Analysis and Design of Hybrid and Graphene-Based
Plasmonic Waveguide Components
D. A. Ketzaki, V. Salonikios, I. Demirtzioglou and T. V. Yioultsis
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Graphene, plasmonics, plasmonic waveguides, hybrid waveguides.
Abstract: We present an efficient finite element formulation for the eigenmode analysis of graphene-based plasmonic
waveguides with switching functionalities. The formulation is full-vectorial and addresses graphene as a
surface conductivity, as opposed to bulky material considerations, thus eliminating the need for fine
discretizations inside thin graphene models. Based on this technique, several graphene-enhanced plasmonic
waveguides and components with promising characteristics are proposed.
Graphene is a relatively new innovative material,
with interesting new physics and several significant
properties and effects, including the ability to
support surface plasmon propagating modes and
switching functionalities (Bludov et al., 2013).
Optical conductivity of graphene has been shown to
consist of a Drude intraband term and an interband
contribution. These properties may result in either
plasmonic modes in THz (Nikitin et al., 2011) or
enhanced switching in photonic waveguides for the
optical communications regime (Sun et al., 2014). In
particular, for the case of the THz regime, where the
Drude term is dominant, graphene surface plasmons
offer the possibility of waveguiding with strong
confinement, while in the optical communications
spectrum where the interband contribution is
substantial, the tunability of graphene’s conductivity
through electrostatic gating shows great potential for
the design of switching components.
As for the analysis and design of graphene-based
and enhanced waveguides and components, the
finite element method (FEM) is a perfect candidate,
due to its ability to deal with problems of
considerable geometric complexity. However, the
general trend is often to approach graphene as a
bulky material, thus requiring very fine
descritizations inside thin sheets and the surrounding
space as well. We present here an efficient
formulation for both the eigenmode and the 3D
analysis of graphene-based plasmonic waveguides
and components with switching functionalities
which is full-vectorial and addresses graphene as a
thin sheet with a surface conductivity. Based on this
analysis, we propose a graphene-enhanced
plasmonic CGS waveguide with an extinction ratio
of 8.6 dB and a 2.15 dB insertion loss for a 10 um
length, which can be considered highly satisfactory.
A particular investigation of a three-dimensional
microring /microdisk filter revelas the possibility of
actual designs with extinction ratios exceeding 10
dB, which is also a firm basis for further study
towards the development of switched plasmonic
components in the photonics regime.
The proposed finite element eigenmode formulation
follows the general framework that has been
proposed in (Selleri et al., 2001), where the electric
field is used as a working variable. The formulation
uses mixed finite elements for the discretization of
the waveguide cross section, with tangentially
continuous (H-curl) vector finite elements in the
transverse plane and scalar (nodal) finite elements
for the axial component. Using the Galerkin
formulation for the Helmholtz equation, the form
k dsEEΕ
expresses the projected problem, reducing its
solution to a finite-dimensional vector subspace. The
Ketzaki D., Salonikios V., Demirtzioglou I. and Yioultsis T.
Analysis and Design of Hybrid and Graphene-Based Plasmonic Waveguide Components.
DOI: 10.5220/0005888900240028
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing (ICTRS 2015), pages 24-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-152-6
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved