Research on the Relationship between the Total Factor Productivity
of Each Industry and Its Influence Factors in China
Wang Lihui
School of Statistics and Mathematics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, No.18 Xuezheng Steet,
Xiasha Higher Education Zone, Hangzhou City, P.R. China
Keywords: Total Factor Productivty, Industry, Financial Deepening.
Abstract: In order to study the influence factors of the total factor productivity and the relationship between these
factors and the total factor productivity, this paper analyzed such aspects as the financial deepening,
education development, energy consumption, opening to the outside world. The relationship between these
factors and total factor productivity of each industry was studied by using the vector error correction model
(VEC) in this paper on the basis of the existing literature research. The conclusion is that the financial
deepening has a long-term role in promoting technology progress of the secondary industry and the tertiary
industry. The innovation of this paper is that it distinguished among three industries to study the total factor
Burak R. Uras et al., (2014) studied the quantitative
relevance of the cross-sectional dispersion of
nancial structure in explaining the intra-
industry allocation ef
ciency of productive factors.
Chadwick C. Curtis et al., (2015) studied on the
impact of economic reforms on China’s growth in
total factor productivity. Xingle Long et al., (2015)
compared total productivity and eco-efficiency in
China’s cement manufactures from 2005 to 2010.
Many scholars have studied the total factor
productivity from different perspectives (Thomas
Scherngell et al., 2014; Maria Gabriela Ladu and
Marta Meleddu, 2014; Shuiping Zhang, 2014; Yen-
Chun Chou et al., 2014; Zibin Zhang, and Jianliang
Ye, 2015).
Based on the existing literature research, this
paper studies the influencing factors of the total
factor productivity and the relationship between
these factors and the total factor productivity of the
three industries in china from 1952 to 2013.
Solow residual method which was proposed by
Robert M. Solow is the method widely used of
calculation of total factor productivity. It is
established under the condition of constant return to
scale. The calculation formula is as follows:
refers to the total industrial output value,
represented by actual GDP, which is deflated by
GDP deflator.
refers to the input of
capital and labor. Capital
are caculated by use
of the method of the perpetual inventory. The
calculation formula is as follows.
tttt IKK
K refers to the capital stock,
Refers to depreciation
I refers to investment.
refer to the output elasticity of capital
and labor respectively. In this paper, the elastic
coefficient applied the coefficient measured by
the “Quantitative Calculation Method on the
Role of Scientific and Technological Progress in
Economic Growth” issued by the State Planning
Commission of China in 1992. That is, the
capital elasticity coefficient is 0.35, the
corresponding labor elasticity coefficient is 0.65.
Taking logarithm of TFP, this paper get LNPTFP
as the index of the total factor productivity of the
primary industry, and get LNSTFP as the index
Lihui W.
Research on the Relationship between the Total Factor Productivity of Each Industry and Its Influence Factors in China.
DOI: 10.5220/0006028304480451
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 448-451
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Variable Stationary test.
Test sequence
ADF test statistic
The critical value of each significant level
Test result
1% 5% 10%
LNM (C,T,0) -1.969621 -4.115684 -3.485218 -3.170793 Unstatationary
DLNM (C,N,0) -9.531509*** -3.544063 -2.910860 -2.593090 Stationary
LNEDU (C,T,1) -2.604001 -4.118444 -3.486509 -3.171541 Unstatationary
DLNEDU (N,N,1) -4.215640*** -2.604746 -1.946447 -1.613238 Stationary
LNEU (N,N,8) 6.253966 -2.609324 -1.947119 -1.612867 Unstatationary
DLNEU (C,N,1) -4.505033*** -3.546099 -2.911730 -2.593551 Stationary
LNTIE (C,T,1) -2.465281 -4.118444 -3.486509 -3.171541 Unstatationary
DLNTIE (C,N,0) -5.097995*** -3.544063 -2.910860 -2.593090 Stationary
LNPTFP (C,T,0) -2.159173 -4.115684 -3.485218 -3.170793 Unstatationary
DLNPTFP (C,N,0) -6.071282*** -3.544063 -2.910860 -2.593090 Stationary
LNSTFP (C,T,1) -2.550908 -4.118444 -3.486509 -3.171541 Unstatationary
DLNSTFP (C,N,1) -9.040902*** -3.546099 -2.911730 -2.593551 Stationary
LNTTFP (C,T,0) -1.269348 -4.115684 -3.485218 -3.170793 Unstatationary
DLNTTFP (C,T,0) -6.711633*** -4.118444 -3.486509 -3.171541 Stationary
of the total factor of the secondary industry,
LNTTFP as the index of the total factor productivity
of the tertiary industry.
Taking logarithm of each index, the financial
deepening (LNM), education development
(LNEDU), energy onsumption (LNEU) and opening
to the outside world (LNTIE) are the influencing
factors of technological progress.
Data in this paper are derived from the CSMAR
database, the website of the Nationgal Bureau of
Statistics of the People’s Republic of China and the
New China 60 Years Statistical Data Compilation.
3.1 Stationary Test
Before the construction of VAR model, it is
necessary to carry out unit root test. Unit root test is
the sequence of the stationary test. In this paper, the
ADF method is used to test the total factor
productivity and its influencing factors. The test
results are shown in Table 1. All the variables are 1
stage single integration, therefore can be tested by
the cointegration test method.
3.2 Primary Industry VAR Model
Through test, the LNPTFP and other variables are
not cointegrated relationship. Therefore, the VAR
model is constructed to analyze the relationship
among the difference of the LNPTFP and that of
other variables.
According to the test of table 2, the optimal lag
period of the VAR model is selected as 1 stage. Not
significant variables are removed, and the test results
of VAR model are shown in the formula (3). The
number in the parentheses is the standard error and
the T statistics in the brackets.
3.3 Secondary Industry VEC Model
The test of LNSTFP and other variables are co-
integrated relationship. Therefore, the VEC model is
constructed to analyze the relationship among the
LNSTFP and other variables.
According to the test of table 3, the optimal lag
period of the VEC model is selected as 2 stage, that
is 3 stage minus 1 stage because of cointegration
constraint. Cointegration test results are shown in
Table 4. According to the trace statistics, there is
cointegration relationship among the variables. Not
significant variables are removed, and the test results
of VEC model are shown in the formula (4) and
formula (5).
3.4 Tertiary Industry VEC Model
The test of LNTTFP and other variables are co-
integrated relationship. Therefore, the VEC model is
constructed to analyze the relationship among the
LNTTFP and other variables.
According to the test of table 5, the optimal lag
period of the VEC model is selected as 1 stage, that
is 2 stage minus 1 stage because of cointegration
constraint. According to the trace statistics, there are
cointegration relationship among the variables. Not
significant variables are removed, and the test results
of VAR model are shown in the formula (6) and
formula (7).
Research on the Relationship between the Total Factor Productivity of Each Industry and Its Influence Factors in China
Research on the Relationship between the Total Factor Productivity of Each Industry and Its Influence Factors in China
Table 2: Variable lag length test.
0 180.3035 NA 1.63e-09 -6.044948 -5.867324 -5.975760
1 235.8736 99.64287* 5.70e-10* -7.099088* -6.033342* -6.683959*
2 254.5886 30.33134 7.22e-10 -6.882367 -4.928499 -6.121296
3 273.0901 26.79518 9.50e-10 -6.658279 -3.816288 -5.551266
110.287 0.139
(0.091) (0.073)
[ 3.172] [1.894]
Table 3: Variable lag length test.
0 -151.0157 NA 0.000136 5.288668 5.464730 5.357396
1 197.8435 626.7640 2.33e-09 -5.689609 -4.633234* -5.277243
2 246.9987 79.98143 1.05e-09 -6.508432 -4.571744 -5.752427
3 285.5240 56.15553* 6.95e-10* -6.966916* -4.149917 -5.867274*
Table 4: Johansen cointegration test result of LNSTFPLNMLNEDULNEU and LNTIE.
Hypothesized No. Of CE(s) Trace Statistic 0.05 critical value Max-Eigen Statistic 0.05 critical value
None* 76.92855* 69.81889 31.50815 33.87687
At most 1 45.42040 47.85613 17.61823 27.58434
At most 2 27.80217 29.79707 15.61677 21.13162
At most 3 12.18540 15.49471 12.17002 14.26460
At most 4 0.015378 3.841466 0.015378 3.841466
11 21
21 2 1
0.211 0.273 0.519 0.397
(0.082) (0.122) (0.120) (0.135)
[ 2.580] [ 2.248] [ 4.316] [ 2.946]
0.121 0.583 0.493 0.162 0.067
(0.062) (0.
tt t t t
ttt t
167) (0.154) (0.101) (0.022)
[ 1.962] [3.489] [ 3.203] [1.603] [3.083]
11 1 1 10.366 0.200 0.171 0.280 5.192
(0.137) (0.055) (0.115) (0.111)
[ 2.670] [ 3.614] [ 1.488] [2.514]
Table 5: Variable lag length test.
0 -168.8526 NA 0.000249 5.893307 6.069370 5.962035
1 231.6231 719.4987 7.43e-10 -6.834683 -5.778308* -6.422317
2 273.8622 68.72796* 4.22e-10* -7.419057 -5.482370 -6.663053*
3 299.0095 36.65545 4.40e-10 -7.424052* -4.607052 -6.324410
Table 6: Johansen cointegration test result of LNTTFPLNMLNEDULNEU and LNTIE.
Hypothesized No. Of CE(s) Trace Statistic 0.05 critical value Max-Eigen Statistic 0.05 critical value
None* 78.38199* 69.81889 29.58991 33.87687
At most 1* 48.79208* 47.85613 19.45679 27.58434
At most 2 29.33529 29.79703 14.33239 21.13162
At most 3 15.00290 15.49471 12.73030 14.26460
At most 4 2.272598 3.841466 2.272598 3.841466
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
1110.209 0.244 0.130
(0.043) (0.112) (0.090)
[ 4.871] [2.185] [1.444]
11 1 10.533 0.572 0.168 1.634
(0.146) (0.129) (0.119)
[ 3.779] [4.441] [1.413]
From the perspective of industrial production
efficiency, the opening to the outside world helps to
promote the primary industrial technology progress.
Energy consumption and the primary industrial
technology progress have a negative relationship,
and the production of high energy consumption is
not conducive to technological progress of the
primary industry. The impacts of financial
deepening and educational development on
technological progress of the primary industry are
not significant. Energy consumption is helpful to
promote the technological progress of the secondary
industry. Financial deepening and improving the
level of education have a long-term role in
promoting the technology progress of the secondary
industry. Opening up to the outside world helps to
promote the technological progress of the secondary
industry in the short term, but in the long run is a
reverse change relationship. In the long run, the
financial deepening is helpful to promote the
technological progress of the tertiary industry.
Energy consumption in the short term is conducive
to the technological progress of the tertiary industry,
from the long-term view is not conducive to
technological progress. The level of education has
no significant effect on the technological progress of
the tertiary industry. From a long time to see the
relationship between the opening up and the
technological progress of the tertiary industry is the
Therefore, policy should further deepen the role
of finance in the economy, and strive to play a role
of financial in promoting the technology
development. To promote the development of
education, and strive to promote the role of
education in the promotion of technological progress.
In energy consumption, energy consumption
although promote the technology progress of the
secondary industry, it is not conducive to the
primary industrial technological progress, and from
the long-term view is not conducive to the
technological progress of the tertiary industry.
Therefore, in the energy consumption we should be
rational use of resources, play the role of energy in
the economy, change the way of economic growth,
encourage intensive production, and promote
technological progress. In opening up, we should
improve the export of high value-added products,
and use international trade to promote technological
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Research on the Relationship between the Total Factor Productivity of Each Industry and Its Influence Factors in China
Research on the Relationship between the Total Factor Productivity of Each Industry and Its Influence Factors in China