Further work will first consist in consolidating the framework, trying to converge
to a standardized approach to trading flexibility and finding synergies with similar ap-
proaches. This also includes the ongoing standardization process of the FlexOffer con-
cept, as well as in the interaction between the actors, in collaboration with industrial
partners to ensure feasibility of the approaches. The underlying ICT infrastructure is
still ongoing further development, with a goal to release an open implementation of the
framework providing all necessary services. Research in generation, aggregation and
improvement of the flexibility market is also expected to continue to increase flexibil-
ity offered by FRs and Aggregators, thus strengthening the interest of the framework.
Finally, the flexibility market will also be improved, both from a theoretical and appli-
cation point of view.
Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the European project Arrowhead.
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EPS Colmar 2015 2015 - The Success of European Projects using New Information and Communication Technologies