Improvement of Security Patterns strategy for Information Security
Audit Applications
Lyazzat Atymtayeva
and Mahmoud Abdel-Aty
Kazakh-British Technical University
, Department of Information Systems Management,
050000, Tole bi str., 59, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Zewail City of Science and technology, Giza, Egypt,
Keywords: Security patterns repository, application development, security ontology, fuzzy expert systems, information
security audit.
Abstract: In the growing influence of information security level onto the business processes at the companies and
organizations and their functioning by applying the software applications there is a necessity to develop
systems with demanding level of security. Application developers are often confronted with difficulties in
choosing or embedding security mechanisms that are necessary for building software secure applications,
since this demands possessing expertise in security issues. This problem can be circumvented by involving
security experts early in the development process. Usually it is accompanied with very high costs: experts in
information security (IS) area are quite expensive specialists. An automation of some security
implementation and evaluation tasks can reduce these costs and potentially increase the quality of IS
strategies being developed and quality of IS audit processes. We believe that expert systems approach can
be beneficial in achieving this automation. Though information security is a very broad field, encompassing
many complex concepts, we are trying to develop a methodology of formalizing of IS knowledge to build a
knowledge base for expert system that can serve as IS audit expert. With developing the special security
patterns repository as a part of common framework for application development we can accumulate
knowledge and expertise in the area of security, and help to software developers as well as IS audit
stakeholders to have benefits from the processes of automation.
Many current systems have serious security
problems. We believe that a good way to have
secure systems is to build applications and systems
software in a systematic way, where security
belongs to the part of the lifecycle.
The expert systems approach with developing of
ontology can be beneficial in the building of
framework for development of secure applications
and for automation of processes of information
security audit.
Building secure applications is a complex and
demanding task developers often face. Meeting the
specified security requirements, or embedding
security mechanisms, however, is a process that
involves expertise in the area of security, which
most of the time software developers do not posses.
Therefore, security experts often have to be involved
during application development. This strategy
entails high costs for software development;
moreover the communication between developers
and security experts is seldom smooth.
The same picture is observed in the processes of
information security audit where attracting the
security specialists often demands the high costs.
This paper suggests a different strategy for
incorporating security in application development to
solve the problems of secure software development
and some processes of security audit.
It advocates the use of security patterns, by
proposing a security patterns repository as a part of
common framework for security applications
development. The paper also addresses the issue of
the limited usability of security patterns in software
development, by customizing the patterns’ structure
so as to include security specific properties, such as
threats and vulnerabilities, assets and controls. Thus,
this paper aims to
Atymtayeva L. and Abdel-Aty M.
Improvement of Security Patterns strategy for Information Security Audit Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0005887101990204
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2015), pages 199-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-111-3
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
describe the adapted framework for development
of secure applications
propose an enhanced structure for security
describe a repository for security patterns in
information security applications
Section 2 describes the framework for
development of secure applications and security
ontology. Section 3 deals with the security patterns
in the development process, describes the
improvement in creating security patterns repository
based on ontology. In conclusions we present the
summarizing of research work and define the
directions for future research.
The proposed adapted framework is intended for the
effective introduction of security attributes in the
process of application development. The initial
version was proposed by Balopoulos Th. ,,
2006. Within the research process, security
ontologies were first employed in order to explore
how they can help developers better understand the
application context and communicate with security
experts and with the further expanding how it can
use for the automation of the processes of
information security audit.
Some results of these efforts have already been
published in the works (Buschmann, F., et al., 1996 ,
Taylor, R.N.,, 2010). Following this, the
research indicates that security patterns would be an
appropriate tool for capturing security expertise, and
that this can be formalized by employing security
ontologies. Thus, based on the ontologies developed,
we can explore the use of security patterns in the
specific application contexts: we can design an
appropriate structure for security patterns and a
security patterns repository (Fernandez, E.B., 2006).
This paper presents the adapted holistic framework
employed, which can provide a useful solution for
developers, especially those involved in the
development of security critical applications as well
as for the processes of the expert systems
development in the area of information security.
This framework is depicted in Figure 1. It serves
for incorporating security characteristics and
accommodating security requirements in application
Figure 1: The adapted framework for secure application
By following the methodology of secure
application development proposed by Balopoulos
Th., 2006, we can create the adapted framework
that is based on the principles of security ontology
and automation of the processes of information
security audit. This framework contains the security
ontology which generates security patterns stored in
repository, the part of application development
process which can be presented as a reflection of the
processing of a knowledge base for the best
understanding of the specific security domain by
software developers and stakeholders.
The adapted framework proposed in this paper
constitutes an integrated approach that is addressed
to developers for their applying the specialized
knowledge and for supporting them in making use of
recorded solutions to known security issues.
Key actors in this framework include
(a) the system stakeholders, i.e. the application
users, the administrators and the management,
(b) security experts whose knowledge and
expertise is needed to enhance the application
development process by successfully introducing
security features in applications, and
(c) the software developers. The latter are the
ones that can use this framework for accommodating
all different requirements and objectives with regard
to security.
Information system stakeholders along with
security experts and the software developers set the
business and security objectives for the specific
application. Existing security expertise is used along
with the knowledge of the environment in which the
specific application is going to be deployed in order
to introduce environment specific security
requirements. The development of corresponding
ontology makes it possible to achieve the set goals
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
by capturing and articulating the application context
that can be used by developers. The principles of the
processing of Knowledge Base in security area allow
to create a security patterns and automate the
process of the development of secure applications.
2.1 Different Approaches to Use
Security Related Issues in
Regarding the use of security related issues in
software development there are a lot of research and
publications. The most of them study elaboration of
different software design tools and methodologies
like UMLsec (Mouratidis H., and Giorgini, P., 2004,
Braz, F.,, 2008, Fernandez, E.B. and X.Yuan,
2010), Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) (Basin,
D.A.,, 2006) , XML based models
(Nagaratnam, N.,, 2005), industrial approaches
like Microsoft solutions (Lipner, S. and Howard, M.,
It is interesting to mention about the other types
of security domain applications based on quantum
information security. Classical computationally
secure cryptosystems may be susceptible to quantum
attacks, which means that attacks by adversaries able
to process some levels of security via quantum
information (Shor P.W., 1994, Biham E., at al 2000).
These researches show that unitary bases can be
central to both encryption of quantum information,
at the same time the generation of states can be used
in generalized quantum key distribution.
There are a lot of researches based on the
ontological approach (Raskin et al, Dritsas,S.,,
2005, Akerman, A. and Tyree, J., 2006, Voroviev,
A. and Bekmamedova, N., 2010), and directions
related to security patterns (Mouratidis H., and
Giorgini, P., 2004).
We are going to focus on the approaches related
to the use of security ontology of knowledge base.
2.2 The Security Ontology
An ontology is a description of the entities and their
relationships and rules within a certain domain
(Lazaros Gymnopoulos1, , 2006). Ontologies
have been widely used within the fields of artificial
intelligence, expert systems and the semantic web,
mainly for knowledge representation and sharing.
Computer programs can use ontologies for a variety
of purposes including inductive reasoning,
classification, a variety of problem solving
techniques, as well as to facilitate communication
and sharing of information between different
systems. Ontologies are a great tool for defining and
communicating the different ways in which people
perceive a specific domain.
Ontology for the expert system is assigned to
represent domain specific knowledge in the form
which can be used by a computer to effectively
operate on this knowledge.
Security ontologies are ontologies covering the
domain of security .
In order to consider the combination of
ontologies that related to the development of expert
system in information security domain we can use
proposed framework and all relations (Fenz S. and
Ekelhart A. 2009, Maljuk A.A. 2010).
The Security Ontology shown in Figure 1 aims
at covering and recording available knowledge
regarding business and security objectives of a
specific application development environment.
During the development of Expert systems for
Information Security area (Atymtayeva L.,,
2014) we used adopted security ontology (Fenz S.
and Ekelhart A. 2009, Maljuk A.A. 2010) that
consists from four main entities and relationships
between them(see Figure 2) .
The ontology is divided into two parts: the
concepts representing information security domain
knowledge (which actually are core concepts of the
domain) and the concepts representing concrete
information about considered organization, which
are essential in measurement of its security level.
These concepts are:
-Threat is a potential cause of an unwanted
incident, which may result in harm to a system or
organization [ISO].
-Vulnerability is a physical, technical or
administrative weakness which could be exploited
by threats.
-Control concept is used to mitigate
vulnerabilities by implementing either
organizational or physical measures.
-Asset is anything that has value to the
organization [ISO]. Also assets are used to
implement controls.
The most important relations between these
concepts are:
-Threat threatens asset.
-Vulnerability is exploited by threat Severity.
-Vulnerability is mitigated by control.
-Control is implemented by asset Effectiveness.
-Asset has vulnerability.
The process followed for developing the security
ontology, based on the method proposed by
Akerman, A. and Tyree, J., 2006, is iterative and
includes four phases: determining competency
questions, enumerating important terms, defining
classes and the class hierarchy, and finally, the
instantiation of the hierarchy.
Improvement of Security Patterns strategy for Information Security Audit Applications
The competency questions which guided the
security development process are loosely structured
security oriented questions that the developed
security ontology should be able to answer. These
questions are taken from typical situations
developers face when confronted with security
requirements. Next, the most important terms with
regard to security were enumerated; the most
important of them formed ontology classes; others
formed properties of classes and some were not used
at all.
The main relations between ontology
components and questionnaire process are depicted
on the figure 2.
Figure 2: Security Domain Expert System Ontology.
For more precise definition of significance of
questions and their ranking as well as the impact of
the answers we use the special weight coefficients
(Atymtayeva L.,, 2012). These coefficients
allow make it easy the classification of questions
during the process of their selection. This approach
is very useful for developing of fuzzy expert system.
In adapted framework to examine the rigor of the
Security Ontology developed we use queries (or
specially constructed logic) expressed in the Fuzzy
Relational Inference Language (FRIL). This
language uses micro-logic, logic programming
associates and support fuzzy logic, meta-
programming and can be helpful for constructing the
logic of queries (Protsenko N., Atymtayeva L., at all,
In 1993 Gamma introduced patterns and since then
their application in software development has
continuously grown. This section is devoted to
description of software and security patterns, and
ways of designing the security repository.
3.1 Software and Security Patterns
Software patterns predefine a solution of recurring
software development problems by specific way.
By using existing, well-proven experience in
software development they can help promoting
effective software design practices.
Each pattern may relate to the specific, repeating
problem in software design and can be used to build
applications with definite properties. So, “a pattern
for software architecture describes a particular
recurring design problem that arises in specific
design contexts, and presents a well-proven generic
scheme for its solution” (Buschmann et al. 1996).
The solution scheme is defined by describing its
constituent components, the existing relationships,
and the ways in which they collaborate.
Patterns can provide a systematic and effective
development of high-quality applications with
defined functional and non-functional requirements.
There are a lot of advantages of using patterns in
software engineering (Buschmann et al. 1996).
A pattern system is defined as a collection of
patterns for software architecture, including
guidelines for their implementation, combination
and practical use in software development. The main
aspect for security patterns to be effectively used is
its concise categorization within each pattern
The evolution of software patterns leaded to the
modification of the concept of security patterns that
was introduced in order to incorporate security
techniques and best practices into the software
development process.
A security pattern can be defined as a particular
recurring security problem that arises in a specific
security aspect, and presents a well-proven generic
scheme for its solution (Schumacher 2003).
Application of security patterns can help bridge
the gap between security professionals and system
developers. Security patterns can assist developers
implement effective security solutions and use them
“in a right way”. Security patterns are described by
using a set of predefined elements, which compose
the structure of the pattern, and their values
(Balopoulos Th. ,, 2006).
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
The fundamental structure for describing and
developing security patterns consists from the
following six main elements (as was proposed by
Schumacher 2003 and Kienzle et al. 2005):
Name of Element \ Security Context (a.k.a.
Motivation) \ Security Problem \ Security Solution \
Forces \ Related Patterns (a.k.a. Security Pattern
The complementary elements of security pattern
may include information about examples, resulting
context, rationale, known uses, and etc.
3.2 Design of Security Patterns
The problems in using security patterns based on the
mostly ad hoc way accompanied by failed
communication between security experts and the
software developers generates the necessity in
creating a security patterns repository.
In order to design the repository of security
patterns, we first had to decide on their structure. In
order to develop a security patterns’ structure that
would accommodate the security related
requirements of using patterns, it was developed a
security ontology, based on the one presented in
(Dritsas et al. 2005). An ontology is a logical theory
accounting for the intended meaning of a formal
vocabulary. The intended models of a logical
language using such a vocabulary are constrained by
its logical commitment. An ontology indirect reflects
this commitment (and the underlying
conceptualization) by approximating these intended
models (Mekhilef 2003). Thus, an ontology is the
attempt to express an exhaustive conceptual scheme
within a given domain, typically a hierarchical data
structure containing all the relevant entities, their
relations and the rules within that domain.
Based on the fundamental structure of security
pattern by using the comprehensive information
about security elements and relations between them
together with their impact of each other we can
construct the detailed security ontology depicted on
figure 3 (Atymtayeva L., et al. 2014).
This ontology besides the main elements
described before includes the additional elements
(by adaption of the security ontology of Dritsas et al,
2005) such as Stakeholder\ Objective and Attacker
\Attacks and their relations to the main model. All
other elements has the relations of each other caused
by the sources and reasons for their appearance in
the model.
The ontology depicted in Figure 3, aimed to
(a) capture and express the most important
security concepts for application development,
(b) describe the relations among these concepts,
(c) provide a common understanding and
vocabulary of security issues among application
and (d) facilitate the development of secure
Thus, the developed ontology comprises a rich
source of information regarding the security
requirements of the specific application environment
and, more importantly, is also a source of
Figure 3: Detailed security ontology.
Improvement of Security Patterns strategy for Information Security Audit Applications
information regarding the way several key actors in
the software development process view and judge
those requirements.
This paper introduces some elements in
improvement of representation security components
with integration of software components by using
security patterns and creating the security patterns
repository. It was shown that this approach may be
used to development of expert systems in security
It was shown the improved security ontology
with taking into account the elements of fuzzy
expert system.
The security patterns repository and security
patterns approach provides opportunity to software
engineers, who are not security experts, to make the
appropriate choices regarding security mechanisms
and solutions, thus facilitating the development of
secure applications. As a next step, this repository
will be employed in the development of a security
domain application, such as development of expert
systems for information security active audit.
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Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design