Table 3: Sub-scale descriptive statistics and correlation pattern.
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Competence 4.84(1.38) 4.14(1.26) .71***
.82*** .84***
.65*** .73*** .72*** .35*** -.47*** .27***
Benevolence 4.48(1.47) 4.15(1.31) .32***
.76*** .79*** .75*** .36*** -.47*** .23***
Integrity 4.73(1.44) 4.23(1.27) .50***
.85*** .86***
- .72*** .78*** .75*** .36*** -.47*** .28***
Emotional linkage
4.19(1.33) 3.79(1.29) .40***
.65*** .76*** .72*** -
.88*** .78***
.29*** -.40*** .30***
4.31(1.38) 3.78(1.37) .53***
.71*** .79*** .77***
.32*** -.44*** .32***
Depending willingness
4.76(1.23) 4.06(1.23) .70***
.70*** .69*** .71***
.77*** .82***
- .25*** -.39*** .36***
Distributive justice 3.99(1.44) 3.73(1.16) .26** .40*** .48*** .43*** .42*** .48*** .45*** - -.30*** .06
Disappointment 3.72(1.38) 4.06(.95) -.34*** -.37*** -.45*** -.43*** -.36*** -.41*** -.37*** -.39*** - -.02
Altruistic behavior 4.43(1.30) 3.98(1.05) .45*** .14* .20*** .11 .27*** .27*** .27*** .07 .09 -
The lower triangular part = Chinese dada (n = 301). The upper triangular part = Japanese dada (n = 475). ***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05.
both Chinese and Japanese version, the intra-group
correlation coefficients among CT’s (or ET’s) three
sub-scales were stronger than the inter-group
correlation coefficients between CT’s sub-scales and
ET’s sub-scales on average. Thus, the convergent
validities of the sub-scales within each of the higher-
order constructs (CT & ET), and the discriminant
validities of CT’s sub-scales from ET’s sub-scales
were confirmed.
To further test the construct validity of the six
sub-scales, as shown in Table 3, we computed the
correlations between them and some external
variables. For both Chinese and Japanese version,
the six sub-scales were positively related to
distributive justice and negatively related to
disappointment (antecedents); and positively related
to altruistic behavior for supervisor (effect)
consistently. This correlation pattern was consistent
with Dirks & Ferrin’s (2002) meta-analysis results.
Hence the construct validity of the six sub-scales
was (re)confirmed.
To test the three hypotheses, we built a second-
order factor model to represent them. As shown in
Figure 1, by joint estimation with Chinese and
Japanese samples, the hypothesized model met the
criterion of CFI ≥ .95 & SRMR ≤ .08, and was
superior to all alternative factor models in Akaike’s
Information Criterion (AIC). Thus the second-order
factor model was configural invariant across
Chinese and Japanese samples. Therefore, all three
hypotheses were supported by the two countries’
The first purpose of this paper is to develop the sub-
dimension models of CT & ET so as to test an
original hierarchical framework (Figure 1). The
three hypotheses describing the configuration of this
framework were supported by Chinese and Japanese
samples. This fact suggests that each of the two
trusts has a general sub-dimensional structure, and
our sub-dimension model capture it well.
The second purpose is to assess the psychometric
properties of the six sub-scales in CTS-S & ETS-S,
which operationalize the six sub-dimensions. The
results of psychometric analyses validated the six
sub-scales for both Chinese and Japanese version.
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Developing and Measuring Sub-Dimensions of Cognitive and Emotional Trust in Supervisor