Service Portfolio
IT Services
Service 1
Service Catalog
Customer Group 1
Service n
Service 2
EA Model
NOV-02NOV-02 AuthenticationSer vice-Resp onsibilities
LogicalArchi tectures::Bundeswehr
LogicalArchi tectures::Service Provider
BWIITAcc ount
Service-Bere ichCBS:BWI
(fromLogicalArchitectu res)
(fromLogicalArchitectu res)
UserHelp Desk:BWI
Authentication Service(Br onze):Authentication
Service :AuthenticationS ervice
Auswerteintervall= jährlich
Betriebszeit= Montag-Sonn tag0:00- 24:00
Messintervall= Stündlich
Quantifizierung =95%
Verfügbarkeitdes Dienstes=99, 7%proJahr
Nutzergruppen= AlleFunktionen
DasService LevelBronzebie tetalleLeist u ngen
desAuthenti cationServiceund solltevollkommen
Authentication Service(Go ld):Authentication Service:A uthenticationServ ice
Auswerteintervall= Wöchentlich
Betriebszeit= Montag-Sonn tag0:00- 24:00
Messintervall= Stündlich
Quantifizierung =5%
Verfügbarkeitdes Dienstes=99, 9%proJahr
Nutzergruppen= KräfteimEi nsatz,Führungsunterstützungskommando.. .
DasService LevelGoldbi etethateine erhöhteVerlässlichke it.
EscalationConta ct
EscalationConta ct
IT Architect
Service Portfolio
View n
Service Catalog
Customer Group n
Service Portfolio
View 1
Figure 1: Generating Service Portfolio views and Service Catalogs from EA models.
services which are currently ready for use is the so-
called Service Catalog. According to ITIL this cata-
log is maintained by the Service Catalog Management
process of the Service Design phase.
The Service Catalog is made publicly available to
customers in order to announce the provided services.
ITIL recommends two kinds of customized Service
Catalogs: the Business Service Catalog, focusing on
the utility for the customer and the Technical Service
Catalog, focusing on the technical details of the ser-
vice. Often it is beneficial to distinguish even more
catalogs, each specifically tailored for a certain cus-
tomer group or domain. Such domain specific cata-
logs can focus on the relevant aspects for the given
user by composing the catalog accordingly. Typical
domains/customers that can be distinguished are busi-
ness customers, private individuals, technicians, dif-
ferent departments of a company (finances, HR, etc.)
or management. Even event-specific catalogs to pro-
vide services for some special event are conceivable.
A Mobile Service Provider for example may want to
create a fancy catalog for private customers. For busi-
ness customers a serious design is required and cer-
tain irrelevant rates can be excluded. Technicians on
the other hand need a spec sheet. IT Managers need
to see the performance of the Services and the finance
department is interested in the Service costs. Main-
taining each Catalog separately implies huge efforts
and is error-prone. Our approach solves this problem,
based on a consistent Enterprise Architecture (EA).
ITIL recommends the use of the EA approach as
blueprint for the strategic development of services and
to optimize the IT solutions (ITIL, 2011a). EA is an
approach to create an abstract model of a whole enter-
prise, including the processes, the IT infrastructure,
the relation to costumers and other enterprises etc.
Usually these abstractions are very coarse-grained to
allow high level views. The use of EA provides many
benefits, Jung summarizes (Jung, 2009) them as fol-
lows: "An organization believes that an EA can help
improve the business/IT alignment gap, business and
technology communication, and IT project success
rate and provide the benefits such as cost reduction
& technology standardization, process improvements,
and strategic differentiation".
To handle the complexity of EA and to give
guidelines for the development of such an architec-
ture, several different Enterprise Architecture Frame-
works (EAF) have been developed. For example The
Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) or the
Zachman Framework. Some have been developed for
specific domains such as the Department of Defense
Architecture Framework (DoDAF) or the NATO Ar-
chitecture Framework (NAF). ITIL does not specify
the use of any particular framework but rather focuses
on the integration of the EA approach into ITSM pro-
cesses. For the approach proposed by this paper it
is also not relevant which EAF is used, as long as
the framework supports the concept of services. Our
proof of concept implementation is based on the NAF.
As the name suggests NAF is an EAF used in the
NATO environment. The NAF is divided into sub-
views which describe enterprises in terms of structure,
projects, capabilities, business cases, technology, ser-
vices, and business relationships. While the frame-
work was developed for the defense sector, it may be
used in other domains as well since it does not contain
defense specific model elements.
SPM as well as EA captures information about the
IT services of a service provider. Although both do
not require exactly the same set of information there
is a huge overlap. For this reason joining SPM and
EA is a reasonable approach that bears the potential to
rise efficiency and to reduce inconsistency and error-
proneness by avoiding duplicated information main-
tenance. Another advantage is the automated gener-
ation of customized Service Catalogs as well as Ser-
vice Portfolio excerpts for specific purposes and do-
We propose to capture all relevant information
about an IT service in the architecture. SPM tools
can acquire this data automatically from the EA and
represent it in an appropriate format for SPM. How-
ever the primary data source is the EA. In order to
allow automated retrieval of the information from the
EA strict modeling guidelines are required. Existing
Enterprise Architecture-Based Service Portfolio Management for Automated Service Catalog Generation