Factors Related to Education of Media Literacy and Ideology &
Politics in University
Zhong Huali
School of Journalism & Communication, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637009, China
Keywords: Media Literacy Education, Ideological and Political Education, Relations, Current Situation, Strategies.
Abstract: With the continuous development of society, media literacy education has an increasingly important
position and role in university ideological and political education. Therefore, making media literacy
education suit university ideological and political education is of great significance to ensure the
comprehensive efficiency of ideological and political education. The concept of media literacy education,
followed by its inner connection with university ideological and political education, was first introduced in
this work. Then negative factors influencing the function of media literacy education in ideological and
political education was analyzed. Moreover, practicable principles and measures were proposed to inspire
the function of media literacy education in ideological and political education.
Continuous development of the society promotes the
prosperity progress of various industries, bringing up
many new things which provide their value while
making requirement to people. Meanwhile, people
gradually understand these new things while
satisfying their requirements. Media literacy is
actually a presentation of ability based on traditional
Media literacy, an extension of traditional
literacy, covers people’s valid interpretation of
information in different media forms. It does not
only include abilities of listening, speaking, reading
and writing, but also advocates people to form their
own criticism ability to judgments from media
information. Moreover, it contains the ability to
make media information by information technology.
Media literacy education, aiming to form people’s
ability of reasonably controlling information, helps
build people’s education concept of identifying
evaluation information through effective media
For university students, media literacy education is
an effective way to improve their comprehensive
ability. Media literacy education can promote
students’ correct judgment, rational logical ability
and sharp observation, etc. Therefore, there is a
close relation between media literacy education and
university ideological and political education.
2.1 Media Literacy Education—A
Convenient Platform for University
Ideological and Political Education
University ideological and political education
requires other effective means more than verbal
teaching to realize and control in most time.
Otherwise, educational effect can hardly reach
expectation. Media information offers university
students more thinking chances through Internet,
books, magazines and telecast. In this way,
university ideological and political education can be
smoothly advanced with the effort of various media.
It is hard to imagine the effect of ideological and
political education relied only on cramming teaching
Huali Z.
Factors Related to Education of Media Literacy and Ideology Politics in University.
DOI: 10.5220/0006025903470351
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 347-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
method. Thus, different media, as effective means,
offers origins for university students. Therefore,
strengthening media literacy education can tone up
students’ metal health, perfect their personality,
rationalize their thoughts and eventually make them
more mature. Consequently, media literacy
education offers a convenient platform for university
ideological and political education.
2.2 University Ideological and Political
Education—A Complete Goal of
Media Literacy Education
The effect of university ideological and political
education will not be good without active
participation of media literacy education. After all,
university students cannot get more information due
to limited resources and range. Thus the perfection
of their thoughts and improvement of university
overall ideological and political education level will
be influenced. Therefore, while media offers great
information for students, university ideological and
political education raises necessary requirements to
facilitate self-improvement of media information. In
this way, media literacy education will have more
development space to give full play to their value
and meet the requirements of ideological and
political education. Ideological and political
education reacts upon media literacy education
eventually, giving a helpful way of perfecting media
In conclusion, there is interplay between media
literacy education and university ideological and
political education, which offers a possibility for
students to improve their judging ability.
Meanwhile, university ideological and political
education gives more higher and necessary
requirements to facilitate the self-improvement of
media information. Therefore, if both kinds of
education play their roles, university education level
can be comprehensively improved.
Media literacy education is of great necessity and
importance for university students while its relation
with ideological and political education is very
obvious. However, there are some negative factors
influencing the working out of media literacy
education in ideological and political education.
Thus we have to learn these factors overall.
3.1 Backward Ideas of University
Leaders and Missing Knowledge of
Media Literacy Education
Most often, university leaders are not able to change
their mind with the development of social
educational situation. Therefore, they still believe
university ideological and political education should
rely on persuasive teaching rather than other means
which will be the barrier for achieving the goal of
ideological and political education. The missing
knowledge of media literacy education will finally
influence the development of ideological and
political education.
3.2 Ignorance of Media Literacy
Education Caused by Plain
Campus Culture
Campus culture is an impulse containing some
inevitable requirements for students in a sense.
However, campus cultures in many universities are
plain and without the participation of media literacy
education. In this way, media literacy education
cannot enrich campus culture without an obvious
and high position. Therefore, its function to
university ideological and political education is even
more obscure.
3.3 Effected Application of Media
Literacy Education Caused by
Unreasonable Study Method
At present, students are used to perfecting their
thoughts by reading media information to
broadening their horizons. However, many students
read information roughly without analyzing its deep
meaning. Thus, media information becomes a story
instead of playing its role to influence effect and
level of ideological and political education.
3.4 Effected Development of
Ideological and Political Education
Caused by Defective Media
Media information is important to university
ideological and political education, thus its objective
reality is more vital. However, some media
information with low reliability directly influences
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
students’ judgment and discriminability. In this way,
media literacy education, still in infancy, cannot
inspire students’ ideological ability, which is not
good to develop ideological and political education.
Media literacy education is of great significance,
thus, feasible principles are required to realize
university ideological and political education
through media literacy education. Good principle
implementation can help media literacy education
play its role in deepening university ideological and
political education.
4.1 Principle of Clear Theme
Media literacy education generally relies on various
effective information, thus this information cannot
be cut off from real situation. After all, university
ideological and political education cannot be
realized without the basis of reality. The theme of
media literacy education should center on politics,
economics, culture and environment protection.
Therefore, only by clearly determining the theme of
media literacy education can educational work
develop smoothly with correct direction, ensuring
the education quality.
4.2 Principle of Individuality
Media literacy can be oriented to various people.
Therefore, media literacy education should be
equipped with individuality constantly when facing
university students. Otherwise, its function will be
weakened. The knowledge range of university
students is wide, thus media literacy education
should be carried out aiming at students’ age,
personality, hobby and mental quality. In this way,
ideological and political education can be advanced
without blind process.
4.3 Principle of Enriching Media
Information Resources
There are large amounts of university students who
dabble in different aspects. Therefore, the diversity
of information should be considered in university
ideological and political education. Only when
information is abundant enough, can advantages of
media information be shown, and can students’
requirements be satisfied, thus laying a firm
foundation for students to improve their judging
ability. Otherwise, their ideological level will not be
promoted and perfected.
4.4 Principle of Effective Link between
Different Medium Fields
Media literacy education requires effective
intermediary. However, medium fields should
present various levels such as message sender,
message receiver (students) and relevant system.
These levels should work together to provide
students with objective and effective media
information. Therefore, different medium fields
should be fully linked to ensure better university
ideological and political education.
University quality-oriented education will be in a
dilemma without media literacy education, which
directly influences the effect of ideological and
political education. Therefore, we should analyze
current situation, adhere to our principles and take
effective measures on the basis of reality, making
media literacy education present its desired effect. In
this way, the quality and level of university
ideological and political education can be better
5.1 Mind Change of University Leaders
and Position Reconstruction of
Media Literacy Education
Firstly, university leaders should strengthen their
learning ability, spending certain energy and time on
study. They should clearly understand current
situation of university ideological and political
education, learning educational knowledge advanced
with time. Thus, leaders can understand the
importance of media literacy for students and the
development of school knowledge. Once leaders
mind gets changed, they can offer strong guarantee
for media literacy education which benefits the
development of university ideological and political
Secondly, leaders should clearly understand the
deep connection between media literacy education
Factors Related to Education of Media Literacy and Ideology & Politics in University
Factors Related to Education of Media Literacy and Ideology Politics in University
and ideological and political education. University
ideological and political education cannot work
without media literacy education and the
achievement of educating and supervising students
requires both media literacy education and system of
ideological and political education. If student’s
ideological quality is not good enough, it is difficult
for him to satisfy complex social requirements.
5.2 Enrichment of University Campus
Culture and Introduction of Media
Literacy Education
Firstly, campus culture is the concentrated reflection
of university study, discipline and ideological level.
Therefore, we should learn the importance of media
literacy education to ideological and political
education in building campus culture. Moreover,
builders should learn functions of media literacy
education. Thus it is necessary to enrich media
literacy education to ideological and political
education. In this way, better platforms can be
offered to students to form medium quality and
integrate into ideological and political education.
Secondly, students should have the chance to
speak out their advice for media literacy education.
In this way can campus culture be objective to
ideological and political education on the basis of
students’ advice. Therefore, campus culture can be
perfected with individuality to help the deep
progress of media literacy education and ideological
and political education.
5.3 Scientific Learning Method and
Deep Understanding of Media
Information for Students
Firstly, students should learn to receive media
literacy education with scientific study method. Only
by this way can they better integrate into ideological
and political education. Therefore, students should
form proper learning attitude and make reasonable
understanding of media literacy education. Students
should learn media information deeply instead of
receiving it roughly. In this way, students can realize
the perfection of their ideological world and receive
ideological education positively.
Secondly, universities should open green
channel to offer more media information to students.
For example, universities can perfect library
resources and provide more books and magazines to
help students receive ideological education in the
environment of media literacy education.
Meanwhile, students can satisfy their study desire by
modern network platform, thus they can receive
media literacy education with high efficiency as well
as completing ideological and political education,
improving their mind through media information.
5.4 Perfection of Media Information to
Guarantee the Progress of
Ideological and Political Education
Firstly, the authenticity and objectivity of media
information are of great practical significance for
students to better receive media literacy education.
Therefore, information should be strictly checked to
ensure students get true information, which is
beneficial for them to improve their ideological
level. Once the information is not correct, students’
judgment and discriminability will be influenced,
thus affecting ideological and political education and
its achievement.
Secondly, in specific, relevant medium should
think about their message transmitting quality in
operating mechanism, staff quality and relations
between managerial supervision system and
audience. In this way can media literacy education
be smoothly advanced through effective
information. After all, inner operation of medium is
closely related to the authenticity of media
information. Media literacy education can finally
build an optimistic future for university ideological
and political education.
University ideological and political education still
has long way to go. Media literacy education plays a
critical and guiding role in improving students’
ideological and political level. Therefore it is urgent
to carry out university ideological and political
education through effective media literacy
education. We should analyze the reason, hold the
principle and solve current problems with effective
measures on the basis of current situation,
contributing to improvement of university
ideological and political education level.
Wang Kexin. Media Literacy Education: New Perspective
of University Ideological and Political Education,
Journal of Inner Mongolia University for the
Nationalities, 2013(3):42-42
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
Zhu Huan. On College Ideological and Political Work
Optimization in the Background of Media Literacy
Education, Journal of Juamjusi Education Institute,
Factors Related to Education of Media Literacy and Ideology & Politics in University
Factors Related to Education of Media Literacy and Ideology Politics in University