Tragic Color of History of a Chinese Muslim Family
Chen Lingli
College of Chinese Language and Literature, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637009, China
Keywords: Religion, Character Features, Tragic Color, Love.
Abstract: History of a Chinese Muslim Family written by Huo Da is like an unreachable climax drawing people’s
admiration. Besides, it is also like an abyss which makes people sad or lost into thought. Due to its theme of
minority, this book descripts the living conditions of ordinary family from the perspective of religion. It
mainly focuses on the fate as well as the rise and fall of a Muslim family. From the historical background,
the study analyzed the character personalities and tragic love story, thus further interpreting the tragedy of
this work.
History of a Chinese Muslim Family mainly
describes the rise and fall of three generations of
Muslim family with more than fifty million words.
In this book, the emotion is expressed from different
perspectives, so the connotation is very rich. In
terms of the Muslim era in China, there are
hardships and romantic times with people’s
confusion in pursuing the essence of life. This book
emphatically creates the vivid and live images of
Han Xinyue, Han Ziqi, Liang Bingyu, etc.
Furthermore, the suffering of the subjects in that
environment is also presented. The tragic color of
History of a Chinese Muslim Family is further
analyzed as follows.
History of a Chinese Muslim Family was composited
by a female writer Huo Da, whose works always
have the characters of Hui. The innovation of this
literary work owes much to her deep consideration
of Muslim culture. This book has not only rich tragic
plots, but also the exploration and sentiment for
literary spirit tragedy under the oppression of tragic
subconscious. All these achieved the unique status
of History of a Chinese Muslim Family in Chinese
literary history.
This work describes the love and hate, individual
fate and life sufferings of people during thousands
years of history of Hui. Besides, it also manifests the
collision and integration between Chinese and
Islamic culture, the history between Han and Hui, as
well as their conflict, sadness and emotions in
history. Unlike other authors, Huo Da did not outline
a narrative plot under large social background, just
describing several Hui people in a small social
environment. Their joy, pain, and frustrated life have
reflected people’s tragic fate under such social
environment. Meanwhile, this book also
demonstrates the peace and war, the confusion and
complexity of human nature, the impermanence of
fate, as well as the collision between old concepts
and new ideas. Being the sweethearts, they still
cannot share joys and sorrows but to cheat and
betray the other side, bringing the feeling of guilt to
readers. Living in an unimaginable condition, the
characters in this book are bound to have complex
and unimaginable destinies. And all these characters
have life-like images in Huo Da’s description. Han
and Liang’s family both had remarkable
achievements for several generations, but with bad
endings. With such difficulties, the struggle for
destiny is failed. For example, Han Xinyue, Liang
Yiqing, Han Ziqi had their pursuit of life, yet cannot
get rid of their fate. Although the love between Han
and Liang is admirable, it is manifested full of
frustration. Therefore, this book is about a tragic and
beautiful love story with sigh and helpless in that
The achievement of History of a Chinese Muslim
Family lies in Huo Da’s high skills. The silent
struggle or regret, the unimaginable life, as well as
Lingli C.
Tragic Color of History of a Chinese Muslim Family.
DOI: 10.5220/0006026003520354
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 352-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the passing of beautiful love, are all shown in this
book. Through these surface things, people can feel
author’s confusion about past hardships and the way
to the future. Such feelings of author are mainly
from her profound experience of social life. On this
basis, author formed her tragic thought, which is the
life experience of Hui people for the hardship in life
for millions of years. It is the passion and frustration
in life that makes Hui people generate grief feelings.
Huo Da is a person of Hui and lives in Hui, where
there is a collision between national beliefs and
social ideas. Thus, the tragic psychology is vividly
presented in her works, most of which are her worry
for the development of Hui. Tragedy will certainly
bring psychological depression and pain to people,
which is the pain of body rather than spiritual
sufferings. Besides the
sufferings and depressions in
life, Huo Da still enjoys a happy life for her unique
experience of crucifixion. The author has
represented tragedy incisively and vividly by her
deep understanding of tragic spirit, thus making the
work full of tragic colors. The tragic color is
reflected not only in characters, but also in the final
unexpected outcome—a tragedy rather than a happy
ending. So the author has got rid of the bound of
traditional concepts by abandoning the previous
ideas of reunion.
It is the sublimation from lofty tragic spirit to the
thinking of life, as well as the urgent desire to
change social situation, that create this excellent
work. Tragedy is not the imagination of author, but
her perception in society. Such tragedy often appears
in the lives of Muslim people. Therefore, author’s
presentation of her national tragedy can explore the
national culture better. Through description, Huo Da
has demonstrated the importance of culture for a
nation. People try their best to improve the national
situation, thus casting off the bands of destiny. As
the reality is cruel and helpless, they can do nothing
but face the pressure of life and society.
Furthermore, every attempt brings only failure.
History of a Chinese Muslim Family shows a sad but
beautiful love story. And the literary thought in this
book has been sublimated through the precipitation
and activation of tragedy.
The characters in Huo Da’s writings all have the
ideal and pursuit of life. In the cause, they keep
going and never give up. Besides, they regard the
difficulties and hardships in life as a gain and life
experience, facing these crucifixions with pleasure.
Drifting from childhood, Han Ziqi lacks the
warmth of family, so he knew early about the
hardships of social life. Later, Han learned craft
from Liang Yiqing who later drove Han to the right
path. Han devoted into carving jade, thus enriching
his life belief. Even though driven by hatred, Han
endured humiliation to complete the arduous task of
reviving the Qizhenzhai (a jade shop). Such task
changed his destiny, even bringing himself a title of
"Jade King." But it had not sustained too long. With
the invasion of Japan, his career was reduced to
ashes in the war. Then he went to British Isles for a
new beginning, but he still cannot stage a comeback.
After the foundation of New China, Han returned to
homeland, without the combatant spirit in career.
Then he entered the declining period and wandered
all day. The arrival of Chinese Cultural Revolution
brought much misery to him, including the
intolerable sufferings on both body and mind.
Through this attack, Han completely lost the
confidence in life. Because of the turbulent times,
Han lost his courage to pursue and placed all the
hopes on the hands of his daughter Han Xinyue,
hoping her to complete the unfinished business.
With the fighting spirit and the courage when facing
hardships, Han Xinyue insisted her ideal and pursuit.
This spirit brought her luck, so she went to the long-
cherished college. Although with these brilliant
achievements, she had to submit to fate rather than
has a bright future.
In the work of History of a Chinese Muslim
Family, the fate of different generations of both Han
and Liang is constantly changeable. A profound
truth can be drawn from that: if it is predestined, one
cannot change anything even he tries his best to
pursue the ideal. Han Ziqi’s fate is capricious, with
ups and downs. He has own dignity as well as
stubborn personality. Due to his efforts for the ideal,
he obtained a splendid life, while his failure was the
result of social turbulence. Compared with love, the
failure of cause was the least. It was love that gave
him a deadly strike. Two beautiful women, the
sisters, appeared in Han’s life. Marrying the elder
sister was not from his sincere heart, but from his
gratitude psychology as well as the aspiration to
revitalize family career of Liang. While Han Ziqi
fell in love with Liang Bingyu in England, he felt
Liang Bingyu is the ideal wife. Under the concept of
equality between men and women, Han’s immoral
love was the true meaning of love. After returning to
Tragic Color of History of a Chinese Muslim Family
Tragic Color of History of a Chinese Muslim Family
China, Han was immersed in the inner torment and
gossip around, becoming delirious every day.
Having fallen into despair, Han placed the hope on
his daughter Han Xinyue, who became the spiritual
pillar of him. However, this was the beginning of
another tragedy. Not too long, Han took part in his
daughter's funeral. Through this complicated plot of
ups and downs, author of this book better present the
tragic color.
With a miserable fate, Han Ziqi had to bear
heavy mental stress from life. Finally, Han ended his
tragic life for the great burden. After the death of
Han, author did not stop at here, but further
presented the miserable fate of characters from
spiritual level by unveiling the real identity—Han
nationality—of Han. By revealing this secret,
readers may absorb in deep thought about the
characters in this work. What makes such a tragic
life to the hero? It is himself, the impact and
contradiction between Han and Hui, the belief of
Muslims or the turbulence society. Readers may
hold that the tragic fate has ended after the death of
Han Ziqi. But the author don’t think so, she further
presented another tragedy by her excellent causality.
As the same in reality, the end of one thing is just
the beginning of another. Another tragedy is the
miserable fate of Han’s wife, from which readers
can see a vivid tragedy of the Muslims. A wife lives
under self-deceiving just to keep the faith and spirit
of her husband. By presenting the tragic life of
Han’s wife, the tragic color of this work become
more concentrated. Limited by Han culture and her
own belief, she struggled to maintain husband's
image rooted in her mind, even living in the cruel
society. Is this not the beginning of another tragedy?
In this work, tragic plots are connected one by
another in a causal cycle. And the tragedy of
characters is completely presented through author’s
description of characters’ temperamental
characteristics. Hence, readers cannot but gasp in
admiration about author’s precise grasp and
description of character personality.
In History of a Chinese Muslim Family, Liang
Junbi, the eldest daughter of Liang Yiqing, is also an
important tragic character and the most disputed and
published one. What is the tragedy of Liang Junbi’s
life? And what kind of character makes it? In Huo
Da’s writings, Liang Junbi had experienced the
fluctuation of relationships, as well as sufferings of
both life and spirit. However, she still stuck to her
yearn for life and loyalty for love. Due to the
cultural inheritance and Muslim’s faith, Liang Junbi
had to endure too much in the collision of reality of
destiny. However, her tragedy is mainly caused by
her godliness for Muslim culture. In this tragedy,
readers can find a competent Muslims woman filled
with hope for life while facing the inequity of fate.
Readers surely admire such positive image. Besides,
they should think it is the spiritual driving force of
nationality and religious belief that make Liang
Junbi live with conflicts. On one hand, she lived
optimistically when faced with suffering. On the
other hand, she destroyed her daughter's happy life
and marriage by her narrow national idea, thus
conversely destroying her own lives and emotions.
The enormous pressure of secularity and religion
heavily demoralized her pursuit of faithful love, thus
starting her tragic life. Even frustrated, she did not
give up love, thus becoming the executioner and the
victim of the cultural belief. With these
contradictory features, a different image of Muslim
women is shown. Behind the tragic fate, the chief
cause of that is worth thinking deeply by people
History of a Chinese Muslim Family written by Huo
Da presents a kind of magnificent but tragic cultural
belief. How could Muslims live under different
cultures, nations and religion? How can reality and
inner conflict create the tragic life? This book will
arouse people’s thinking and exploring to the culture
of Hui. Life is always inconstant. Who can live
without any influence? What we should choose in
reality, accepting the fate or revolting it? It is worthy
of our weighing.
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