The most direct approach to get decision based on
images is to match image volume features directly. In
this context, content means some property extracted
from the image such as color and intensity
distribution, texture, shape, or high level features
such as the presence of nodes or objects of interest.
This approach however is generally not feasible as it
may not be clear which volume from one dicom
image correspond to which volume in the other
image. DICOM objects consist of sets of attribute-
value pairs that allow nesting (the values can be other
DICOM objects). There are several thousand
official attributes, an extension mechanism for
private attributes and 27 data types called value
representations (VR) for the values (DICOM Part 5,
2011). The data type for each official at tribute is
Official attributes are identified by a group and
element number (16bit unsigned integers usually in
hexadecimal notation). Attributes can also represent
some kind of real world entity that is only implicitly
defined by DICOM or some kind of abstract
entity created by the particular hospital. There are
important metadata such as pixel parameters,
acquisition index, patient dose and geometric
information that are generated by the modality and
transferred to the PACS database as DICOM
We have divided metadata into feature sets.
General dicom image features, which can be
extracted from PACS and can therefore be applied to
queries over brain tumor category, and modality
specific features. Our concept relies on the automatic
extraction of attributes from a dicom image to provide
the multiparameters for classifier (Fig. 1).
2.1 Classification
An Support Vector Machine classification technique
is proposed to recognize malignant and benign tumors
from MRI brain images (meta-data).
a) b)
Figure 2: DICOM images of a a) benign and b) malignant
brain tumor.
Benign tumors have well defined edges and are
more easily removed surgically. Malignant tumors
have an irregular border that invades normal tissue
with finger-like projections making surgical removal
more difficult. Image source: a) http://neurosurgery.
ufl.edu and b) http://cdn.phys.org
2.2 Fast SVM
SVM is one of the successful approaches to
multiparametric data analysis. In supervised
classification we have a set of data samples (each
consisting of measurements on a set of variables) with
associated labels, the class types (malignant, benign).
These are used as exemplars in the classifier design.
The classification experiments in dicom analysis
were carried out with a support vector machine
(SVM) (Vapnik, 1995).
Discriminative approaches to recognition
problems often depend on comparing distributions of
features, e.g. a kernelized SVM, where the kernel
measures the similarity between histograms
describing the features. In many practical cases where
performance of classification is significant SVM with
standard kernel function like Gaussian Kernel (GK)
or Radial Basis Function (RBF) are not suitable.
Recently, the use of kernels in learning systems
has received considerable attention. The main reason
is that kernels allow mapping the data into a high
dimensional feature space in order to increase the
computational power of linear machines (see for
example Vapnik, 1995, 1998, Cristianini and Shawe-
Taylor, 2000).
SVM can be optimized for performance via the
kernel methods adapted for dicom image datasets. In
Kernel methods, the original observations are
effectively mapped into a higher dimensional non-
linear space. For a given nonlinear mapping, the
input data space X can be mapped into the feature
space H:
Linear classification in this non-linear space is
then equivalent to non-linear classification in the
original space. Require Fisher LDA can be rewritten
in terms of dot product.
Unlike Support Vector Machine (SVM) it doesn’t
seem the dual problem reveal the kernelized problem
Bigdata in Neurosurgery: Intelligent Support for Brain Tumor Consilium