sults of the fully repeatable experiments with the re-
sults of the more realistic experiments. On the basis of
this comparison, we are able to confirm that, at least
as far as the use of the Prosecco project BPMN data
set is assumed, evaluation experiments performed in
accordance with the proposed methodology are both
exactly repeatable and able to provide reasonably re-
liable results.
Based on the comparison of simulation-based
evaluation and the user study, one may conclude that
the presented methodology provides the correct esti-
mation of the level of human-computer interaction re-
duction obtained as a result of applying recommenda-
tions. The evaluation results have showed that the ap-
plication of the recommendation system that was used
in the presented experiments, decreases the number of
human-computer interactions during the BPMN mod-
eling process. Thus, it could reduce the expenses
for documenting and optimizing business processes
of SMEs, which usually do not posses specialized
knowledge of business and information technology
frontier. The user study evaluation results confirmed
that users provided with recommendation system ap-
ply the suggested recommendations, what can im-
prove the reusability of the obtained models or BPMN
elements. The results have also confirmed the correct-
ness of both the hypotheses formulated and investi-
gated in this paper.
This paper motivates several potential directions
of the further research. So far we have focused
on developing a quantitative evaluation methodology.
For future work we plan to investigate, using the
introduced methodology, advanced recommendation
algorithms enabling to process heterogeneous data
(including metadata and semantic data) when their
data structure may not be known in advance. The
most promising solution in this domain are the algo-
rithms based on Statistical Relational Learning meth-
ods, which allow modeling of multi-relational struc-
tures constructed on the basis of heterogeneous input
data and prediction based on these data.
The presented research was partly supported by the
Polish National Center for Research and Develop-
ment under the project no PBS1/B3/14/2012.
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Simulation-Based Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms Assisting Business Process Modeling