filter may be implemented without any additional
data collection and should always be used to provide
an optimised solution.
This paper proposed a set of algorithms and
application techniques that improve narrow
bandwidth channel ranging estimates in signals of
opportunity environments. The novel application and
further development of DSSS signal processing
techniques to provide not just an improved ranging
estimate but, by re-analysing existing data, an
additional confidence weighting.
By re-analysing the available data, a filter
confidence factor can be obtained that can be
calculated dynamically without the need for a training
period and without any prior knowledge of the radio
system and environment. More specifically, the use
of UWB signal processing techniques provided an
approximately 4 times improvement in ranging
estimation over simple threshold detection even in
narrow bandwidth channels, including a better
Poisson distribution and higher resilience to false
The main benefit of applying this technique is that
a filtered ranging estimate can be obtained that is
more accurate, lower noise and lower latency than can
be obtained by using simple threshold detection
techniques to detect the leading edge of a message.
The analysis of the proposed technique
performance throughout this paper has been carried
out only in multipath environments. It is anticipated
that the benefits of the technique will be significantly
less apparent in less hostile environments.
Future work should include the physical test of
this system to verify the model. The integration of the
algorithm into higher level systems is also required to
verify the higher level benefits shown during
simulation. The close coupling of this system with
higher level navigation systems, in particular Kalman
filtering schemes may also allow the development of
a significantly improved signal of opportunity based
localisation system.
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