measurements and products (such as electron density
profiles) can be available from the Taiwan Analysis
Center for COSMIC (TACC, http://
tacc.cwb.gov.tw/en/) and the COSMIC Data
Analysis and Archive Center (CDAAC,
Only a few examples illustrate the possibility of
obtaining new results using the resources of the
Internet. For ionospheric studies, the most important
are databases of the vertical sounding, measurements
of TEC by high-orbit navigation satellites,
measurements of plasma frequency by low-orbit
satellites, data of solar and geomagnetic conditions.
The obtained results show the large possibilities of
use of resources of the Internet for study of the
ionosphere and the representation of conditions of
propagation of radio-waves. A series of new
knowledge in this area was obtained.
But there is another side to such use: (1) it is not
always possible to reconcile different data to each
other because of their inaccuracies and ambiguities,
(2) there is a danger in the access closing of certain
countries, as it may be in an emergency situation.
The author thanks the scientists who provided the
data of SPIDR, satellites DMSP, global maps of
TEC, operation and modification of the IRI model,
Dr A. Karpachev (IZMIRAN, karp@izmiran.ru) for
CHAMP data, Southern Federal University for
finantial support (project N 213.01-11/2014-22).
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