disregarding age, nationality and region. Secondly,
governments ought to provide endowment insurance
to land-lost peasant with no excuse when peasants
pay their fees. Thirdly, endowment insurance system
should be connected to social security system as a
whole. The system is unlikely to sustain if isolated
from other parts of society.
3.2 Setting up a Special Fund for
Endowment Insurance
Land-lost peasants have already lost their means of
livelihood. Their living standards will decrease
inevitably if they are required to pay for the
endowment insurance permanently. But without the
payment, governments cannot afford the large
expenses on endowment insurance and peasants will
lose a stable source of income when they get aged.
Therefore, the fund for endowment insurance for
land-lost peasants should be contributed by both
governments and peasants. Governments play a
leading role to make policies and decide budgets for
endowment insurance for land-lost peasants. It
should also set up a special fund and raise money to
financially support the system. Besides,
governments determine the proportion of fund
contributed by peasants to encourage more peasants
take part in endowment insurance system within
their capacities. A special fiscal account should be
opened by governments after enough fund has been
raised. The fund is to be deposited or invested for
long-term increment, lightening the burden of both
governments and individuals.
3.3 Improving Supporting Measures of
Endowment Insurance System
Family supporting is a traditional and important way
to provide for the aged, especially for peasants.
Family supporting for land-lost peasants should also
be emphasized along with the establishment of
endowment insurance system. Endowment insurance
isn’t a complete substitute for other financial sources
of peasants’ income but an improvement of them.
Households are encouraged to support and comfort
aged land-lost peasants by special welfare. For
example, their children can go to nearby school to
receive education.
3.4 Broadening Channels of
Employment for Land-Lost
Peasants to Develop National
Economic development is the primary task to
improve social security system and people’s living
standards. The contribution of peasants is important
to sustain the endowment insurance system.
However, peasants need to get rich to do this. For
land-lost peasants, only fast economic development
can provide them with a better employment market
and more job opportunities. Governments need to
emphasize on regional economic development of
living areas of land-lost peasants in the first place by
introducing external investments and establishing
employment platforms. Self-employment of land-
lost peasants is given more support by governments
not only in finance but also in policies. Professional
technicians are hired by governments to teach land-
lost peasants in skill training projects, thus
promoting competencies of the peasants for new
3.5 Improving the Land Compensation
The compensation for expropriated land determines
the pension standards of land-lost peasants to a
certain extent. It is important for peasants, families
and society. Therefore, the amounts and ways of
compensation should be clarified in the course of
land expropriation. Amounts of compensation need
to be made according to the market prices of land
and actual regional situations. Attention should also
be paid to the coordination with peasants and the
relationship between collectives and peasants. Once
the compensation amounts are determined,
governments supervise and ensure the timely
payment of compensation by land expropriators. The
practice of “expropriation first, payment second”
and IOU is not permitted. Compensations for
collective land should be based on a majority of
relevant peasants, instead of partially or radically
determined by leaders.
3.6 Strengthening Supervision
Mechanism of the Funds of
Endowment Insurance for
Land-Lost Peasants
It is crucial to manage properly the funds of
endowment insurance for land-lost peasants. The
funds should be used reasonably and rationally to
keep the value of the funds. Supervision mechanism
should be strengthened to prevent peasants’ interest
from being harmed in “black box operations.” On
one hand, administrative departments regulate the
use methods and standards of the funds in writing.
Transparency of endowment insurance system
makes it easy for social supervision. On the other
hand, functions of administrative departments
Research on Old-age Security for Land-Lost Peasants