information to achieve full information service of
communication. Fiber can be taken as sensitive
element for detection of physical quantity, thus
achieving overall, high speed and accurate
information transmission. It is widely used in fields
as the guidance of base network construction and
information communication. In application, optical
communication technology should be innovated to
improve technical methods for human service at first.
Then, the coincidence of optical communication
technology and user access network requirement
should be emphasized. Optical communication
should be deeply researched to improve application
potential and technology. In addition, feedback,
collection and analysis of user information should be
emphasized to meet the market requirement. At last,
optical communication technology is applied to build
a full service transmission platform of information
application for the connection of human society. This
plat form should be researched in security and
stability, thus proving users with quality full
information services.
4.2 Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Technology in Optical
Communication Application
As the most common optical communication
technology, Wavelength division multiplexing
(WDM) has been widely used in optical transport
and access networks. It applies WDM devices to
transfer optical carriers with different wavelengths
by one fiber. The advantage is to expand capacity of
the original cable for service development.
Meanwhile, transmission of electric signal is
invertible, and different demultiplexing and
multiplexing can be completed in one device, thus
enhancing flexibility of user access network and
transmission capacity. In addition, the transparent
data transmission by WDM is easy for detection,
with long transmission distance. The most common
is the multiplexing of waves with wavelengths of
1.31 and 1.55 pm. WDM is used to achieve
information transmission and full information
services. At first, the electric signals with different
wavelengths sent by transmitter (e.g., r
and r
) are
transformed into complex wave by multiplexer
(combiner) and transferred into fiber. Then, light
carrier is decomposed into electric signals (e.g., α
and α
) with different wavelengths by wave separator
and transferred to receiver in the receiving terminal.
At last, user terminal receives and applies
information by the receiver. With great advantages
and developed technology, WDM has been widely
used in user access network.
Networking mode of WDM application contains
ring, point-to-point and linear network. The
transmission capacity can be greatly improved based
on dilatancy. Dense wavelength division
multiplexing (DWDM) has huge capacity to expand
fiber transmission capacity to 8, 16 and 32 times. In
addition, with flexible networking, it can apply light
carriers with different lengths in different directions
to achieve bipolar transmission on one fiber and a
large number of data transmissions. Unpredictable
service of user access network can be solved.
Support of multi user and application can ensure
expansion of user access network. Firstly, WDM can
greatly decrease application cost of optical
communication technology. Ring network is
convenient for expansion and application of main
network. Secondly, waves with different
wavelengths can be integrated to transfer as the form
of complex wave by WDM, thus decreasing overload
devices and risks in transmission. The service can be
inverted to secure path by different wavelengths,
thus ensuring fast, reliable and safe full information
transmission. Consequently, application of optical
communication technology can be easily detected
and controlled.
4.3 Other Optical Communication
Techniques in Application
Frequency division multiplexing (FDM), as the
extension of WDM, is an optical technique derived
from frequency-wavelength relation of optical and
electric signals. The key of FDM frequency
division multiplexer requires high resolution. Optical
signals with different frequencies pass through
tunable filter to achieve information transmission by
coherent light communication technology. With
mature application and high complex coefficient, this
technique has been widely used in user access
network. Optical time division multiplexing
(OTDM) applied time differences of optical signals
on the same cable to spread information after
information transformation. The coordination of
devices and accuracy at high transmission speed are
researched for application. OTDM has the largest
advantage of huge capacity information
transmission. Optical signal processing at high speed
realizes convenient AON compatibility. In subcarrier
multiplexing (SCM) process, optical or electric
signal after frequency division is loaded by light and
modulated to transfer on fiber. The compatibility of
information data services is improved to strengthen
independence of signals and security of optical
communication in user access network application.
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III