messages at the same time, without performing a
backoff, which may result in packet drop. On the
other hand, even in the sparse configuration, nodes
sense the channel's state first; hence they delay in the
transmission of their packets.
In this paper we showed that utilizing uniform
transmission powers may result in increase of PRR.
This is dependent on the distance between the
receiver and the interferer. We studied two settings,
one with CCA enabled and the other with CCA
disabled. We have seen that in a sparse configuration,
using the CCA-disabled setting results in the network
reaching the quality of messages reception of the
CCA-enabled setting; thus, exhibiting a similar PRR.
On the other hand, in a dense configuration, the CCA-
enabled setting outperforms the one where CCA is
The use of the aforementioned results implies the
necessity of spatiotemporal optimization and stability
of wireless sensor networks. That is, WSN power
control optimization methods may employ the careful
selection of receivers to indicate whether a network
should use uniform or non-uniform transmission
power settings in specific regions. Furthermore,
depending on the network density as well as the
network neighbor and interference degrees, the
network protocol designers, may find that CCA is a
holding back factor of the network throughput
increase. This may be valid in outdoor topologies
where the signal is not affected by factors, such as
Wi-Fi devices (Wu, Stankovic, He and Lin, 2008).
At this point, we have to mention it would be
interesting to experiment with nodes when distances
are fixed, according to the examples discussed
previously. Furthermore, since the Indriya testbed is
spread across different rooms, another interesting
experiment would be to test the topological
configurations under Line-Of-Sight, where the path
loss exponent does not fluctuate. These experiments
may provide us with useful insight regarding the PRR
and rate of transmission.
Finally, this approach may indicate the fact that
interference may not be high enough to require
lowering the transmission power level of a node, even
if the transmission power used is high. This may give
a helpful insight on the behavior of the network PRR
in a two-hop neighborhood.
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