and ideological and political education. University
ideological and political education cannot work
without media literacy education and the
achievement of educating and supervising students
requires both media literacy education and system of
ideological and political education. If student’s
ideological quality is not good enough, it is difficult
for him to satisfy complex social requirements.
5.2 Enrichment of University Campus
Culture and Introduction of Media
Literacy Education
Firstly, campus culture is the concentrated reflection
of university study, discipline and ideological level.
Therefore, we should learn the importance of media
literacy education to ideological and political
education in building campus culture. Moreover,
builders should learn functions of media literacy
education. Thus it is necessary to enrich media
literacy education to ideological and political
education. In this way, better platforms can be
offered to students to form medium quality and
integrate into ideological and political education.
Secondly, students should have the chance to
speak out their advice for media literacy education.
In this way can campus culture be objective to
ideological and political education on the basis of
students’ advice. Therefore, campus culture can be
perfected with individuality to help the deep
progress of media literacy education and ideological
and political education.
5.3 Scientific Learning Method and
Deep Understanding of Media
Information for Students
Firstly, students should learn to receive media
literacy education with scientific study method. Only
by this way can they better integrate into ideological
and political education. Therefore, students should
form proper learning attitude and make reasonable
understanding of media literacy education. Students
should learn media information deeply instead of
receiving it roughly. In this way, students can realize
the perfection of their ideological world and receive
ideological education positively.
Secondly, universities should open green
channel to offer more media information to students.
For example, universities can perfect library
resources and provide more books and magazines to
help students receive ideological education in the
environment of media literacy education.
Meanwhile, students can satisfy their study desire by
modern network platform, thus they can receive
media literacy education with high efficiency as well
as completing ideological and political education,
improving their mind through media information.
5.4 Perfection of Media Information to
Guarantee the Progress of
Ideological and Political Education
Firstly, the authenticity and objectivity of media
information are of great practical significance for
students to better receive media literacy education.
Therefore, information should be strictly checked to
ensure students get true information, which is
beneficial for them to improve their ideological
level. Once the information is not correct, students’
judgment and discriminability will be influenced,
thus affecting ideological and political education and
its achievement.
Secondly, in specific, relevant medium should
think about their message transmitting quality in
operating mechanism, staff quality and relations
between managerial supervision system and
audience. In this way can media literacy education
be smoothly advanced through effective
information. After all, inner operation of medium is
closely related to the authenticity of media
information. Media literacy education can finally
build an optimistic future for university ideological
and political education.
University ideological and political education still
has long way to go. Media literacy education plays a
critical and guiding role in improving students’
ideological and political level. Therefore it is urgent
to carry out university ideological and political
education through effective media literacy
education. We should analyze the reason, hold the
principle and solve current problems with effective
measures on the basis of current situation,
contributing to improvement of university
ideological and political education level.
Wang Kexin. Media Literacy Education: New Perspective
of University Ideological and Political Education,
Journal of Inner Mongolia University for the
Nationalities, 2013(3):42-42
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III