proposed meta-model forms the basis for data ana-
lytic methods aiming to identify dependencies be-
tween multiple fractals. The contribution has been
evaluated by a scenario-based evaluation and is
planned to be validated in a field study in future work.
However, first results show great potential for model-
ling hospitals with the paradigm of fractal organiza-
tions. With mostly independently organized units,
hospitals show a high level of fractalization and, thus,
are predestined for modelling processes following the
paradigm of organizational fractals.
Together with data analytics focused on hospital
needs, the dependencies between different fractals
can be identified and parameters of fractals such as
process duration can be predicted for the benefit of
increasing patient throughput as well as to improve
patient care significantly. A detailed investigation
will be subject to further research.
This work has been supported by the project
InnOPlan, funded by the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi, FKZ
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