Architecting Software Systems). SASSY is a run-
time of SOA self-architecting and re-architecting con-
cept to meet functional and QoS requirements such as
availability, execution time, and throughput.
In the SASSY framework, the domain expert
has to specify desirable requirements using a visual
activity-based language. Basing on these require-
ments The SASSY automatically generates a base ar-
chitecture. This architecture will be optimized ac-
cording to specified to QoS requirements through the
selection of the most suitable service providers and
application of QoS architectural patterns. Each ser-
vice sequence scenarios (SSS) has own utility func-
tion that is related to one QoS metric and it is a sub-
ject to constraint. An overall utility function is used to
adapt the whole architecture. The new architecture is
created from the base architecture with the help of op-
timizing a utility function for the entire system. In our
work we minimize overall cost function that reflects
service providers’s SLAs.
In this work we have offered distributed platform
for QoS control and SLA based reconfiguration that
allows to the cloud based system adapt at runtime
depending on constantly changing QoS parameters
by adjusting SLAs automatically by Service Request
Controller engine. Therefore, service providers do
not have to manually allocate service requests on
fixed different servers. It will be done according to the
predefined preferences and SLA contracts with other
cloud service providers. The system reconfiguration
will be done on QoS requirements in order to improve
the performance of the system.
We have extended the meta-model proposed in
previous works that selects best architecture by em-
ploying suitable OSPF optimization technique de-
pending on requirement to the infrastructure. There-
fore, it will provide QoS management of merged
cloud systems.
The case study investigates how different param-
eters of the cloud system and SLA affect to the cost
and performance. We have formulated recommenda-
tions for applying our approach to dynamically adapt
cloud based system to desirable QoS characteristics.
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