Social networking fragment shows the list of
contacts user can interact with. Every contact is
represented by name, relationship to the user (family,
friend, nurse, etc.) and network status (online,
offline). Using this fragment, patient can establish
video communication with any contact that is online
or leave a notification to offline user.
The main application is accompanied with 2 more
extensions: Autoupdate Application and Home
Health Smart TV Launcher. Autoupdate application,
as the name suggests, is used for automatic update of
the application without any user input. The
application checks the application version deployed
on the server. If there is a new version deployed on
the server, the Autoupdate application will fetch and
install it without any intervention of user. Usual
solutions for updating the application, such as Google
Play service, can’t be applied for Home Health Smart
TV platform because updating of the application must
occur even if the application is executing. This way
we ensure that the latest version of the application is
installed on every active device which is very
important for users without technical knowledge.
The last application from Home Health Smart TV
platform is Home Health Smart TV Launcher. Smart
TV Launcher is used as default Android Launcher.
Using this custom launcher, we ensure that users
cannot exit the Home Health Smart TV application.
Making Smart TV Launcher as a default Android
Launcher will also provide us automatic start of the
application after the boot process.
2.1.2 Design
Primary requirements for application designed for
elders is simple design, intuitive navigation, filtered
content and user interface adapted to overcome the
lack of computer literacy and the physical barriers
such as visual impairment. The main input device
inside the application is remote control. In order to
simplify use of remote control, most of the buttons
were disabled, leaving only 8 buttons functional.
Navigation within the application is pretty
intuitive. Navigation bar is located at the bottom of
the screen. The title located in the middle is the title
of currently shown fragment. The titles on the left and
the right of the navigation bar show which fragment
will be displayed to the user if matching navigation
button is clicked.
2.1.3 Integration with e-health service
The application is connected to Ericsson Mobile
Health which provides patients personal medical data
through Medical node REST API. The
interoperability is a great challenge (Vida, Lupse,
Stoicu-Tivadar, 2012) when it comes to e-health
services. Market is filled with various e-health
solutions from different service providers. In order to
make the Home Health Smart TV platform adaptable
for different environments and e-health services, a
special focus is put in adding the module for
processing HL7 CCD standard for medical data
exchange. The Continuity of Care Document (CCD)
is a joint effort of HL7 International and ASTM (HL7
CCD). CCD fosters interoperability of clinical data
by allowing physicians to send electronic medical
information to other providers without loss of
meaning and enabling improvement of patient care.
CCD establishes a rich set of templates representing
the typical sections of a summary record, and
expresses these templates as constraints on CDA.
These same templates for vital signs, family history,
plan of care, and so on can then be reused in other
CDA document types, establishing interoperability
across a wide range of clinical use cases.
The platform makes periodic requests to the
adapter service which then polls the REST APIs of
different service providers. Adapter service is used
for adapting internal methods to various external
APIs. The communication process is secured using
HTTPS protocol. During the first boot and
initialization of the device, user enters his credentials
for e-health services he is using. The credentials are
then locally stored using AccountManager class.
Entering passwords using remote control is a very
difficult and time taking process, so instead of
entering passwords on every device boot, patients can
secure the access to their medical information using
PIN which they can enter after the device
initialization. PIN is not mandatory because
memorizing it can be an issue to elder people and can
be a reason for ceasing the use of the service.
2.1.4 Customizing Android ROM
Even after integrating all previously mentioned
modifications, users still need to configure Android
OS settings to be able to use Home Health Smart TV
platform properly. Although these are minor
adjustments, they still require technical knowledge
that elder people don’t possess. Since the goal of this
project is to make platform that is fully adapted to the
needs of elder people, Android ROM had to be
customized. Default Android ROM is filled with
different applications which are not necessary for
functioning of Home Health Smart TV. On the other
hand all those applications can interfere with normal
functioning of the application. All the applications
Fourth International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing