MagLab – An Intelligent Management Learning Environment
Rallis C. Papademetriou
School of Engineering, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Keywords: Management Analytics, Education, Intelligent Learning Environment, Tcl/Tk, GUI
Abstract: In this paper, the perceived difficulty for students learning purely through auditory and visual means, such as
via the standard lecture format, is highlighted through a literature review of learning styles and methods, and
a solution based upon interactive computer case-based learning is proposed through a new and continuously
evolving simulation environment called Management Laboratory, or simply MagLab. The software was
developed using the open-source, high-level scripting language Tcl/Tk and it was designed to run under both
Unix/Linux and Windows. An insight into the characteristics of MagLab brings out its many capabilities and
strong points of simplicity, user friendliness, intelligence and extensibility.
This paper describes the development of a student-
centred teaching and learning methodology within the
field of Management Science. It is important that
learners acquire knowledge and experience in the
contextualized use of analytical management
techniques since these have a broad specification.
Furthermore, theories to do with different styles of
learning are very well rehearsed in this day and age
and the development of interactive packages to assist
students with their learning is highly relevant when
these are considered. As described by Lepi (2012), it
is important to keep in mind that learners broadly
learn via an auditory, visual or kinaesthetic style of
learning. Whilst it is the case that most learners may
use an amalgamation of all three styles, there is
nevertheless much evidence to suggest that learners
do tend to have a preferred style of learning.
Traditional lectures may capture the interest of an
auditory-based learner, albeit with some limitations
based upon the length of time an individual can
concentrate. The addition of graphics and visual aids
such as ‘Power-point’ can be used to help assist the
visually stimulated learner. However, it is generally
the case that unless an activity is very practical and/or
laboratory based, many learning sessions do not
provide the kinaesthetic learner with many
opportunities. This paper seeks to address the
problem learners have in accessing, understanding
and using material in the field of Management
Science by developing a learner-centred, interactive,
computer-based package. The interactive package
described here integrates different styles of learning
and gives the student every opportunity to progress at
his or her own rate. Allowing students to proceed at
their own rate is highly important (West, 2013).
Learners tend to acquire knowledge and confidence
in material at different rates and the interactive
package described in this paper fully recognizes this
important fact.
The plethora of management tools currently available
presents an overwhelming choice to users of various
needs. Commonplace is tools developed for specific
markets, like OR/MS (Hillier, 2014) used in academia
and MPSIII (Ketron, 2011) used in the commercial
Both markets present packages that support a
specific group of techniques, for example a package
offering support for Linear Programming (e.g.,
MPSIII) typically will not support Game Theory.
This forces users, who wish to explore a range or
C. Papademetriou R.
MagLab - An Intelligent Management Learning Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0005888002610266
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2015), pages 261-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-111-3
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
combination of techniques for solving a problem, to
require access to a number of different software
packages and acquire the ability to operate them.
Predominantly, packages are provided by
different vendors and operation is targeted to
audiences with specific needs. This has led to reduced
conformity of operation among packages due to the
varying design criteria used by each vendor. These
criteria could affect elements as the GUI (graphical
user interface), input and control method (files,
mouse and keyboard), operating platform (UNIX,
Windows, MacOS) and the balance of theoretical and
practical focus.
In the area of learning environments, for
academic purposes, the available packages are
commonly linked to specific platforms and support an
accompanying course or book, resulting in limited
tools heavily related to the material covered therein.
Conversely, packages aimed at the commercial
market tend to offer solution tools, neglecting the
provision of theoretical revision or offer exploration
of new techniques through education, preventing the
development of additional skills by the employee.
A contemporary discussion of interactive learning
systems with respect to modern theories of education
(Schank, 2010) lists the following five different
teaching architectures: (i) simulation-based
learning by doing, (ii) incidental learning, (iii)
learning by reflection, (iv) case-based teaching, and
(v) learning by exploring.
In this work, the focus is on the first and fourth of
these teaching architectures. Simulation-based
learning by doing is critical when the subject matter
is experiential at heart. Emphasis is made on learning
by doing and preparing the student for the challenges
that might be faced with real world problems. Case-
based teaching is described as being a useful addition
to that of learning by doing – sometimes students will
realize that in order to progress in their ‘doing’, they
need further knowledge. This can be achieved
through the use of case studies. While isolated facts
may be difficult to remember, if knowledge is
presented in the form of a story or particular case, it
is generally integrated better into memory.
MagLab is an intelligent interactive learning
environment,that provides a wide ranging theoretical
content, backed with calculation tools that can be
used as problem solvers, implemented in an
expandable and integrate-able fashion. The
integration framework allows for the masking of the
underlying application and applied theory by a highly
intuitive and usable interface. An example of the
MagLab interface can be seen in figure 1.0, which
demonstrates the use of MagLab as a learning or
reference tool.
Figure 1: MagLab environment providing theoretical
assistance to a user while they are developing a document
in a word processor – in this example relating to a
Replacement decision.
The environment uses common MOTIF
components such as navigational anchor bars (top of
the screen) and icons, which remove language
barriers and facilitate navigation between sections.
Theory content and calculator tools as well as
interactive exercises are provided in independent
windows (“Theory window”, on the left in figure 1)
assembling an interactive learning environment,
where users can study theory, step through methods,
review examples and answer questions through
independent high level scripts. The independent
window environment facilitates the use of other
applications such as word processors or spread-sheets
in conjunction with MagLab, assisting users through
their learning or decision making process; an
innovative convenience against other packages.
MagLab uses the high level scripting language Tcl/Tk
(standing for Tool Command Language/Tool Kit)
(, which provides support
for powerful GUIs (graphical user interfaces). Tcl is
a very simple but powerful and dynamic language
that allows implementation of complex programs and
functions with very few lines of code (Flynt, 2012).
The Tcl scripts call on the Tcl core to provide their
The use of Tcl/Tk gives MagLab an advantage
over existing packages by providing true cross
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
platform compatibility, requiring only a Tcl/Tk
interpreter per platform and removing the need for
code recompilation. The interpreter is royalty free,
which removes licensing issues (traditionally found
with cross-platform applications) and allows MagLab
to be provided in a run-from-disk format with no
installation required. So, a student, for example,
could use the Unix/Linux version of MagLab for
work in the university laboratory and the Windows
version for work at home. Also, desktop Tcl/Tk
programs may run almost unaltered on the Android
Platform (AndroWish, 2014).
Tcl provides network and internet access through
TCP/IP, allowing provision for online content and
updates for collaborative or distance learning, as
figure 2 illustrates.
Figure 2: Software running along with IE in windows.
Online forums and online chat are easily
implemented on a web site and no alterations need to
be made on the software since it already provides a
link to the web. Also perception tests can be
developed on the server’s side for accessing purposes.
Web features can be additionally used for the support
of the software with updates and technical support as
well as providing extra online content.
Other features of Tcl allow third party
applications to be ‘glued’ on to MagLab allowing
integration of powerful third party routines in
Interactive Calculators. These calculators provide
users with real tools to be used in problem solving at
the workplace or experimentation to support learning.
Figure 3: Interactive decision making environment
provides assistance on the selection of theoretical
techniques without the need for prior knowledge, assisting
the learning process.
MagLab implements intelligent learning through
the use of wizards in order to simplify and de-skill the
selection and use of appropriate analytical
management techniques. This simplification
enhances the learning process and reduces the
prerequisite theoretical knowledge required by the
user, making techniques available to a wider audience
and providing a greater understanding in the
application of techniques, as figure 3 illustrates.
The outstanding capabilities of the Tcl/Tk in creating
GUIs were used in order to build a really fine tool for
academic education: MagLab. It can be efficiently
used for educational purposes as part of either an
introductory or a more advanced course in
Management Analytics.
It is very easy to use MagLab
and little time is required
for its learning. The great
variety of functions and options
includes, together
with the detailed help topics
provided directly by the
interface of the tool, promote
extremely the learning
process and make working with
MagLab both
productive and enjoyable. The development of
MagLab continues and more
functions, techniques
and algorithms are included, so that
it becomes a
really professional management tool.
MagLab – An Intelligent Management Learning Environment
We thank the reviewers for their helpful comments
and suggestions in improving this paper.
Lepi, K., 2012. The 7 Styles of Learning: Which Works for
West, D.M., 2013. Mobile Learning: Transforming
Education, Engaging Students, and Improving
Outcomes, Centre for Technology Innovation at
Hillier, F.S. & Lieberman, G.J.,2014. Introduction to
Operations Research (incl.OR software), McGraw-Hill
Ketron Optimization, 2011 (
Schank, R. et al, 2010. The Future of Decision Making:
How Revolutionary Software Can Improve the Ability
to Decide, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Flynt, C., 2012. Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide, The Morgan
Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and
AndroWish – Tcl/Tk on Android (
Fifth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design