Towards Business Process Modeling for Knowledge Management
Mariam Ben Hassen, Mohamed Turki and Faïez Gargouri
University of Sfax, ISIMS, MIRACL Laboratory - B.P. 242, 3021 Sfax, Tunisia
{mariembenhassen, mohamed_turki},
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Identification, Sensitive Process, Core ontology of organization’s
processes Business Process Modeling.
Abstract: In an organizational context, the characterization and modeling of the business processes are necessary to
localize knowledge that need to be capitalized. In this paper, we propose a new multi-dimensional meta-
model of business processes modeling for knowledge management, entitled BPM4KI (Business Process
Meta-Model for Knowledge Identification). This meta-model aims to enrich graphical representation of
business process by integrating all aspects of process modeling: the knowledge, informational, functional,
behavioral, organizational and intentional perspectives. It helps to identify and localize the crucial
knowledge that is mobilized and created by these processes. Moreover, it has been illustrated through a
medical process in the context of the organization of protection of the motor disabled people of Tunisia.
More and more organizations are becoming aware of
the importance of tacit and explicit knowledge
owned by their members which corresponds to their
experience and accumulated knowledge about the
firm activities. Thus, in order to improve their
performance, such organizations become conscious
of the necessity to effectively identify, preserve,
share and use the organizational knowledge
mobilized and created by their business processes
(BPs). This knowledge represents a competitive,
decisive and lasting advantage and a source of
wealth to be valorized.
According to the literature review, in term of the
process view several researchers and practitioners
have been focusing on the management of the BPs.
Particularly in the information systems engineering,
many works have been developed ((Curtis et al.,
1992) (Melao and Pidd, 2000) (Nurcan et al., 2005)
(Mili et al., 2010)) and aim at modeling, improving
and optimizing the BPs. In accordance with the
knowledge management view, few methods
focusing on process analysis for knowledge
identification have been proposed by researchers on
KM ((Grundstein, 2000) (Tseng and Huang, 2005)
(Saad et al., 2009) (Turki et al., 2014a; 2014b)).
There have been several attempts to integrate the
domain of KM and BPM. We quote process oriented
Knowledge Management approaches ((Suyeon et al.,
2003) (Gronau et al., 2005) (Heisig, 2006) (Zhaoli et
al., 2008)) and knowledge oriented BPM approaches
((Zhang and Li, 2005) (Woitsch and Karagiannis
2005) (Weidong and Weihui, 2008) (Supulniece et
al., 2010) (Bušinska and Kirikova, 2011) (Bušinska
et al., 2011) (Sultanow et al., 2012) (Liu et al., 2012)
(Netto et al., 2013)).
However, the integration of BPM and KM has
not yet received sufficient attention. In fact, the
knowledge dimension (i.e. the knowledge used or
generated by activities, the sources of knowledge,
explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, individual and
collective dimension of knowledge/activities, etc.)
needed for BPM is not explicitly represented,
integrated and implemented in BP meta-models.
The current paper proposes a new multi-
perspective meta-model of the BPs for KM, entitled
BPM4KI (Business Process Meta-Model for
Knowledge Identification). This meta-model aims to
enrich the graphical representation of BPs and
improve the localization of crucial knowledge (i.e.
knowledge on which it is necessary to capitalize)
mobilized and created by these processes. In fact,
Ben Hassen M., Turki M. and Gargouri F.
Towards Business Process Modeling for Knowledge Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0005885200260036
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2015), pages 26-36
ISBN: 978-989-758-111-3
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
more the organization’s processes are sensitive,
more they can mobilize crucial knowledge.
BPM4KI covers all aspects of BPM and KM. It
consists of six perspectives: the functional,
organizational, behavioral, informational, intentional
and knowledge perspectives. The first five
perspectives are inherited from (Nurcan, 2008) as
typically oriented towards business modeling and
enriched by some new concepts defined by the core
ontology of organization’s processes (COOP)
proposed by Turki et al. (2014b). We extend the
above-mentioned perspectives with the « knowledge
perspective » in order to address all relevant issues
related to KM.
Furthermore, we intend to integrate and
implement the proposed BPM4KI meta-model in the
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN 2.0).
In practice, the result of the BPMN 2.0 extension
will be used to well modeling the sensitive business
processes (SBPs) which are likely to mobilize
crucial knowledge.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 presents related work to analyze
existing work on BPM for KM. Section 3 describes
the proposed BPM4KI meta-model. Section 4
illustrates the application of BPM4KI based on a
real case study. Section 5 concludes the paper and
underlines some future research.
In this section, we present main methodologies
focused on BPM for knowledge identification which
have been proposed by researchers on KM. We
consider the Global Analysis METHodology
(Grundstein, 2000), the identifying crucial
knowledge methodology (Saad et al., 2009), the
Sensitive Organization's Process Identification
Methodology (Turki et al., 2014a), as relevant to the
BPM-KM area. We have selected to discuss them in
this section, following a literature survey.
The Global Analysis Methodology (GAMETH)
proposed by Grundstein (2000) comprises three
main phases gathering the following steps: (i)
«Identifying the sensitive processes» specifies the
project context, defines the domain and limits of the
intervention and determines the processes targeted to
be deeply analyzed. According to this author, “A
sensitive process is a process, which represents the
important issues which are collectively
acknowledged: weakness of the process which risks
not attaining its objectives, obstacles to overcome;
(iii) difficult challenge to take in charge; (iv)
produced goods or services which are strategic in
regard to the organization’s orientations”. (ii) «
Identifying the determining problems» aims at
distinguishing the problems which weaken the
critical activities, (i.e. the activities that could
endanger the sensitive processes due to dysfunctions
and constraints which affect it and generate
determining problems). (iii) «Identifying the Crucial
Knowledge» is intended to define, localize and
characterize the knowledge to be capitalized.
The methodology for identifying the crucial
knowledge proposed by Saad et al. (2009) is based
on the GAMETH framework. It aims at capitalizing
the knowledge mobilized and created in the course
of a project. It is composed of three phases: (i)
Determining «Reference Knowledge»; (ii)
Constructing Preference model; (iii) Classifying
«Potential Crucial Knowledge».
Turki et al. (2014a) and Turki et al. (2014b) have
in depth dealt with the issue of identifying «
Sensitive organization's processes ». They have
proposed a new multi-criteria methodology entitled
SOPIM (Sensitive Organization's Process
Identification Methodology) and a Core Ontology of
Organization's Processes (COOP) to help the
assessment and identification of SBPs. SOPIM is
composed of two main phases: (i) Construction of
the preference model, and (ii) Exploitation of the
preference model (decision rules) to classify the
«Potential Sensitive organization’s processes».
Each approach mentioned above, defines a set of
phases for modeling and identifying the SBPs.
However, we note that the BPM step has not been
studied in depth. In particular, we have noted the
lack of expressiveness BPM formalisms that
explicitly integrate all relevant aspects related to
knowledge dimension and other aspects which cover
the BPM. In order to remedy for this lack, this paper
aims to extend and consolidate previous work made
by Saad et al. (2009) and Turki et al. (2014a) in
order to cover the gap between BPM and KM and
address an important problem that is not often dealt
with KM methodologies. Exactly, our mission aims
to enrich and optimize the operation of “modeling
and representation of identified SBPs” in order to
increase the probability of localizing and identifying
the crucial knowledge. This reduces the cost of the
operation of capitalizing on knowledge.
The first step to address existing limitations and
achieve this objective is the specification of a
precise conceptualization, together with a subjacent
representation notation, that precisely describes all
SBP essential characteristics as well as the dynamics
with which knowledge is mobilized and created
Towards Business Process Modeling for Knowledge Management
during a SBP, is still an open issue. In fact, this is
not a trivial task, since SBP involve many subjective
and complex concepts that are subject to different
interpretations. We briefly describe in the following
the most important specific particularities for SBPs
modeling, highlighting its key features.
An SBP is a particular type of BP. It has its own
characteristics that distinguish it from BPs processes
(see (Turki et al., 2014b). we deduce and adopt for
our notion of SBP the following characterization. A
business process is described as « sensitive », if at
least one of the following requirements is fulfilled:
(i) It mobilizes crucial knowledge (which is
considered as immaterial resource). It contains
activities based on acquisition, sharing,
dissemination, storage, creation, (re)use of
organizational knowledge, and collaboration among
participants. (ii) It is very dependent on the tacit and
explicit knowledge (individual and collective)
embedded in the stakeholders’ minds (experts,
specialists, etc.), and in the actions. (iii) It is very
complex, with a high number of (individual and
collective) actions which are flexibles, high number
of critical activities (which mobilizes very important
organizational tacit knowledge, high degree of tacit
knowledge held by a very small number of experts
or individual /collective knowledge poorly mastered
to solve critical problems, diversity of information
and knowledge sources as well as large flow of
knowledge, etc.). (iv) It mobilizes a large number of
business domains / skills (in terms of internal and
external organization unit involved in the process).
Its execution involves many participants and the
assistance of many experts, with different experience
and expertise levels. (v) It has a high number of
collaborative activities that mobilize, share and
generate new, very important organizational
knowledge (tacit and / or explicit) created at the time
of interaction among agents. So that, it focus on the
dynamic conversion of knowledge (Nonaka &
Takeuchi, 1995). (vi) It possesses a high degree of
dynamism in the objectives’ change associated to it.
The influence of intentions and experiences of the
agents in decision making is very important. (vii) Its
contribution to reach the organization’s strategic
objectives is very important. In short, we can
conclude that flexibility, efficient collaboration and
effective knowledge management are the key
requirements for specifying SBPs. Due to those
characteristics, organizing the knowledge in SBPs
and building a SBP model are not an easy task. The
selection and adoption of a suitable BPM formalism
for SBPs modeling is critical, although challenging.
In this context, several BPM approaches have been
proposed in information system engineering
(particularly in BPs engineering). Some traditional
BPM formalisms that are largely used in current
research and practice scenarios in organizations like
Event Driven Process Chain (EPC) (Korherr and
List, 2006), UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams (AD)
(OMG, 2011a), Process Specification Language
(PSL) (Schlenoff et al., 2000) and Business Process
Modeling Notation (BPMN 2.0) (OMG, 2011b)
have been adapted to allow the explicit
representation of the intrinsic elements of
knowledge within BPs, but they do not include all
the required features necessary to describe a SBP. It
is obvious that these formalisms are suitable for
process perspective representation, but poorly
present data, information and knowledge (flows)
which are not be represented separately and clearly
in the process models. However, this distinction is
useful and essential for our modeling context.
Besides, the literature shows a set of formalisms
dedicated to knowledge- intensive processes
representation (Gronau et al., 2005) (called also
Process-oriented knowledge modeling approaches)
that focus on storing and sharing knowledge,
including Business Process Knowledge Method
(BPKM) (Papavassiliou et al., 2002), Knowledge
Modeling Description Language (KMDL 2.2)
(Gronau et al., 2005), Oliveira’s methodology
(Oliveira, 2009), Notation for Knowledge-Intensive
Processes (NKIP) (Netto et al., 2013), etc. Some
major limitations can be emphasized in this
category. One the one hand, these approaches did
not experience a wide adoption among organizations
and are very incipient. On the other hand, they lack
the ability in an adequate manner to model the
process perspective (the structural, organizational
and informational dimensions). Moreover, some
proposals do not explicitly differentiate tacit
knowledge from explicit knowledge. In addition,
there are deficits in the conversion of the knowledge
types (such as internalization, externalization,
socialization and combination) (Nonaka &
Takeuchi, 1995) and the person-related knowledge
modeling that are relevant in SBPs due to, for
instance the high degree of tacit knowledge
developed and exchanged among agents through
inter-organizational collaboration.
Furthermore, following the study of BPs meta-
models and ontologies associated with the main
BPM formalisms, we notice that the defined
concepts -actions specification (Process, Activity,
Sub-process, Task) do not take into account the
individual / collective dimension of the actions.
However, taking into consideration such a
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
dimension is very important in our context given
that we are interested in the localization of
knowledge mobilized to achieve the process. This
knowledge taken in the action may be either
individual (tacit or explicit) or collective and
organizational (tacit or explicit). Despite it mobilizes
crucial knowledge within an organization and their
key role for organizational KM, existing BPM
formalisms have shortcomings in their ability to
represent SBPs. None of those proposals include or
address conveniently all or at least most of the SBPs
particularities and characteristics as well as the
essential issues of KM. This leads to ambiguity and
misunderstanding of the developed SBPs models.
Based on the results discussed in this section, the
SBPs representation is a lot more difficult. So, such
formalism should take into account all semantic
dimensions and criteria enabling to characterize in
depth the notion of process. Therefore, there is a
need to precisely define the specification of a SBP,
including the concepts and relationships between
them that adequately address the knowledge within
their actions and all SBP essential aspects.
In order to propose a solution that is capable of
explaining a SBP, considering both the knowledge
within their actions and other relevant aspects aimed
to meet the new requirements of BPM, we propose a
meta-model of the BPs for knowledge identification,
called BPM4KI, to characterize the concepts useful
for the modeling and analysis of SBPs, in order to
locate the knowledge mobilized and created by these
processes, which may be crucial.
In order to localize and identify in depth the crucial
knowledge, we propose a new Business Process
Meta-model for Knowledge Identification
(BPM4KI). We have summarized and structured the
main concepts (of the field of BP and KM) that we
judge essential and relevant for the characterization
and modeling of the SBP in a meta-model for
synthesis, represented as a UML class diagram.
The generic meta-model we have developed is
based on the core ontology COOP proposed by
Turki et al. (2014b) and categorized according to the
framework of Nurcan (2008). COOP provides
taxonomy of concepts which are defined in a
rigorous and consensual way, we quote: Action,
Action of Organization, Individual Action, Action of
Collective, Collective, Organization, Distal
Intention, Deliberate Action, Sensitive Process,
Critical Activity, etc. While the Nurcan’s framework
consists of five perspectives, each one of them
focuses on a process aspect: functional,
organizational, behavioral, informational and
intentional. As these perspectives do not capture all
relevant aspects related to knowledge dimension, we
have extended the abovementioned framework with
a further perspective, namely the knowledge
perspective. It should be noted that Knowledge
might be considered as one of the business process
dimensions, because knowledge is related to action,
it is implemented in the action, and is essential to its
development (Grundstein, 2000). It is created as a
result of process execution, knowledge is used to
perform a process, and it is distributed among
process participants (Heisig, 2006).
Figure 1 presents BPM4KI in terms of classes
and relationships between classes. The defined
concepts that make up the COOP ontology are
marked in gray in the meta-model. In the following,
we describe the six perspectives contained in the
BPM4KI meta-model.
The Functional Perspective represents the BP
elements which are being performed (i.e. activity,
sub-process and tasks). Hence, as illustrated in
Figure 1, the BPM4KI meta-model part that can be
used to model this perspective is inspired by Turki et
al. (2014b). It regroups generic classes related to
(inheriting from) the
Action meta-class (With
respect to our notation, the informal labels on BPM4KI
concepts appear in the text in the Courrier new
font with First Capital Letters).
An Action can be
individual or collective. An Individual
Action is carried out by (hasForAgent) a Human.
While a Collective Action is carried out by a
Collective, is controlledBy a Collective
Intention and hasForProperPart at least two
Individual Action contributing to it. A
Business Process is an Action of
Organization (which in turn a specialization of
Collective Action)carried out by a group of
individuals affiliated with the organization. Any
Business Process hasForproperPart a set of
Organizational Activities coordinated
undertaken according to an intentionally defined
An Organizational Activity can
be either an Organizational Unit Action
or an Organizational Individual
Action according to whether their agent is
Towards Business Process Modeling for Knowledge Management
Figure 1: A multi-dimensional meta-model of the business processes for knowledge identification “BPM4KI”
(categorized according to six perspectives).
Knowledge Perspective
Informational Perspective
Intentional Perspective
CollectiveAction IndividualA ction
{disjoint, incomplete}
Int erOrganizat ionalA ct ion
has for proper part
is carry out by
OrganizationU nit
OrganizationalIndividualAc tion
{disjoint, incomplet}
Int ent ion
is controlled by
has for content
IndividualObject ive
Co llect iveObject ive
OrganizationalObject i ve
{disjoint, complete}
Sensit iveBusinessProcess
KnowledgeInt ensiveProcess
Collaborat iveOrganizationalActivityKnowledgeIntensiveActivity
consists of
CollaborationProt ocol
is gouverned by
{disjoint, incomplete}
Out put Object
Inpu t Ob ject
Reso urce
Cont rolObject
is influenced by
int ernalEv ent
Immat erialResource
PhysicalKn o wledgeS upp o rt
Explicit Kno wledge
Collect iveExp licit Knowled g e
IndividualExplicit Knowledge
{disjoint, complete}
{disjoint, complete}
IndividualTacit Knowledge CollectiveTacitKnowledge
{disjoint, complet e}
{disjoint, complete}
has for proper part
is held by
is held by
consigned in
is internalized in
is externalized in
explicitable tacit knowledge
is combined in
is socialized in
is created in
* *
is interiorized in
is transmitted in
is achieved by
has for proper part
has for proper part
me as ur e
cont ingency
is borne by
is borne by
is valid for
ExternalCli ent
ExternalA ctor
Int ernalClient
Organizational Perspective
Functional Perspective
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
performed by an Organization Unit or a
Human affiliated to the Organization).
Organizational Sub-Process is an
Organizational Unit Action which is a
proper part of a Business Process. Furthermore,
an Organizational Activity can either be
qualified as a Critical Organizational
Activity, or as a Knowledge Intensive
Activity or Collaborative Activity. They
can also be described as critical.
The Organizational Perspective represents the
different participants (agents) invoked in the
execution of process elements as well as their
affiliation. The basic element of this perspective is
Agentive Entity. An Agentive Entity is
an entity which has a capacity to carry out (and
therefore to repeat) Actions (in particular
deliberate actions). It can be specified in the form of
a Human, an Informal Group, or an
Organization, internal or external to an
Organization. Any Collective Action
hasForAgent a Collective.An Organization
is a Collective (structured and formal) which
can carry out an Action of Organization.
The Behavioural Perspective basically describes
the control flow and the logical sequence of
elements to be executed in a process. It includes
synchronization, decision- making conditions, entry
and exit criteria, sequence, iteration, etc. The basic
element of this perspective is Control Object
(such as pre-conditions, post-conditions, triggers,
performance indicators, etc.).
The Informational Perspective describes the
informational entities which are generated,
consumed, or exchanged within a process or an
activity as well as their structure and the
relationships among them. This perspective contains
mainly the generic classes Resource with its
derived class Material Resource (and the
specialization class Physical Knowledge
Support), InputObject, OutputObject,
Event, and Collaboration Protocol. In
fact, for its accomplishment, an Organizational
Activity uses Input Objects (materials,
data or information), mobilizes Material
Resources and/or Immaterial resources
to produce Output Objects (data, information,
services, results, outputs) and under the influence of
Control Objects. It can be triggered by
Events, which can in turn produce Events. A
is an external and unpredictable
event that influences the process execution (the
elements produced or handled and decisions made)
(França et al., 2012). It should be emphasized that
data object and information object (which is stored
by electronic media or written down in documents)
form the basis for knowledge sharing and the
creation of new knowledge objects.
The Intentional Perspective describes major BP
characteristics and captures important BP context
information (such as goals and their measures,
strategies, the deliverables, the process type and the
customer), in order to ensure the BP flexibility
(Nurcan, 2008) (List and Korherr, 2006). The meta-
model elements of this perspective are inspired by
the COOP ontology (Turki et al., 2014b). It
comprises mainly the central concepts Distal
Intention, Objective, Organizational
Objective, Sensitive Business
Process, Output Object (deliverables),
Control Object (performance measures) and
Client.Each Business Process meets an
Organizational Objective (which is an
Objective) intentionally defined. A Distal
Intention hasForContent an Objective. So,
this process isControlledBy a Distal
Intention, in particular an Organizational
Distal Intention (which is a Collective
Distal Intention). Then the Business
Process is a Deliberate Action (Turki et al.,
2014b). Every OrganizationalDistal
Intention hasForContent an
Organizational Objective. Depending on
whether the content of a Collective Distal
Intention or an
Individual Distal
Intention, an Objective can be either an
Individual Objective or a Collective
Objective. A Collective Objective
isValidFor an Organization, then it is an
Organizational Objective which can be
either a Strategic Objective or an
Operational Objective. Each Business
Process must provide a result which has a value
to the organization's Clients. (It is therefore a
Culminated Process (Turki et al., 2014b).
Then, Output Object (i.e. deliverables which
are either services or products) can be located in the
behavioral perspective as well as in intentional
perspective. A Business Process satisfies one
or more Clients, which are either internal or
external to the Organization. A Business
Process has a certain process type. In COOP, the
authors (Turki et al., 2014b) distinguish different
categories of BPs classified according to several
Towards Business Process Modeling for Knowledge Management
dimensions: granularity, value, affiliation, repetition
and piloting. For instance, according to the level of
process granularity, we distinguish between First
Level Process and Organizational Sub
Process. Depending on the affiliation dimension
of the agents operating in the process, we specify
three process classes: Internal Process, External
Process and Partial External Process. Additionally,
we propose to distinguish two other categories of BP
according to the complexity dimension:
Sensitive Business Process and
Knowledge Intensive Process. Their
objectives are frequently changed.
Last but not least, the Knowledge perspective
provides an overview perspective of the
organizational and individual knowledge mobilized
by an organization as well as the knowledge flow
proceeding within and between organizations. It
describes all relevant aspects related to KM. Then, it
emphasizes knowledge collection, organization,
storage, transfer, sharing, creation and reuse among
process participants. Therefore, it specifies the
different opportunities of knowledge conversion.
This perspective distinguishes also between
knowledge used to perform (BP) and knowledge
created as a result of BP activities. It identifies the
different types of knowledge (tacit/explicit
dimension) mobilized and created by each type of
activity, the different sources of knowledge, their
localization (where they are created or stored and
where they are used), tacit and non-explicitable
knowledge, persons holding them, their nature and
their organizational coverage (individual/collective
dimension).The basic elements of this perspective
(Figure 1) are Immaterial Resource,
Knowledge, Tacit Knowledge, Explicit
Knowledge, Physical KnowledgeSupport
and Expert. An Organizational
Activity mobilizes and produces different types
of Knowledge (which is an Immaterial
Resource of an organization). Knowledge
comes in two dimensions explicit and tacit. Each
kind of Knowledge can be held individually or
collectively and is localized in different knowledge
sources. Tacit knowledge originates and is
applied in the minds of the owners of knowledge and
hence it is almost impossible to put into a document
or a database, as well as difficult to communicate
and share. Explicit knowledge is typically
structured and retrievable and often becomes
embedded in documents, repositories, organizational
routines, practices, norms, etc. Organizational
collective knowledge integrates a company’s
experiences, company-specific knowledge, culture,
decision-making procedures, the detail of BPs, etc.
An Individual Tacit Knowledge is held by
one Expert (a Human who carries out Actions
with high levels of expertise, creativity and). A
Collective Tacit Knowledge is held by at
least two Experts (which constitute a
Collective). An Individual Explicit
Knowledge is born by a Human. A Collective
Explicit Knowledge is born by a
Collective (i.e. an Organization).
Explicit Knowledge is often stored in one or
more Physical Knowledge Support (i.e.
media, as documents, computer system, etc.)
enabling their dissemination, sharing and use. A
Physical Knowledge Support is a
Material Resource (informational resource),
having source of knowledge information interpreted
and mobilized by the actors during the execution of
their activities. Then, this concept can be located
both in the knowledge and Informational
perspectives. A Collaborative
Organizational Activity mobilizes and
produces new Collective Knowledge by a set
of interactions (between individuals). A Critical
Activity mobilizes different types of
knowledge: (i) imperfect individual and collective
knowledge (tacit or explicit) (i.e. missing, poorly
mastered, uncertain, etc.) which are necessary for
solving critical determining problems; (ii) important,
diverse and heterogeneous knowledge recorded on
multiple sources of knowledge (dispersed and
sometimes lacking accessibility); (iii) expertise
and/or rare knowledge held by a very small number
of experts (which have high levels of expertise,
creativity and innovation); (iv) very important tacit
organizational knowledge, often linked to
competences, abilities and practical experiences of
their holders. This activity is based on several
experiments. Besides, it may threaten Sensitive
Business Processes. It should be noted that
some concepts are shared by different perspectives.
For instance, the Collaborative Activity
concept belongs to all perspectives.
Once modeled, the BPs can be graphically
represented, using BPM formalism in order to
localize the knowledge that is mobilized and created
by these processes. For this reason, we have selected
the most popular standard for BPM, namely, the
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN 2.0).
However, despite its strength representation, this
notation does not support the key concepts of
BPM4KI (Sensitive Business Process,
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Collective Action, Tacit Knowledge,
Critical Organizational Activity,
Expert, etc.). To remedy at this lack, it should be
necessary to extend the BPMN 2.0 notation with
several additional concepts. To achieve this goal, we
start by defining some specific graphical icons
relating to each new proposed concept (see Table 1).
Then, in future work, we plan to integrate and
implement the extension that we brought to the
BPMN specification. In this paper we use these new
icons in section 4 to highlight this extension.
We aim to validate the proposed meta-model
through its application in the context of the
Association of Protection of the Motor-disabled of
Sfax-Tunisia (ASHMS). This organization is
characterized by highly dynamic, unpredictable,
complex and highly intensive knowledge actions.
We are particularly interested in the early care of the
disabled children with cerebral palsy (CP). An in
depth analysis of this care has been made by Turki et
al. (2011). In fact, the knowledge used and produced
during the treatment of children with CP is very
important, heterogeneous and recorded on various
scattered sources. One part of this knowledge is
embodied in the mind of health professionals.
Another part, is preserved in the organizational
memory as reports, medical records, data bases, or
therapeutic protocols). The created knowledge stems
from the interaction of a large number of healthcare
professionals from several specialties (such as
neonatology, neuro-pediatrics, physical therapy,
orthopedics, psychiatry, physiotherapy, speech
therapy, and occupational therapy) and located on
geographically remote sites. The raised problem
concerns on the one hand, the insufficiency and the
localization of medical knowledge necessary for
decision-making, and on the other hand, the loss of
knowledge held by these experts during their
scattering or their departure at the end of the
treatment. Thus, the ASHMS risks losing the
acquired know-how for good and transferring this
knowledge to new novices if ever no capitalization
action is considered. This organization should focus
on only the so called crucial knowledge, that is the
most valuable/important knowledge.
Our main objective consists in providing better
localization and identification of different types and
modalities of pragmatic medical knowledge
necessary to the conduct of the medical care process
for children with CP. As a matter of fact, this SBP is
made up of several sub-processes. It consists of a
succession of many actions in the form of medical
and paramedical examinations and evaluations. As
an example, we mention: Process related to
neonatology care, process related to neuro-pediatric
care, process related to physiotherapy, etc. These
processes require taking into consideration certain
medical information contained in the medical
records as well as certain medical knowledge
(results of para-clinical exams, hospitalization
reports, medical records, practice guidelines, etc.).
An enriched graphical representation of the
medical care process for children with CP modelled
according to BPM4KI meta-model improve the
localization of the crucial knowledge mobilized and
produced by the critical activities. Moreover, it
allows the various stakeholders involved in the
medical processes to preserve, share and transfer the
tacit knowledge as well as to evaluate the amount of
lost knowledge if a person -owner of knowledge-
leaves the organization (in order to identify which
tacit knowledge in this case should be transformed
into explicit knowledge).
In this study, we take into consideration the
results of experimentation of the methodology
SOPIM proposed by Turki et al. (2014a) for the
early care of children with CP. We recall that the
proposed multi-criteria methodology was conducted
and validated in the ASHMS organization. It aims at
evaluating and identifying SBPs (i.e. the processes
which can mobilize knowledge on which it is
necessary to capitalize) for knowledge localization.
Furthermore, the BPM4KI meta-model is based on
the core ontology COOP (Turki et al., 2014b)
comprising the key concepts inherent to the BP
Table 1: Graphical representation of the different extended elements.
Towards Business Process Modeling for Knowledge Management
domain which are useful for the characterization and
conceptualization of SBPs.
We have opted for the « Process related to the
neuropediatric care of a child with CP » to illustrate
the contributions of our enriched meta-model.
Indeed, this process is very complex in terms of the
large number of critical and collaborative activities
that make it up, the neuropediatric fields, the large
amount of knowledge mobilized, the multitude of
knowledge sources, etc. Some of its activities are
very dependent on the participants experience,
expertise and creativity. We have used the BPMN
2.0 specification (OMG, 2011) in order to enrich the
graphical representation of neuro-pediatric care
process (modeled according to BPM4KI).
Thus, we have opted for the use of an open
source modeling tool namely Aris Express 2.4 (IDS
Scheer, 2013). The obtained model is the result of
many individual meetings for review and validation
with the Neuro-Pediatrician. Figure 2 illustrates an
excerpt from the BPMN model of the process related
to the neuropediatric care of a child with CP
enriched with knowledge dimension.
During our experimentation, we have identified
different types of medical knowledge mobilized for
each type of activity related to this process. We have
distinguished missing or poorly mastered knowledge
necessary to resolve critical problems, expertise,
unexplainable tacit knowledge and mastered
knowledge necessary and relevant to the proper
functioning and development of the activity or
produced by the activity. We have also identified the
different sources of knowledge, their
localization, actors who hold the knowledge, the
places where they are usable or used, their nature
(like experience, basic knowledge, general
knowledge), their degree of formalization, their
organizational coverage, as well as their quality
(perfect or imperfect).
For instance, the knowledge A
related to «
Synthesis assessment of neuro- and psycho-
cognitive, neurosensory and praxo-gnosic
development of young children at risk and its
disorders» is produced by the critical activity A
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the
intellectual functioning » .This knowledge can be
stored in the following physical media: the
neurological assessment sheet, neuropsychological
assessment, the sensitive assessment sheet and the
neuro-motor assessment. These assessments are
recorded in the personal medical records and in the
overall clinical picture of the child. This knowledge
is located internally within the Neonatology
department in the University Hospital Hedi Chaker.
It is captured in the various archives drawers or
patients’ directories. A
is of a scientific,
technical and measure nature which is related to
patients. It represents a collective explicit
knowledge, part of which can be represented in the
form of an individual explicit knowledge recorded
on the care data collection sheet of the Neuro-
pediatrician. This knowledge is imperfect (general,
incomplete and uncertain). A
is mobilized by the
activity A
« Establishing an investigation plan ».
Figure 2: An extract of the graphical representation model of the process of neuropediatric care of a child with CP
carried out with ARIS Express 2.4 tool.
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
The proposed BPM4KI meta-model highlight the
following contributions: (i) its suitability for a full
and enriched graphical representation of actual
SBPs, (ii) validation of its comprehensibility as well
as the choice and suitability of the type of modeling
by the actors involved in the medical care process
for children with CP (who lack experience in BPM),
(iii) a better knowledge localization, and (iv) a
deeply characterizing of the identified knowledge in
order to determine which ones are more crucial.
Furthermore, extending BP models with the
knowledge dimension would provide the following
benefits: (i) illustrating the knowledge and
knowledge sources involved (used, generated,
created and/or modified) in the processes and
activities, (ii) illustrating the way in which specific
knowledge flows among the activities, or how a
specific source is used and modified through the
activities, and (iii)illustrating transfers of knowledge
between sources, and among activities as well as the
different opportunities of knowledge conversion.
In this paper, we have focused on the problem of
BPs modeling to improve the localization and the
identification of crucial knowledge. Therefore, we
have proposed a new BPs meta-model, called
«BPM4KI», which highlights the key concepts and
relationships characterizing SBPs, relying on the
core ontology COOP. The aim of this meta-model is
to develop a comprehensive and enriched graphical
representation of BPs, which integrates all the
dimensions of processes modeling: the knowledge,
functional, organizational, behavioral, informational
and intentional dimension. It has been illustrated by
a model of neuropediatric care process of a child
with CP through, using the BPMN 2.0 standard.
Various research lines will be performed to
complete and deepen the so-called problematic of
knowledge identification mobilized by SBPs. Firstly,
we consider evaluating the expressiveness of BPM
formalisms and their suitability for the
representation of SBPs while taking the
conceptualization defined by BPM4KI as an
evaluation framework. In this context, our objective
consists in guiding and justifying the choice of the
most suitable formalism to characterize and improve
the knowledge localization. Secondly, in order to
justify the choice of BPMN 2.0 for SBPs modeling,
we intent to adopt the multi-criteria decision making
approach (Roy and Bouyssou, 1993). In fact, the
proposed BPM4KI should help to construct a
coherent family of criteria for the evaluation of the
different PBM formalisms. Thirdly, we consider an
extension of the BPMN 2.0 for KM. This extension
must take into consideration, on the one hand, the
knowledge dimension, and on the other hand,
integrate the new concepts of BPM4KI (and
represents issues relevant at the intersection of KM
and BPM). A full and rich representation of BPs
(modeled according to BPM4KI) shall allow a better
localization and identification of crucial knowledge
on which we must capitalize. This extension of
BPMN 2.0 will be integrated into a more general
framework supporting the SBPs modeling. This
framework advocates a MDE approach considering
(i) at the CIM level, a specific meta-model, the
BPM4KI meta-model for modeling SBPs (ii) at the
PIM level, an extension of the BPMN meta-model
for visualizing and user validating the modeled
SBPs, and finally, (iii) at the PSM level, several
meta-models for implementing the different
extensions (e.g. XPDL and BPEL meta-models).
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Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design