within
the same PAIS, but commands are still sent via
Figure 3: UML2 class diagram showing key implementation packages and classes.
Adapting Processes via Adaptation Processes: A Flexible and Cloud-Capable Adaptation Approach for Dynamic Business
Process Management
Work flow s
Work flow s
Figure 4: AWS cloud evaluation setup.
The test procedure was as follows: On system B
the Apache CXF REST server was started, and then
the target workflow was manually started via the
AristaFlow client to bring it into a started initialized
state. On system A an adaptation workflow was
triggered by a REST client using Postman 2.0 in a
Chrome web browser with which the necessary
adaptation parameters were entered (e.g., procID,
target workflow IP address, etc.). Activities in the
adaptation workflow send adaptation requests via
REST to system B. All latency and processing times
were measured within systems A and B.
5.1 Case Study
While the solution concept is domain independent,
this case study uses software engineering (SE)
processes to illustrate the capabilities and adaptation
effects. The branches and loops involved in realistic
models are omitted for simplification and space.
5.1.1 Sequential Waterfall Process
For a representative target for the application of
adaptation processes, a sequential workflow was
chosen, loosely following a waterfall process (WP)
consisting of common SE activities for an approved
software change request. It represents any standard
process in a fictitious organization. The activity
sequence is shown in Figure 7.
5.1.2 Quality Assurance Adaptation Process
To demonstrate process governance and an
Adaptation Process producing process variants, the
Quality Assurance Adaptation Process (QAAP)
variously adapts a target process based on situational
Assume the SE process for a software change
varies depending on its urgency, risk, and the
worker's experience. The SE organization's policy
normally expects at least a peer review before code
is committed. The WP already includes this activity,
although the adaptation workflow could also check
policy compliance and insert such a missing activity.
Three configurable boolean parameters were
utilized for this process in Figure 8: Urgent, High
Risk, and Junior Engineer (denoting the worker
experience level, with false implying a more senior
worker). The 'SetConditions' task allows a user to set
workflow values, which is skipped when invoked as
a service. The following cases besides the default
Peer Review (no change) were supported:
Code Review Case: A Code Review is required
if the circumstances are 'NOT urgent AND (high
risk OR junior engineer).' In this case:
The node Peer Review is deleted via the
Delete Process Fragment
A node Code Review is inserted via the
Insert Process Fragment Pattern
No Review Case: Foregoing a review is only
tolerated when the situation is 'urgent AND NOT
high risk AND NOT junior engineer.' In this case:
The Peer Review node is removed via the
Delete Process Fragment Pattern.
Figure 10 shows the result of the application of
QAAP to WP for 'not urgent and high risk', resulting
in activity Code Review replacing Peer Review. In a
context-aware dBPM environment, such input
values could also be automatically determined.
5.1.3 TDD Adaptation Process
In software test-driven development (TDD), test
preparation activities precede corresponding
development activities. To support the TDD aspect
in the WP, Unit Test is placed before Implement and
Integration Test before Integrate. Thus, the TDD
Adaptation Process (TDDAP) shown in Figure 9
utilizes the Move Process Fragment Pattern twice.
The resulting adaptations are shown in Figure 11.
5.1.4 Aspect-oriented Adaptations
Multiple separate Adaptation Processes can be
advantageous for modularity and maintainability.
Analogous to aspect-orientation, each aspect and its
associated adaptations can be modeled in separate
conditionally dependent Adaptation Processes. In
Figure 12 both QAAP and TDDAP were applied to
the target WP, with each Adaptation Process
representing a different aspect (reviews or testing).
5.1.5 Self-adaptive Processes
Self-adaptive processes support the integrative
modeling of possible adaptations into the target
processes themselves. As shown in Figure 13, both
the QAAP and TDDAP adaptations were modeled
before the WP, with the target process for the
adaptations being the enacting process instance
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
itself. This demonstrates the feasibility of adapting
adaptation workflows and of recursive adaptations,
and in a similar way adaptations could be integrated
into process exception handlers.
5.2 Measurements
To determine the performance of dBPM adaptation
operations by an adaptation process in a
geographically distributed cloud scenario, the
durations for various basic operations (insert, delete,
move) and adaptation processes (QAAP and
TDDAP) were measured. In the case that an initial
measurement was significantly longer than the ones
following (e.g., due to initialization and caching
effects), this value was noted separately and not
included in the average, since a dormant adaptation
process might exhibit such an effect, whereas an
active adaptation process would not. Each
measurement was repeated in accordance with setup
and test procedure described previously. To gather
upper bounds, no optimizations or performance
tuning were attempted.
Table 1 through Table 3 show the results for the
execution of the basic adaptation operations insert,
delete, and move respectively in a local and a remote
configuration. The average was calculated from the
4 repeated measurements that followed the initial
measurement. To see if cloud network delays play a
significant role, the network latencies and the
adaptation times are differentiated, which is also
depicted in Figure 5.
Table 1: Insert operation duration (in seconds).
Local (B to B) Remote (A to B)
Initial Average Initial Average
Adaptation 4.033 3.468 3.588 3.203
Latency 0.418 0.373 0.686 0.675
Total 4.451 3.842 4.275 3.878
Table 2: Delete operation duration (in seconds).
Local (B to B) Remote (A to B)
Initial Average Initial Average
Adaptation 3.251 3.295 2.880 3.749
Latency 0.444 0.448 1.013 0.674
Total 3.695 3.743 3.893 4.423
Table 3: Move operation duration (in seconds).
Local (B to B) Remote (A to B)
Initial Average Initial Average
Adaptation 6.796 3.311 6.105 4.005
Latency 0.577 0.347 0.772 0.692
Total 7.374 3.658 6.877 4.697
Table 4: Average Adaptation Process duration (seconds).
Local (B to B) Remote (A to B)
QAAP (1 replace) 15.748 16.285
TDDAP (2 swaps) 14.971 14.226
Figure 5: Average duration (in seconds) for various remote
basic adaptation operations.
Table 4 shows average of 5 repeated execution
durations for the
QAAP and separately for the TDDAP
For a self-adaptive process, Figure 13 combines
the QAAP and TDDAP workflow fragments before
the WP fragment. When executed 3 times in a local
configuration, the average duration was 34.321
seconds. This corresponds closely with the sum of
the separate QAAP and TDDAP measured times.
Thus, there appears to be no significant performance
benefit to integrating adaptation logic in the target
process when using a communication interface.
Thus, for the aforementioned benefits of process
modularization, separating the adaptation logic from
target processes and supporting aspect-oriented
processes appears practical.
Performance results show that the adaptation
delays are potentially tolerable for non time-critical
situations in dBPM, such as predictive adaptations.
When reactive adaptations to executing processes in
the cloud are involved, or when human actors cause
adaptations and await responses, the delays may be
unsatisfactory. Networking had a relatively minor
effect on the overall operation duration. Available
RAM may have limited PAIS performance, and
different configurations and profiling could provide
further insights.
In summary, the evaluation demonstrated that the
solution concept is technically viable for non time-
critical cloud scenarios and can be practically
realized by extending a currently available adaptive
PAIS. Further, adaptive process modularization and
cloud distribution appears to currently have
relatively little performance impact versus the cost
of adaptive workflow operations. This could
however change if optimization and performance
issues are addressed.
Adapting Processes via Adaptation Processes: A Flexible and Cloud-Capable Adaptation Approach for Dynamic Business
Process Management
A flexible cloud-capable approach for process
adaptation called AProPro was introduced. Its
feasibility was shown with a realization and a case
study involving cloud-based adaptation workflows
and measurements. Key adaptation capabilities
towards dBPM were shown, including workflow-
driven adaptations of workflows, aspect-oriented
adaptations, self-adapting workflows, composability,
process governance, and the cloud-based
provisioning of adaptation processes with an
Adaptations-as-a-Service (AaaS) paradigm.
Proactive adaptations were applied in push fashion
and pulled via self-adaptation. Measurements show
that pursuing cloud-based distribution and
adaptation modularization is likely not detrimental
to performance, since adaptations had more impact.
The advantages of the AProPro adaptations for
dBPM could be readily realized and benefit various
domains such as healthcare, automotive, etc. For
instance, a healthcare process could view allergies as
an aspect and utilize an allergy adaptation workflow.
The solution faces issues analogous to those of
aspect-oriented approaches, in that it may not be
readily clear to process modelers which adaptations
or effects may be applied in what order at any given
workflow point. Thus, additional PAIS tooling and
process simulation should support adaptation
management, version and variant management,
compatibility checking, and make adaptation effects
or conflicts visible to process modelers.
Future work will investigate these issues, and
involves comprehensive adaptation pattern coverage,
empirical studies, optimizations, and heterogeneous
PAIS testing. To achieve the dBPM vision, further
work in the process community includes
standardization work on interchangeable concrete
process templates, repositories, and AaaS cloud
APIs, which could further the provisioning,
exchange, and reuse of workflows, especially
adaptive workflows such as those of the AProPro
approach, thus mitigating hindrances for widely
modeling and supporting dBPM adaptation.
The author thanks Florian Sorg for his assistance
with the implementation and evaluation and Gregor
Grambow for his assistance with the concept. This
work was supported by AristaFlow and an AWS in
Education Grant award.
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Adapting Processes via Adaptation Processes: A Flexible and Cloud-Capable Adaptation Approach for Dynamic Business
Process Management
Figure 6: The Replace process fragment sub-process.
Figure 7: The unchanged Waterfall Process (WP).
Figure 8: Quality Assurance Adaptation Process (QAAP).
Figure 9: Test-Driven Development Adaptation Process (TDDAP).
Figure 10: Waterfall Process after application of the Quality Assurance Adaptation Process.
Figure 11: Waterfall Process after application of the Test-Driven Development Adaptation Process.
Figure 12: Waterfall Process after application of both Adaptation Processes.
Figure 13: Self-adaptive Waterfall Process screenshot (continues to right as in Figure 7).
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design