A new patient specific seizure prediction algorithm
based on 1D-LBP in scalp EEG has been proposed
in this study. The idea is to classify between preictal
and interictal EEG using appropriate features. For
this purpose, histogram features are extracted from
the 1D-LBP applied signal. These features are
submitted to two different classifiers: LDA and
SVM. In order to reduce the false alarms, a simple
post processing is also incorporated. The
classification using SVM shows improvement over
LDA in terms of sensitivity, prediction time and
FPR. When this algorithm is applied to scalp EEG
recordings from 13 patients with a total number of
47 seizures, it could achieve a sensitivity of 96.15%,
an APT of 51.25 minutes with an FPR of 0.463.
Comparison with the previous works using the same
database shows improvement in terms of APT and
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