The Personalization Technique for Social Recommender Systems
using Machine Learning
Huan Du
and Haiyan Chen
The Third Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, Shanghai, China
East China University of Political Science, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Personalization Technique, Social Recommender System, Machine Learning.
Abstract: Recent years have seen the explosive growth of information in the form of web services. Recommender
systems suggest items of interest to users based on users’ explicit and implicit feedback and also based on
the preferences and interests of other similar users/items. As a small step towards extending the footprint of
the applications of big data, this paper tries to depict the machine learning techniques to perform Social
network analytics that may provide a 360 degree insight into the social network data. The term machine
learning aptly denotes that, the system is made to learn by providing necessary inputs and carefully
examining the obtained outputs. The applications of machine learning are as diverse as the applications of
big data. Adaptive websites, Bio informatics, Computational advertising, Information retrieval, credit card
fraud detection, medical diagnosis, Natural language processing, stock market analysis are some areas
where machine learning has found its use.
Recent years have seen the explosive growth of
information in the form of web services.
Recommender systems suggest items of interest to
users based on users’ explicit and implicit feedback
and also based on the preferences and interests of
other similar users/items. The two basic entities of
any recommender system are items, which are the
product/services and users, who procure those
product/services. A user of a recommender system
receives recommendations about items, makes use of
those items and also provides opinion about various
items. The history of recommender system dates
back to early 1990 when certain experimental
applications employed filtering mechanisms to
provide the item of interest to the user (Allison,
2003). Initially the recommender systems were
query based information system more like a search
engine (Luo, 2011).With the advent of internet and
the World Wide Web, there was endless possibilities
of electronic data available to the end users. This
paved the way for the recommender system which is
a resource that helps to make a choice from infinite
possibilities (Xu, 2015). The recommender system
*The corresponding author: Haiyan Chen
helps the consumer to narrow down his/her set of
choices from the abundant list and also help in
discovering new item of interest. The invasive
presence of E-commerce (Liu, 2010) in today
modern society and the aggressive consumers
present three key challenges to the recommender
system. The first and foremost is to produce high
quality recommendations. Secondly, it is necessary
to generate many recommendations per second for
millions of customers and products, and the last is to
achieve high coverage in the face of data sparsity.
Now research is focused on improving the methods
of recommending items to users.
As a small step towards extending the footprint
of the applications of big data, this paper tries to
depict the machine learning techniques to perform
Social network analytics that may provide a 360
degree insight into the social network data. The term
machine learning aptly denotes that, the system is
made to learn by providing necessary inputs and
carefully examining the obtained outputs. Machines
can learn under different circumstances namely,
Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement.
Machine learning is a subfield of computer science
that evolved from the computational learning theory
in Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning
algorithms help us to make effective predictions
Chen H. and Du H.
The Personalization Technique for Social Recommender Systems using Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0006020601380141
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 138-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
based on big data, upon which the operational
convenience of a business can rely. Various machine
learning tasks are categorized depending on the
desired output of the machine learned system. The
applications of machine learning are as diverse as
the applications of big data. Adaptive websites, Bio
informatics, Computational advertising, Information
retrieval, credit card fraud detection, medical
diagnosis, Natural language processing , stock
market analysis are some areas where machine
learning has found its use.
Social networks such as Face book, Twitter,
LinkedIn etc pave way for generation of huge
amount of diverse data in short period of time. Such
social media data require the application of big data
analytics to produce meaningful information to both
information consumers and 3 data generators. The
impact of different big data analytics tools and
techniques over processing social network data will
be discussed in detail in this section of this paper.
Big data analytics techniques and tool types
include all of the following such as Predictive
analytics, data mining, statistical analysis, complex
SQL, data visualization, artificial intelligence and
natural language processing. The analysis of
structured and unstructured data from social
networks leads to social network analytics
(Balabanovic, 1997). Even blogs, micro blogs and
wikis contribute to social network analytics data
sets. Though there are various sources of
information available in social media, we are largely
concerned about the user generated contents such as
sentiments, images, videos and bookmarks and
interactive relationships between people,
organizations and products. These two classes of
information is utilized in various big data analytics
tool such as Hadoop and Map Reduce Framework,
Apache Pig, Apache Hive, Jaql, NoSQL etc. When
user posted information is used in the analytics
approach, it is called as content based analytics and
when relationships between entities is used for
analytics, it is known as structure based analytics.
Social networks consist of millions of connected
objects and analysis of data from those objects is
computationally intensive and expensive. Hence
there are two different approaches that shall be
followed. They are parallelization approach and
Graph databases approach (Adomavicius, 2005). In
parallelization approach, focus is towards dividing a
huge data set into smaller sub sets and utilize the
computational power through cloud computing to
process the data in a parallel manner. Map Reduce
and Pregel from google are pioneer in this approach.
However, lots of open source initiatives in the form
of Hadoop are gaining popularity in the social
network analytics. Spark and Hama are also
registering their market share in the research of
social network data. (Burke, 2007)
Map reduce framework consists of Map phase
and Reduce phase which uses Key/Value pairs and
Key-Value List pairs respectively. Any mapreduce
application contains various hotspots such as Input
Reader, Map, Partition, Compare, Reduce, Output
Writer. Application of Map reduce is considered to
enable the scalability of social networks, for the
determination of graph based metrics. This
application is used to determine the betweenness
centrality. The chaining of Mapreduce jobs in social
network analytics is carried out for the estimation of
shortest paths in a graph. Blocking mechanism is an
important part of Map Reduce that deals with
machine failures in the application of social network
The preprocessor cleans, integrates, selects and
transforms the knowledge base of the users and
items to relevant user and item data store. Then
various types of filters are applied to data stored in
these databases. The filtering algorithms can be
broadly classified into memory based algorithms and
model based algorithms. Recommender system
using memory based algorithm learns at a particular
instance of time considering all previous instances.
After the recommendation, the system immediately
knows the result of the prediction and hence uses the
feedback for further recommendations. Memory
based algorithms use similarity metrics to obtain the
similarity distance between two users, or two items
and aggregation measures that helps in generating
the prediction. Model-based methods use user and
item information to create a reference that generates
the recommendations. The most widely used model
based algorithms are based on Bayesian classifiers,
neural networks, fuzzy logic based algorithms,
genetic algorithms and singular value decomposition
The Personalization Technique for Social Recommender Systems using Machine Learning
The Personalization Technique for Social Recommender Systems using Machine Learning
Machine learning techniques, as implied by the term,
is the process of inculcating knowledge to any
machine like, PC, laptop or mobile devices to learn
about a system with a set of input /dependent
variables and the desired output. Any machine can
perform learning under three modes. They are
Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement
learning techniques. Normally, machine learning
techniques are employed in any system to carryout
and produce results as part of predictive analytics
and forecasting methods. Any machine learning
techniques will be classified under the categories of
Decision tree based, linear and logistic regression
based and neural network based. Many organizations
have kick started to utilize the impact of social
media data in the decision making process. When
social media data is utilized for such a critical
decision making, it becomes necessary to process
the huge datasets obtained from social networks
using machine learning techniques. This will help
organizations to foresee certain situations and decide
based on the output of the social media analytics.
The key aspect of any machine learning technique is
iteration. This iterative aspect will make the system
to independently adapt to new sets of input as they
will be continuously subjected to variety of datasets.
The advent of new computing technologies like big
data have created a revolution in the machine
learning domain, that complex mathematical
calculation can be applied to heterogeneous huge
Machine learning algorithms that have played a
major role in social media analysis include Decision
tree learning, Naïve Bayes, Nearest Neighbor
classifier, Maximum Entropy method, Support
vector machine(SVM), Dynamic Language Model
classifier, linear regression and logistic regression,
Simple logistic classifier, Bayes Net and Multilayer
Upon carrying out literature research, it becomes
quite evident that considerable amount of work has
been carried out in the social network analytics field
utilizing the decision tree learning mechanisms.
Decision tree learning uses decision trees to predict
the values of a target variable and relate the same to
the observations of that variable. Two types of trees
can be built using a decision tree learning
mechanism namely, classification trees and
regression trees. Classification trees provide finite
set of values to the target variables and regression
trees provide continuous values to the target variable.
In social network analysis, decision tree learning has
been utilized to profile users based on their
relationship with other users, and depending upon
the decision tree obtained, clustering of users can
take place. Two important algorithms that employ
top down, greedy search through the space of
decision trees are ID3 and C4.5. The working
principle of ID3 algorithm is that it learns decision
trees by constructing them top down and starts at the
top of the tree and then decides on the attribute to be
tested. C4.5 is an extension of ID3 algorithm and it
builds decision trees based on the concept of
information entropy and a set of training data.
Decision tree has been used to obtain the rules that
govern the relationships among users in the online
social network. These decision trees are also used to
discover interesting patterns among the users..
Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT) is used in
classification of users based on certain attributes in
social networks. GBDT is proved to provide much
smaller decision trees and reduced decoding
compared to Support Vector Machines (SVMs).
For the mutual benefit and protection of Authors
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Evaluation of recommender system quality implies
measurement of the quality attributes that a
recommender system is preferred to have, for
instance its functionality, maintainability, usability
and so on. Various recommender algorithms, their
advantages and limitations are summarized.
Evaluation of recommender systems depends on
values of the measurement carried out. The main
objective of the recommender system is to improve
customer experience through personalized
recommendations and also achieve the sellers’
interest in promoting the product.
In empirical research methods, data is collected to
answer a particular research question. Empirical
research methods can be divided into two categories,
quantitative research methods and qualitative
research methods. In quantitative research methods,
data collected are in the form of numbers (numerical
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
data) and patterns and relationship in the data are
identified and analyzed using statistical methods. In
qualitative research methods, data collected are
qualitative data such as text, images, sounds drawn
from observations, interviews and documentary
evidence, and the data is analyzed using qualitative
data analysis methods. An offline experiment of
recommender system is performed using historical
dataset. Using this dataset the behavior of the user is
simulated. Offline experiments help to understand
the behaviour of various algorithms at a low cost.
The scalability of the algorithm can be measured by
increasing the size of the dataset. Certain
experimental constrain can be embedded in the
dataset. The main advantage of offline algorithm is
that it is cheaper and it does not require the
interaction of the real users. The major disadvantage
of offline algorithm is the recommender’s influence
on users behaviour cannot be determined and also
recommender’s characteristics like serendipity and
diversity cannot be determined. Online experiments
are deployed large scale application where the users
are unaware about the experiment being conducted.
Online experiments are designed to learn about user
behaviour characteristics. The performance of the
recommender system varies on many user dependent
factors such as users’ intent, users’ context and
various characteristics of the graphical user interface
of the recommender system. Online Experiments
help to test multiple algorithms by submitting the
user request to different alternative recommendation
As a small step towards extending the footprint of
the applications of big data, this paper tries to depict
the machine learning techniques to perform Social
network analytics that may provide a 360 degree
insight into the social network data. The term
machine learning aptly denotes that, the system is
made to learn by providing necessary inputs and
carefully examining the obtained outputs. The
applications of machine learning are as diverse as
the applications of big data. Adaptive websites, Bio
informatics, Computational advertising, Information
retrieval, credit card fraud detection, medical
diagnosis, Natural language processing , stock
market analysis are some areas where machine
learning has found its use.
This work was supported in part by the National
Science and Technology Major Project under Grant
2013ZX01033002-003, in part by the National High
Technology Research and Development Program of
China (863 Program) under Grant 2013AA014601,
the project of Shanghai Municipal Commission of
Economy and Information under Grant 12GA-19.
Lloyd Allison, “Types and classes of machine learning
and data mining”, Proceedings of the 26th
Australasian Computer Science Conference, Vol.16,
Page:207-215, 2003.
Luo, X., Xu, Z., Yu, J., and Chen, X. 2011. Building
Association Link Network for Semantic Link on Web
Resources. IEEE transactions on automation science
and engineering, 8(3):482-494.
Xu, Z. et al. 2015. Knowle: a Semantic Link Network
based System for Organizing Large Scale Online
News Events. Future Generation Computer Systems,
Guojin Liu, Ming zhang, Fei Yan, Large Scale social
network analysis based on MapReduce”, International
conference on computational aspects of social
networks, Page:487-490, 2010
Balabanovic,M., Y.Shoham (1997) Fab: Content-based,
Collaborative Recommendation, Communications of
the ACM, vol. 40, pp. 66-72.
Adomavicius, G., Sankaranarayanan, R., Sen, S., Tuzhilin,
A. (2005) Incorporating Contextual Information In
Recommender Systems Using A Multidimensional
Approach, ACM Transactions on Information Systems,
vol. 23, pp.103–145.
Robin Burke (2007) Hybrid Web Recommender Systems,
In: The Adaptive Web-Lecture notes in Computer
Science, Springer Verlag, pp. 377-408.
The Personalization Technique for Social Recommender Systems using Machine Learning
The Personalization Technique for Social Recommender Systems using Machine Learning