On the basis of the previous theoretical and
experimental investigation (A.Denisov, V.
Obolonsky, 1990, A.Denisov, V.Gorishnyak, 1981,
A. Denisov, V.Gaevsky., 1985) there shortly described
the innovation decision about wide-range tuner for
generators in THz bands.
Why tuner? What is necessary for the tuning of
generator? It is need some visual control about
frequency and the power of EMR. In reality the
calculation of new generation structure can be done
according to some current theoretical model and
naturally in the simplest approximation. According
to this and the real possible mistakes the frequency
of EMR has some accident character, so the receiver
with standard mixer even with big band of the
intermediate frequency is not enough for this task.
In the practical case at the beginning of the
experiments the generation power is small enough
too. Real situation. Besides of this the microwave
losses in the transmission line can be very big too
according to practically full absence the devices for
such control and the matching in THz band.
There raised the question - where is the best
suitable decision?
For such task it is need the tuning device with
super wide band and with best sensitivity. In this
case it will be real guarantee we would not “sleep
past cash-box”.
This is proved by two devices based on the JJ.
First one is the sensitive receiver based on self-pump
mode regime of JJ and second one is the using JJ as
the criterion according to 2eV = hω (for the
frequency measurement by the super wide
frequency-meter. Combination of this two devices in
one single block was published before) (A.Denisov,
Qiu Jing Hui, 2014, A. Denisov, A.Gudkov, 2015)
Perhaps, it’s interesting to say the fact ( A.
Denisov , A.Gudkov., 2015) that in 1978 it was the
first S&R works to create the practical devices of the
generators based on Impatt structures in Scientific
Research Institute “Saturn” in Kiev, was oriented on
R&D of low and super low noise microwave
receivers in former USSR. It was practically lack of
measuring devices in frequency bands more than
100 GHz. Spectrum analyzer C4-28 works till~38,5
GHz, and the existing certificated frequency-meter
and power-meter worked practically till the same
limiting frequency. It was realized the first variant of
the panoramic sweep generator with monitor for
measuring Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) had been
working in 3 mm. It was a real task to construct the
generator of 70 GHz. It was came up with the idea to
use ‘Shapiro steps” (K.Likharev, B.Ul’rich -1978) –
their level and position along voltage-frequency
scale for the tuning and matching the “room-
temperature” Impatt generator to the biggest power.
Experiments were successful, but not only for 70
GHz. we elaborated the second harmonic and tuned
the Impatt generator on 140 GHz. However, since
the certificated measuring equipments were lucking,
it was really difficult to confirm the obtained results
and to convince the corresponding technical
standard control personnel. We observed the
harmonics of 140 GHz till more than 1,5 THz with
the help of our first analogue variant of the
Josephson frequency-meter (A.Denisov,
V.Obolonsky, 1990) built on Nb point contact had
been working according to the “Shapiro steps” on
Current-Voltage Characteristic (IVCh) of the JJ
(patented in USSR in 1978).
First of all, this device had extremely super wide
momentary wave band. It was not necessary to
change the measuring block to modify the measuring
frequency band.
On fig.1 and fig, 2 presented typical Volt-Amper
Characteristic (VACh) of the JJ. Result on fig.1 was
made from Tl based HTSC film by one of the author
of this work. EMR of the experimental generator
falls on JJ which produces microwave radiation
according to 2eV= hω and later visual control of the
Shapiro steps on VACh can be used for the tuning
and matching of the experimental generator. To
obtain a quantitative measure of the microwave
power sensed by the Josephson junction, the well
known dependence of the Shapiro step width on
incident microwave power can be employed.
In term of Josephson-effect theory, the reduction
of zeroth Shapiro step width is equivalent in quantity
to diminish the critical current I
of JJ which depends
on EMR power as zeroth Bessel function. This
current which is the result of interference of two
signals on JJ has direct influence on the width of the
steps. So, the width of the steps or
I on Fig 1 is the
measure of EMR falling on JJ.
And naturally the position of Shapiro steps on
the voltage scale of VACh corresponds to the
frequency which falls on JJ.
Fourth International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing