The paper presented an approach aiming at facilitat-
ing the reuse of the existing software systems that
support business processes. In particular, this facili-
tation is provided by the ability of detecting the cor-
respondences existing between source code compo-
nents and activities, or processes, modelled by using
the BPEL language.
The method implementation entailed the use of
two parsers. The information extracted by using the
parsers have been expanded and refined for being
used in the traceability link recovery. The evaluation
and selection of such correspondences has been per-
formed by using the statistical indexes and similarity
measure defined in the paper. A first analysis also in-
cluded the comments in the code but it was observed
that their use leads to worse results.
The preliminary results obtained by the proposed
approach are encouraging and represent a starting
point, for the identification of parts of the code from
an existing software system with the aim defining new
services to be used in a service oriented architecture.
The approach is just based on the nomenclature used
for naming methods and activities and does not anal-
yse in details of the analysed software system. The
values of precision, recall, f − measure indicated in
Tables 3, 5, 7 show the potential of the proposed ap-
The future work can concern the refinement of the
selection of the correspondences in the matrix (refin-
ing the values in the range used for the analysis of
Jaccard indexes), expanding test cases and extends the
analysis also to WSDL files .
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