collect and analyze the information in order to
ensure the reliability and security of the equipment
and power supply. During the smart power
transformation, we can analyze the primary
equipment condition and secondary equipment
condition to ensure the accuracy. During the power
distribution, we can realize the automatic power
distribution, optimize and manage the power quality.
During the user power utilization, we can manage
user power consumption information and build both-
way interaction between enterprises and users to
ensure the power consumption transparency and
Information transmission uses the special
electrical communication network. It has the
function of fast transmission, large data capacity,
and anti-lose to ensure the communication accuracy,
high-efficiency and energy conservation.
2.2 Layered Network Design
Based on the internet of things, the smart grid
module can be divided into the application layer,
network layer, perception extended layer based on
the function requirement and technology differences.
Figure 1 has the details.
2.3 Application Layer
Application layer builds management platform for
the users and power management enterprises.
Through the power data and power consumption
data we can realize the management and control. It
can ensure the power using security and
management convenience. Application layer
includes power operated equipment, middle
supporting facility, and system business. Basic
equipment and supporting facility provide reliable
data to the platform and help with the calculation
and analysis. The smart grid platform includes many
parts: power supply, power transmission, power
transformation, power distribution and power
consumption. Through the mode identification,
smart analysis and other technologies we can realize
the comprehensive evaluation and management.
Moreover, we can support intelligent decision,
control, and service in order to promote the grid
informatization, automation and smart level. With
the cloud calculation technology, middleware
technology, data digging technology and other key
techniques, we can realize the analysis and
processing of smart grid data. It is useful to change
the power supply and reach the convenient and high
utilization of the power.
2.4 Network Layer
Network layer is the service layer that connects
application layer and perception extended a layer. It
can be divided into wide band network, user
interaction terminal, and perception terminal. The
wideband network can collect and transmit the data
information. User interaction terminal and
perception terminal can realize the information
interaction and remote control through
Ethernet/ADSL/3G/xPON etc. Based on the internet
of things, network layer combines and extends the
wide band, wireless public communication, wireless
sensor network, optical transmission network. Then,
we can realize the information transmission, route
and control of the perception layer and application
layer. It is possible to increase the reliable, secure,
and large-scale data transmission, which includes
access network and core network. Power access of
the wide band takes special optical network as the
principal thing. This network has high stability and
fast transmission speed. It can provide high-speed
communication platform for the power supply
enterprise that combine with digital microwave, and
power line wave carrier communication.
2.5 Perception Extended Layer
Perception extended layer means collect, classify
and preprocess the information of the object,
environment, condition during the process of power
supply, power transformation, power distribution,
power utilization. It can operate the interaction
among various terminal facilities and realize the
remote control. In the power internet of things,
perception extended layer combines with the various
perception nodes of the different perception objects.
Through the self-organization to build the perception
network, then collect and transmit the data of power
supply, power transformation, power distribution,
and power utilization. Moreover, use the internet of
things and it is possible to set different types of
sensors on the grid lines. Temperature sensor,
humidity sensor, vibrating sensor, velocity sensor,
and air velocity transducer is the example. Video
technology, identification technology, transmission
technology, GIS technology and network technology
can feed back the sensor information to the platform
of the internet of things in order to monitor the
various conditions such as icing, dirt, temperature,
wave, microclimate and other information. Then,
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering