Exploration and Practice of Innovation Education for Young College
Yang Jian and Cong Wenqi
Anhui University of Technology, Ma’anshan, 243002, China
Keywords: College, Innovation Education, Exploration, Practice.
Abstract: After years’ experience inheritance and valuable practices, China’s college education has become relatively
stable. However, immutable college education cannot adapt to social requirement of students’
characteristics and personalization. The relevant discoveries and practices are imperative. On that basis,
neither the important role of practice nor feasible study of innovation should be ignored. Therefore, further
discoveries of cooperation between teachers and students, which are democratic and advanced, should be
encouraged to improve the quality of China’s college education.
With the thriving of college education, more reforms
of vigor and competitive awareness appear. Many
colleges, students and faculties try innovations on
school features or advanced education philosophy.
Thus, college education has flourished. The eager
aspirations for reform are greatly associated with
practical problems and social remarks. Due to the
changing world and shortcomings of college work,
exploration on innovation education and practical
work has been keeping pace with the times.
2.1 Over-impetuousness in Innovation
Generally, faculties, students, parents and employer
are concerned about college education innovation.
Education will directly influence students’ attitudes
on academics and work, minds, life and values. Most
graduates that show excellent professional skills
benefit from innovative activities. Consequently,
innovation education not only concerns colleges and
faculties, but also greatly matters quality of China’s
talents cultivation. Therefore, more education
concepts, modes and practical methods of higher
quality and level should be introduced and applied to
college students training and education nowadays.
Thus, most college faculties or groups are required
to regularly or quantitatively make teaching plans
and students training programs about innovation.
Therefore, they will satisfy college demands in the
field. Besides, some teachers regard this as index, so
they obtain title evaluation qualification or salary
raise. Apparently, huge amounts of students’
education innovation appear in colleges every year,
and the field is flourishing and hundred schools of
thought contend. However, people should know that
pass and shoddy phenomenon exist in the huge
amounts of creative fruits. The flourishing numbers
can not reflect the truth of China’s college
education. Meanwhile, circumstances such as ‘new
bottles with old wine’ still exist in the great numbers
of education plans. Many same innovations will not
push educational field, forming bubbles conversely.
Thus, great numbers of faculties and students will be
overly optimistic and give unrealistic remarks on
educational and academic fields. Furthermore,
quality of teaching, learning state and career
planning will be influenced.
2.2 Lack of Practical Evidence of
Educational Innovation Mode
Educational innovation is a theory that requires
substantial practices for accurate evaluations and
proof. Combined with students groups, class
education, talents cultivation and complete
explanation are obtained. As a new thing, true and
Wenqi C. and Jian Y.
Exploration and Practice of Innovation Education for Young College Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0006021401710174
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 171-174
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
subjective remarks will be made on its advantages
and disadvantages. Meanwhile, researchers of
teaching fruits should have the right attitudes
towards exploration in educational with professional
qualities. Besides, they should view problems and
shortcomings properly. Thus, right values lead to
high level of teaching methods and skills.
Nowadays, most of college innovations remain
theoretical. Too few are tested in practice.
Considering the cost, complex procedures and some
uncertainties, most people always have the chance to
escape or cut down practices. Thus, it results in
severe consequences. Theoretical values of the mode
will have great discounts and all the ‘cutting
corners’ will not be economic or worthwhile. In fact,
both faculties and students benefit from various
forms of practices, especially in the innovation with
supporting classical theories and advanced factors as
the goal. In the process, students receive relatively
new and flexible teaching and different knowledge
structures. Meanwhile, faculties try new minds to
have academic collision and promotion with
students. Fruits of students’ education require
teachers’ practices. Thus, it will materialize the
abstract theories and ensure expected good results.
2.3 Students’ Low Fitness in Education
Innovation Activities
Nowadays, professional faculties operate and control
innovation activities. Considering relatively high
academic levels and professional qualities,
subjective and emotional factors influence direction
and realization of educational innovation. Therefore,
researches and communications should not be
restricted to faculties and colleges. Emphasis should
be paid to students in exploration. People should pay
more attention to students’ acceptation, cooperation
and feedbacks. Nowadays, modes and fruits of
students’ innovation are rarely seen in colleges.
Even fewer students know them. Therefore, people
cannot stop wandering where the innovational
discoveries and practices that should be applied to
teenage groups go. Meanwhile, it is unknown
whether more academic fruits remain in papers and
journals. Apart from the inactivity of teachers and
colleges, it is also a big problem that students do not
cooperate with and care about teaching adjustments.
Thus, it eliminates virtuous development and self-
promotion of college teaching. For example, the hot
‘reversing classes’ in recent years demands that
students exchange roles with teachers. Thus, it
contributes to the interaction by confusing their
roles. However, students do not like it in some of
China’s colleges. The main reason is that class
atmosphere is so serious that teachers can not deal
with class progress and students’ psychology easily.
Therefore, students cannot be motivated
substantially and have difficulty in identity
reversing. Besides, some college students dare not to
take the floor. All the above reasons make it difficult
to smoothly promote advanced and open teaching in
China’s colleges.
3.1 Students’ Education Innovation
Mode Requiring Standing on Solid
The key of innovation lies in class practices. Empty
talks never replace teaching activities. Meanwhile,
they cannot make the most accurate assessment on
students’ feedback, advantages and shortcomings of
education or improvement. Therefore, teaching
evaluation asks people to abandon procedural
comprehension and bad habits. People should seek
truth and never easily trust effects proclaimed by
educational mode or define new teaching methods.
Furthermore, on the basis of practices, unrealistic
modes and theories require instant and serious
treatments. Thus, strict and serious attitudes are
formed and college faculties’ professional values are
rebuilt. For example, in Renmin University of
China, faculties communicate with student groups
weekly and conduct academic evaluation. In the
process, not only students are influenced by what
they see or hear, but also extensive academic games
are conducted with teachers. Thus, it contributes to
common progress. They also provide firsthand
information to teachers on new methods and forms.
Therefore, meaningful adjustments are made to
teaching methods to help college and faculties. In
conclusion, this not only demonstrates teaching
direction and plan to students most directly, but also
helps faculties ground in a full practice of teaching.
Thus, feasibility of education innovation and plan is
greatly improved. Broad-range innovation also
becomes certain method or action. Educational fruits
have been transformed into wealth that benefits
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
3.2 Necessary Practices for
Educational Innovation
Theoretical teaching innovation can never be
efficient or excellent. Only by turning theories into
realities can people fully understand advantages,
characteristics and predicted outcome. Firstly,
source of educational innovation needs huge
amounts of practical experience as the solid
foundation. In college, there are flexible educational
forms. Considering the visionary and creative
characteristics of college students, data collection of
certain scale should be done before educational
research. Detailed investigation includes students’
education, course acceptance, completion of college
programs and personal development after
graduation. After comparing them with original
resources, reliable reference data will be obtained.
Meanwhile, excellent foundation will be set for
independent research and development of
educational exploration.
Secondly, all forms of practices are essential in
research. They provide plan with adjustment
direction, problems prediction and comparisons of
real outcome. Thus, teaching is perfected and
promoted to ensure high quality and feasibility.
Available practices include short-term plans, which
let some students accept innovation education for
some time and record details. Meanwhile, it needs
innovation investigations from various channels into
different majors, grades, students of all levels,
teachers and mentors from the same major. The
different forms of teaching evaluation are meant to
get rid of mistakes resulting from incidental
behaviors, personal factors and incomplete
information. Thus, it retains and protects excellent
original mode.
3.3 Cooperation between Faculties and
Students Should Have Innovation
Teaching and studying needs cooperation between
faculties and students. Thus, it promotes teaching
purposes. On one hand, harmonious relationship
between faculties and students creates innovation
and development of teaching mode. On the other
hand, it demonstrates fine relationship of
democracy, equality and friendship when discussing
academics. Thus, it contributes to mind
emancipation and thinking divergence. Teachers
cannot deny that students are wise and have new
ideas. Therefore, they are more likely to inspire
academic resonance and creative passion. Thus,
academic discussion will break traditional thinking
and restraints of authority theory with more
experiences. In college with dense academic
atmosphere and shared resources, faculties should be
closer to students. They will not have ideas until
they help students cut the cords. Therefore, they will
remain key position in educational innovation. Also,
it helps them contact, inquire and communicate with
students more. Meanwhile, colleges should give
ideological education to students in daily life and
help them actively participate in innovational
activities. Thus, it enhances the fine cooperation and
common progress. Besides, the democratic and free
teaching of the west can be introduced. Traditional
classes can be replaced by outdoor discoveries,
student-centered and future ones. Therefore, colleges
will be the battlefield of teaching innovation.
Meanwhile, advanced teaching trends will be
combined with high quality talent education. Thus,
we attach great importance to the
internationalization and advancement of China’s
education form and concept.
As the birthplace of great numbers of academic
researches and cradle of application-oriented talents,
innovation education should be studied and
practiced to the utmost extent. Therefore, it
determines college education and talents cultivation.
It is also closely connected with the prospects of
college education. Through the emphasis on practice
and connection of relationship between teachers and
students, education innovation will greatly push
development of college education and talents
cultivation as people expect.
The work is funded by Revival Plan for Higher
Education in Anhui Province and Promoting Core
Values of Famous Teachers Workshop Instructors
Special Fund of 2014(2014FDYMSGZS006).
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Exploration and Practice of Innovation Education for Young College Students
Exploration and Practice of Innovation Education for Young College Students
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ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering