Fast Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Single Source
Near- and Far-Field Approaches for 1D Source Localization
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
25A, Acad. G. Bonchev str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Direction-of-Arrival Estimation, Far-field, Near-field, Source Localization, Autoregressive Moving
Average Model, Spatial Frequency Estimation.
Abstract: The new approaches for a single narrowband source direction-of-arrival estimation in a far-field scenario
and both direction-of-arrival and range estimation a near-field scenario are proposed. The main idea is to
estimate the spatial frequency directly along the uniform linear array aperture from the single-shot
measurement. The algorithm based on the autoregressive moving average model of the sinewave is applied
for the frequency estimation. The effectiveness of proposed methods is analysed via computer simulations.
The problem of direction-of-arrival (DOA)
estimation of multiple plane waves generated by
narrowband signal sources have attracted
considerable interest in the literature due to a variety
of applications in communication, seismology,
oceanography, radar, acoustics, and so on. This
problem is considered in the framework of the array
signal processing and signal parameter estimation in
particular. Usually the objective is to estimate
parameters, such as azimuth, elevation, range, center
frequency etc. associated with each signal.
Localization problem can be generally divided
into two types, based on the distance between the
source and the antenna array: far-field (when
, r is the range between the source and
the array reference point, D is the array aperture, λ is
the wavelength of the source signal), and near-field
localization. In far-field case, the wavefront of the
signal impinging on the array is assumed to be
planar (Johnson, 2006). When the source is located
in the Fresnel region (
) or
even closer in the near-field
wave front gets some curvature. It is reasonable to
split processing algorithms onto ones based on the
planar wave assumption and ones for the circular
For the far-field estimation there are a lot of
methods that can be separated onto three categories.
The first one is beamforming algorithms like delay-
and-sum or minimum variance distortionless
response (Bai, Ih, Benesty, 2013), which obtain a
nonparametric spatial spectrum by application of a
data-adaptive spatial filtering. The subspace
algorithms like MUSIC (Stoica, Nehorai, 1989),
ESPRIT (Gao, Gershman 2005) use the low-rank
structure of the noise-free signal. The maximum
likelihood methods (Wax, 1982), (Stoica, Besson,
2000), (Chen, Lorenzelli, Hudson, Yao, 2008) work
with statistical properties, but require precise
initialization to ensure convergence to a global
minimum. Due statistical nature, they need
sufficiently big data amount for accurate estimation.
In the case of single source localization, direction
finding of the narrowband singal can be interpreted
as a problem of a sinewave signal parameter
estimation, particularly estimation of the spatial
frequency. Besides, reduction of the problem allows
using of simplified algorithms. (Wu, Liu, So, 2009).
In the near-field scenario it is necessary to
estimate simultaneously two position parameters: a
pair of coordinates or DOA and range. Therefore,
traditional approaches like MUSIC must be
extended to a two-dimensional field. Swindlehurst
and Kailath (1988) suggest a quadratic (Fresnel)
approximation of the wavefront in the near-field.
Chyrka I.
Fast Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Single Source - Near- and Far-Field Approaches for 1D Source Localization.
DOI: 10.5220/0005889400540058
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing (ICTRS 2015), pages 54-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-152-6
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved