Robotics Enabled Augmented Health
Artur Arsenio
Nowadays it is increasingly important, for social and economic reasons, to provide augmented health assistance for people at home. This will mostly benefit some specific user groups, such as elderly, patients recovering from physical injury, or athletes. This chapter describes the application of robotics, under the scope of the Augmented Human Assistance (AHA) project, for assisting people health. Two complementary and interacting approaches are described. The first consists on a mobile robot nurse, that assists patients and elderly on their daily lives, such as for advising on medicine intake, or providing complementary biomedical sensing equipment for health monitoring. The other approach consists of multimodal feedback assistance through augmented reality, haptic sensing and audio, in order to guide and assist people on the execution of exercises at home.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Arsenio A. (2015). Robotics Enabled Augmented Health . In European Project Space on Intelligent Systems, Pattern Recognition and Biomedical Systems - EPS Lisbon, ISBN 978-989-758-095-6, pages 33-52. DOI: 10.5220/0006162300330052
in Bibtex Style
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author={Artur Arsenio},
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in EndNote Style
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DO - 10.5220/0006162300330052