For patients who were receiving telemonitoring
prior to their admission, it is expected that they will
return to receive the telemonitoring service upon
being discharge from hospital.
The main Project action was preparation of the
material for the Ethics Committee, which was
supposed to agree on a research project. At the
meeting of the Ethics Committee, in accordance with
the applicable legislation, it was requested to prepare
a proposal to the Bioethical Committee containing:
1. CV of the principal researcher
2. A detailed description of the project
3. A written acceptance of managers of the centers
where the examinations are performed
4. Consent of a trustee of archival material to its use
(each center)
5. An assessment card of assessment of a service
beneficiary directed to a care / staying in a care
unit (rating performed by service provider
according to the Barthl scale)
6. The information model for the participants of the
7. The information model for the participants of the
8. Specimen of the informed consent of participants
or legal representatives to participation in the
examination and data processing related to this
participation (in the study).
9. Statement of the applicant about the knowledge
of principles of medical confidentiality
10. Submit a policy of obligatory liability insurance
of the entity engaged in medical activities.
Another element of the work in the project design
was based on modelled telecare processes presented
in Figure 2 and then selection of the suppliers of
technical solutions, ie. Platform, which is shown in
Figure 1. The integration and implementation work
followed by training of medical staff - doctors and
nurses, lasted until 15.06.2015r.
Individual technical means for patients include a set
of 50 mobile phones, smartphones L65 LG (LG-
D280n) for each patient. And in addition:
A Diabetic set - glucometer- ProfiLine Blutzucker-
Messsystem - 20 pcs.
B. COPD set - pulse oximeter PC-60NW - 5 pcs.
and peakflow meter - Asma-1 Vitalograph company
C. Hipertension set - Blood pressure meter -
SeniorLine BT model TD-3128- 15 pcs.
D. Set heart failure – pulse oximeter PC-60NW,
weight scales - 10 pcs.
Patients of Group A (diabetes) receive the
Patients of Group B (POHP) will receive
peakflowmeter and pulse oximeter.
Patients of Group C (hypertension) will
receive blood pressure meter.
Patients of Group D (heart failure) receive
pulse oximeter and a weight scales.
Ultimately, the care will be provided for 100
people. The criteria for inclusion of patients into the
follow-up observation are age 65-85; combination of
not fewer than 2 types of diseases: hypertension (ICD
I10), diabetes (ICD E11), chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (ICD J44), heart failure (ICD I50).
Another required condition is to obtain at least 60
points according to Barthl scale.
Among the exclusion criteria involved in the
project there were established: age below 65 and
above 85 years, obtaining fewer than 60 points on a
Barthl scale, previous myocardial infection or stroke,
ischemic or haemorrhagic, in the last three months, an
active process of cancer of any location, mental
illnesses and unintentional loss of body weight: BMI
<19, or weight loss ascertained by a doctor.
Qualifying took place on the basis of analysis of
the information card of hospital stay. Patients
qualified for observation were divided into two
groups. The target size of both groups is 50 people. In
Group I there were qualified persons covered by
telemonitoring, who were provided with measuring
devices depending on the disease entity. In Group II
there were enrolled patients who were not covered by
telemonitoring and who received no measuring
Both in Group I and Group II there are patients
with a similar disease profile, age group and degree
of disability. In the next stage, persons qualified for
the observation will be evaluated by a nurse
(assessment of vital signs, including efficiency by
Barthl scale) and a Primary Care physician during
scheduled visits in the clinic. The estimated time of
follow-up for individual patients is 18 months.
Until 06.30.2015 in the Project there were
enrolled 75 people, including 39 women representing
52% of the respondents, and 36 men respectively,
48% of respondents. The average age being 73.96
years. The most commonly diagnose disease entity is
hypertension (ICD I10) 73 persons (97.3% of the
respondents). 45 patients (60%) were diagnosed with
Patient with Complex Needs - Experience in Implementation of LSV-Carewell Platform