Figure 7: Distribution of logical value (1000 msgs/sec).
for timestamping and therefore it is viable for arbi-
trary distributed architecture. According to the bench-
marks presented in (Kulkarni et al., 2014), deployed
in WAN, even in the presence of straggler nodes and
high event rate, the logical part, c, of HLC was no
higher than 1000 (though only at the struggle node).
In addition, HLC is backward compatible with TT
and LC. When ε is infinity, CSP behaves more like
an LC used for causality tracking in asynchronous
distributed systems. When ε is small, CSP behaves
more similar to Google TT. In the manner of Google
Spanner, we have leveraged the stack of distributed
protocols/algorithms to keep clock offset at any node
within advertised bounds. In turn it ensures another
level of CSP resiliency to different types of errors.
A snapshot read with our implementation is simi-
lar to TT-based Spanner. For a snapshot read of data
items x and y at absolute time t, the client executes the
reads at nodes i, j that are hosting x and y and that are
sufficiently up to date (updated to at least t − ε). Let
(respectively t
) denote the timestamp of the latest
update to x (resp. y) before t −ε at i (resp. j). Reading
the values of x at t
and y at t
gives a consistent snap-
shot because at time t the values of x and y are still
the same as those at t
and t
by definition of t
. However, if say x has another update with times-
tamp t
within the uncertainty interval of t
then we
use HLC comparison to order those two to identify
the latest version to return from i.
CSP can provide a slightly relaxed version of
the external-consistency guarantee in TT-based im-
plementation of Spanner. In case, when a transaction
T 1 commits (in absolute time) before another transac-
tion T 2 starts, it is still possible to have an overlap be-
tween the uncertainty intervals of T 1 and T 2. In case
T 1 and T 2 are causally-related then CSP will still give
the same guarantee as TT because T 2’s assigned HLC
timestamp will be bigger than T 1’s. Otherwise, CSP
will give a slightly relaxed guarantee and will only en-
sure that T 2’s assigned HLC commit timestamp will
not be smaller than T 1’s.
In nearby future, our main objective is to bring
general-purpose transactional protocol with CSP at its
core to Open-Source.
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