An Empirical Study on the Perception of Metamodel Quality
Georg Hinkel
, Max Kramer
, Erik Burger
, Misha Strittmatter
and Lucia Happe
Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI), Haid-und-Neu-Straße 10-14, Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Am Fasanengarten 5, Karlsruhe, Germany
Metamodel, Perception, Empirical Study.
Despite the crucial importance of metamodeling for Model- Driven Engineering (MDE), there is still little dis-
cussion about the quality of metamodel design and its consequences in model-driven development processes.
Presumably, the quality of metamodel design strongly affects the models and transformations that conform to
these metamodels. However, so far surprisingly few work has been done to validate the characterization of
metamodel quality. A proper characterization is essential to automate quality improvements for metamodels
such as metamodel refactorings. In this paper, we present an empirical study to sharpen the understanding of
the perception of metamodel quality. In the study, 24 participants created metamodels of two different domains
and evaluated the metamodels in a peer review process according to an evaluation sheet. The results show that
the perceived quality was mainly driven by the metamodels completeness, correctness and modularity while
other quality attributes could be neglected.
In Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), models are not
only used to document the design of a system, but also
to perform analyses, to run simulations, or to gener-
ate implementation code. To support such automated
transformations, individual model instances have to
conform to a metamodel that is expressed using a
meta-modeling language. All textual and visual ed-
itors for models and all transformations to other mod-
els or code depend directly or indirectly on this meta-
model. As a result, all development steps that involve
the usage or development of an editor or transforma-
tion are affected by the metamodel. Thus, metamod-
els are central artifacts of many MDE processes and
The influence of metamodels on MDE processes
and artifacts, as well as the quality of metamodels,
has, however, not been studied and discussed enough
in the community. There is no clear notion of meta-
model quality in literature. Software quality stan-
dards, such as ISO/IEC 25010, are only partly ap-
plicable since these standards are intended for com-
plete software products and systems, but not for de-
velopment artifacts such as metamodels. The quality
characteristics of these standards can only be used to
clarify which quality aspects of a metamodel are con-
sidered, but they do not explain how. Furthermore,
they cannot be used to determine how a general notion
of metamodel quality is assembled from these quality
characteristics. In order to agree on a common notion
of quality for metamodels, and in order to eventually
measure it, it is an important step to characterize how
the quality of metamodels is perceived.
In literature, however, existing characterizations
of metamodel quality, such as those from Bertoa et al.
(Bertoa and Vallecillo, 2010), have not been validated
on an empirical basis. Further tools exist that cor-
rect metamodel design flaws (L
andez et al.,
2014), but they are only based on personal experi-
ence and expertise, without a proper validation. In
particular, it is not clear whether the improvement of
some quality attributes will have an impact on the
overall quality of a metamodel at all. Therefore, a
validated characterization of metamodel quality is es-
sential for automated quality improvements, such as
The idea in this paper is that developers assess the
metamodel quality based on all their experience with
model-driven tools. Thus, the quality of the meta-
models is not restricted to a particular application
domain, such as particular analysis methods, model
transformation, or instance creation. Rather, we try to
assess the quality of metamodels as a whole.
This approach is beneficial especially in platform
projects where concrete applications are not entirely
clear at the beginning of the project. For example, the
Neurorobotics-platform of the Human Brain Project
Hinkel, G., Kramer, M., Burger, E., Strittmatter, M. and Happe, L.
An Empirical Study on the Perception of Metamodel Quality.
DOI: 10.5220/0005632001450152
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2016), pages 145-152
ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(HBP) tries to support neuroscientists in integrating
neuronal networks into robot controllers to provide
validation methods for neuronal network models and
models of the neurophysiology. First neurophysiol-
ogy models have been created with the pragmatics to
simulate them in the platform (Hinkel et al., 2015).
However, we also want to encourage neuroscientists
to analyze or automatically optimize these neurophys-
iology models and are thus looking for criteria that
the (meta-)models have to fulfill. Moreover, the HBP
is designed for a total duration of ten years. During
this period of time, it is likely that the metamodel will
degrade unless extra effort is spent for its refactor-
ings (Lehman, 1974; Lehman et al., 1997). For such
refactorings, it is important to understand the facets
of metamodel quality.
In this paper, we present the design and results of
an empirical study on the characterization of meta-
model quality perception: 24 professional develop-
ers and students assessed the overall quality and indi-
vidual quality characterstics by completing 89 copies
of a questionnaire. We performed correlation tests
and show that out of 10 individual characteristics
only modularity, completeness, and correctness had
a significant influence on the perception of overall
metamodel quality within our study. Our empirical
study provides insights on how developers perceive
the quality of metamodels. All results and support-
ing material such as the questionnaires are available
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 explains the experiment setup. Sec-
tion 3 presents the results from our empirical study.
Section 4 discusses threats to validity. Section 5 ex-
plains our plans for future work. Finally, Section 6
discusses related work before Section 7 concludes the
We performed a controlled experiment to obtain man-
ual assessments of metamodel quality. In order to
eliminate unwanted effects of metamodel properties
that may influence the quality assessment but that are
not important when measuring metamodel quality, the
participants also created the metamodels to be judged
in this controlled setting. The 24 participants created
metamodels for two domains. Each domain was de-
scribed in a text and the participants were asked to
design a metamodel according to it. The participants
1 Quality Quality
consisted of professional researchers as well as stu-
dents from a practical course on MDE. They were
randomly assigned to the domains, ensuring a balance
between the domains.
The first domain concerned user interfaces of mo-
bile applications. Participants were asked to create
a metamodel that would be able to capture designs
of the user interface of mobile applications so that
these user interface descriptions could later be used
platform-independently. The participants created the
metamodel according to a domain description in nat-
ural language from scratch. We refer to creating the
metamodel of this mobile applications domain as the
Mobiles scenario.
The second domain was business process model-
ing. Here, the participants were given a truncated
metamodel of the Business Process Modeling Lan-
guage and Notation (BPMN) (The Object Manage-
ment Group, 2011) where the packages containing
conversations and collaborations had been removed.
The original metamodel can be found in the BPMN
packages of the Eclipse project. The task for the
participants was to reproduce the missing part of
the metamodel according to a textual description of
the requirements for the collaborations and conversa-
tions. We refer to the task of completing this meta-
model as the BPMN scenario.
After creating the metamodel, all participants
were given several metamodels for the same domain
that were created by other participants and rated their
quality according to a questionnaire. In a next step,
the participants were given the textual description of
the domain that they were not creating a metamodel
for and evaluated the quality of several metamodels
for that scenario.
Given the limited time-box of the experiment, not
all of the participants returned an equal amount of
filled questionnaires.
The questionnaire asked the participants to eval-
uate the perceived overall quality of the metamod-
els as well as evaluations on the following quality
attributes: complexity, understandability, modularity,
conciseness, completeness, correctness, changability,
consistency, instance creation and transformation cre-
ation, adapted from Bertoa et al. (Bertoa and Valle-
cillo, 2010). The participants were asked to rate the
quality attributes on a six level Likert-scale.
We have received 89 responses for our evaluation
sheet out of which 46 are assessing the quality of 11
metamodels in the Mobiles domain and 43 are assess-
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
ing the quality of 12 metamodels in the BPMN do-
main. All evaluation sheets assess the overall qual-
ity of the metamodels as well as the quality attributes
we mentioned in Section 2. The assessment could be
done in the grades very bad (-5), bad (-3), slightly
bad (-1), slightly good (+1), good (+3) and very good
(+5). For Complexity, a good Complexity means that
the metamodel is simple, i.e. perceived as not com-
plex. The quality attributes were briefly described in
the questionnaire, though understandability was in-
troduced as the degree in which a metamodel is self-
We analyzed the correlations between the qual-
ity attributes and performed an analysis of variance
(ANOVA) on the questionnaire responses. We did
this for each of the scenarios separately and once for
both of them combined, adding the scenario itself as
another influence factor. Unfortunately, not all of
the questionnaires were complete, so we had to omit
about half of the questionnaires for the ANOVA due
to some missing entries.
In the remainder of this section, we present the
results for the correlation analysis in order to reason
about the validity of our results and on future study
designs in Section 3.1. Afterwards, we present our
findings from the Mobiles scenario in Section 3.2,
from the BPMN scenario in Section 3.3 and present
the results of an ANOVA spanning over both domains
for a generalization of the results in Section 3.4.
3.1 Correlation between Quality
The responses that we got from our experiment al-
low us to analyze how well the quality attributes de-
scribe the metamodel quality in our experiment in
general. Therefore, we printed the correlations of the
quality attributes to each other in Table 1. The table
shows Pearson correlation coefficients, but as the Lik-
ert scale is equidistant, this coincides with the Spear-
man correlation coefficient. The analysis of these
correlations allow us to reason on the design of fu-
ture empirical studies with regard to the quality at-
tributes that we are asking from participants. Ideally,
the quality attributes should be orthogonal to each
other, each describing different aspects of the meta-
model with no correlation to other aspects. Thus, Ta-
ble 1 should show ones on the diagonal and zeroes
elsewhere. However, some correlations may always
be introduced by random. But if the correlations be-
tween the quality attributes get too big, they invalidate
the ANOVA in the subsequent sections. To highlight
strong correlations (ρ > 0.5) between different quality
attributes, we have printed them in bold.
The strongest correlation by far can be observed
between completeness and correctness. This seems
reasonable since completeness can be seen as a form
of correctness. In fact, some studies treat complete-
ness and correctness as one quality attribute. We
can support this methodology for metamodels since
these quality attributes have a very strong correlation
(ρ = 0.73). On the other hand, understandability and
conciseness also often go together but only showed a
weaker correlation (ρ = 0.56). Here, we argue that
these quality attributes are perceived significantly dif-
ferent and thus should not be recorded together.
Only three other strong correlations have been
found within our experiment. Instance creation
strongly correlates with both transformations and
complexity. However, since this correlation is not as
strong as the correlation between completeness and
correctness and even more importantly, the creation of
transformations does not correlate with the complex-
ity, we argue that it is better to treat these two quality
attributes separately. Furthermore, there is a correla-
tion between complexity and understandability. This
is also reasonable and supports the intuition that com-
plex metamodels are hard to understand. However,
this correlation is by far not as strong as the correla-
tion between completeness and correctness and there-
fore have their right as separated quality attributes.
As a result, we argue that the quality attributes that
we used for our experiment to evaluate aspects of the
metamodel quality are valid except that completeness
and correctness should have been treated as a single
quality attribute. We will use this insight in the design
of future experiments.
3.2 Important Quality Attributes in the
Mobiles Scenario
In the Mobiles scenario, the second most important
quality attribute was the completeness of the meta-
model (p = 0.00013). This may be caused by the fact
that the Mobile domain as presented to the partici-
pants apparently seemed very complex and thus many
metamodels were perceived as incomplete. It seems
surprising that the influence of a metamodels correct-
ness is not even significant on the 10%-level but this
may be due to the fact that completeness and cor-
rectness of the metamodels were strongly correlated
(ρ = 0.83) making completeness and correctness to
some extend interchangeable.
A remarkable result is that the modularity has had
a more significant influence on the overall perceived
quality of the Mobiles metamodels in our experiment
(p = 8.25 ·10
). Conciseness, understandability and
complexity also showed significant influences at the
An Empirical Study on the Perception of Metamodel Quality
Table 1: Correlations of Quality Attributes, strong correlations (|ρ| > 0.5) in bold.
Instance Creation
Complexity (1.00) 0.39 0.55 -0.09 0.14 -0.14 -0.17 0.25 0.57 0.29
Understandability 0.39 (1.00) 0.56 0.34 0.24 0.13 0.19 0.19 0.45 0.10
Conciseness 0.55 0.56 (1.00) 0.15 0.24 0.14 0.20 0.24 0.36 0.25
Modularity -0.09 0.34 0.15 (1.00) 0.32 0.29 0.30 0.21 0.07 0.08
Consistency 0.14 0.24 0.24 0.32 (1.00) 0.46 0.37 0.19 0.23 0.15
Completeness -0.14 0.13 0.14 0.29 0.46 (1.00) 0.73 0.08 0.11 0.16
Correctness -0.17 0.19 0.20 0.30 0.37 0.73 (1.00) 0.10 0.07 0.08
Changability 0.25 0.19 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.08 0.10 (1.00) 0.28 0.34
Instance Creation 0.57 0.45 0.36 0.07 0.23 0.11 0.07 0.28 (1.00) 0.55
Transformations 0.29 0.10 0.25 0.08 0.15 0.16 0.08 0.34 0.55 (1.00)
5%-level (p = 0.02, 0.04, 0.04) but these results do
not withstand a Holm correction for multiple tests.
We believe this is due to the fact that we had few valid
questionnaires after having to cancel roughly half of
them (22) because of missing values.
3.3 Important Quality Attributes in the
BPMN Scenario
Unlike the Mobiles scenario, in the BPMN scenario
the participants had to extend a metamodel for a given
feature request. This task apparently was very dif-
ficult for many participants, as the correctness has
by far the strongest significance (p = 0.012) of all
quality attributes, followed by modularity (p = 0.022)
and completeness (p = 0.298). None of these signif-
icances withstands a Holm-correction, again partially
due to the low number of responses.
Comparing the results with the Mobiles scenario,
we can see much less significances and higher p-
values, indicating that the perception of the quality
attributes is less clear. This may be due to the com-
plexity of the original BPMN metamodel.
3.4 Important Quality Attributes in
both Scenarios Combined
Taking the questionnaires of both experiment scenar-
ios together, we can get results that are to some ex-
tend independent from the scenario. In total, we had
to omit 44 responses in the ANOVA due to missing
entries. The resulting ANOVA table is depicted in Ta-
ble 2. The table shows the F statistic and the p-value
for the test that the underlying linear model is not de-
graded when the quality attribute is omitted. As we
perform multiple tests, we apply a Holm correction on
the resulting p-values. We used the usual significance
codes, so stands for a significance p < 0.001,
∗∗ for 0.001 < p < 0.01, for 0.01 < p < 0.05 and
· for 0.05 < p < 0.10 but apply them to the already
corrected p-values.
We have taken into account the scenario as an ad-
ditional factor in order to analyze whether the results
can be generalized from the scenario. The most im-
portant result from this analysis is that the influence of
the scenario is insignificant (p = 0.70). This means,
although the scenario of both of the experiments were
different in both domain and type (metamodel from
the scratch or extension to an existing one), the influ-
ence factors of the quality attributes are much stronger
for the perception of the overall quality than the sce-
nario. This indicates that we can generalize the find-
ings from this analysis of variance in some degree to
metamodels of any domain.
According to these results, the most important
quality attributes of a metamodel are its completeness
and correctness. These attributes also have a strong
correlation (ρ = 0.73) indicating that complete meta-
models are often also correct and vice versa. How-
ever, this result is hardly surprising.
Despite it is the metamodels most common appli-
cation, the instance creation is not among the most
significant quality attributes but does not appear as
significant. We believe this is a consequence from
the fact that instance creation was not correlated to
completeness or correctness in our experiment. Thus,
the instance creation is inflated by the fact that it is
very easy to create an instance of an overly simplistic
An interesting result is the strong influence of
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Table 2: Results of the ANOVA for both scenarios combined.
F-statistic p-value p-value corrected
Complexity 2.711 0.11 0.74
Understandability 8.21 0.0072 0.058 ·
Modularity 34.82 1.29 · 10
1.29 · 10
Conciseness 1.040 0.32 1.00
Completeness 36.39 8.78 · 10
9.66 · 10
Correctness 11.60 0.0018 0.016
Changability 1.77 0.19 1.00
Consistency 0.60 0.45 1.00
Instance Creation 0.09 0.77 1.00
Transformations 0.27 0.61 1.00
Scenario 0.15 0.70 1.00
modularity on a very high significance level (p <
0.0001 after the HOLM correction). This is partic-
ularly interesting since many large metamodels like
the UML metamodel used by Eclipse (Version 2.1) or
many component models like Kevoree (Fouquet and
Daubert, 2012) or SOFA 2 (Bure
s et al., 2006) do
not employ any modularization, i.e. all metaclasses
are direct elements of a single root package. Here,
our results indicate that these metamodels could be
perceived as much better if they were introducing a
package structure.
The threats to the validity of our experiment are di-
vided as usual into threats to internal and external va-
lidity. The internal validity refers to the systematic
bias we might have introduced in the experiment de-
sign and is discussed in Section 4.1. The external va-
lidity refers to the degree in which the findings from
our experiment can be generalized and are discussed
in Section 4.2.
4.1 Internal Validity
Our experiment only consisted of one appointment
in which the participants had to evaluate the meta-
models. Thus, we can exclude an influence of his-
tories, maturation or mortality. We have chosen the
groups creating metamodels for the Mobiles case and
the BPMN case randomly so that we can exclude an
influence of selection. The evaluations of the meta-
models were made by the participants so that we can
exclude a subject effect from ourselves.
Not all metamodels have, however, been evaluated
by all of the participants. Most metamodels have been
evaluated by three participants out of the 24 partici-
pants of our experiment. Having the participants eval-
uate more metamodels would have borne the risk of
getting less participants and of suffering from a strong
sequencing effect. We have chosen the metamodels to
be evaluated by the participants by random in order to
minimize this effect.
Even so, we may have faced an instrumenta-
tion or sequencing effect as the participants evalu-
ated the multiple metamodels of the same domain
where subsequent evaluations may be biased depend-
ing on the first metamodel which they had to evalu-
ate. To minimize this, participants were not allowed
to change their opinion on previous metamodel eval-
uations. However, we assume that this effect is very
small since the order was chosen by random and sta-
tistically, most metamodels were rated by some par-
ticipants first and rated last by others. Furthermore,
the participants only evaluated at maximum two meta-
models per scenario.
4.2 External Validity
The mobile metamodels and the BPMN metamodel
extensions were relatively small whereas in practice,
much larger metamodels are used. Therefore, we can-
not exclude the possibility that the correlations that
we observed are not present in larger metamodels.
Furthermore, the participants of our experiment
were academic professionals and students but we did
not have participants from industry. Therefore, we
cannot exclude the risk that the observed correlations
would not be observed outside an academic setting.
When we asked the participants to assess the qual-
ity of the metamodels, we did not provide a spe-
cific purpose or usage scenario for the metamodels.
Rather, we asked to assess the quality in a broader
perspective. The participants evaluated the metamod-
els directly after they created some metamodels them-
selves. This sequence of tasks may have introduced
an implicit tendency to assess the quality from the per-
spective of metamodel design and not, for example,
from the perspective of transformation engineering.
An Empirical Study on the Perception of Metamodel Quality
In the future, we want to use the results from the em-
pirical study to evaluate the goodness of fit of metrics
to quantitatively measure metamodel quality. Such a
set of metrics would allow developers to detect possi-
ble shortcomings of their metamodels in a very early
stage of the development. Here, the results of this pa-
per guide us in the selection of metrics to evaluate.
In particular, the results imply the necessity of met-
rics to measure the modularity of metamodels as well
as their completeness and correctness. Unfortunately,
the latter two quality attributes are very hard to mea-
sure. After all, a metamodel is a formalization of the
domain and to avoid duplicate concepts, it is often the
only one. This makes it difficult to choose artifacts
that can be used to validate the completeness or cor-
rectness. Further, metamodels should abstract from
the real world so that completeness is always relative
to the application scenario of the models conforming
to a metamodel.
This situation is different for modularity. Ap-
proaches already exist to improve the modularity of
object-oriented design. We look forward to validate
metrics to measure the modularity of metamodels in
order to automatically improve their quality. Because
of the high influence of modularity to the overall qual-
ity, the experiment metamodels of the Mobiles sce-
nario are suitable to validate modularization metrics.
The combination of metamodels and a percep-
tion of their quality also yields other possibilities to
sharpen the understanding of quality in an MDE con-
text. In a first step, we want to validate the usage of
metrics to measure metamodel quality. In a second
step, we want to analyze how the design of different
metamodels of the same domain affect subsequent ar-
tifacts such as model transformations and analyses.
With such artifacts, the metamodel quality can be val-
idated in terms of quality attributes of depending arti-
facts. Finally, the results can be combined to validate
whether the perception of metamodel quality is actu-
ally correct in the sense that the expected positive ef-
fects of e.g. modularity persist in artifacts like model
transformations and analyses.
Summing up, empirical experiments such as we
have performed for this paper yield a large amount of
valuable data that can be used for a series of hopefully
meaningful results.
Related work in the context of metamodel quality
mostly exists for the quantitative measurement of
metamodel quality in metrics by adoption of metrics
for UML class diagrams and more generally object-
oriented design. However, to the best of our knowl-
edge, the characterization of metamodel quality has
not yet been approached through the perception of
modeling experts.
Bertoa et al. (Bertoa and Vallecillo, 2010) define
a rich framework of quality attributes for metamod-
els. However, the quality attributes are not validated
in terms of how the quality attributes are perceived
and no analysis has been done on the correlations be-
tween the quality attributes.
opez et al. propose a tool and language to check
for properties of metamodels (L
andez et al.,
2014). In their paper, they also provide a catalog of
negative properties, which they categorize in: design
flaws, best practices, naming conventions and metrics.
They check for breaches of fixed thresholds for the
following metrics: number of attributes per class, de-
gree of fan-in and -out, DIT and the number of direct
subclasses. However, their catalog stems from con-
ventions and experience and is not empirically evalu-
ated. Further, the negative properties are not related
to quality attributes.
epa et al. present a repository for metamodels,
models, and transformations (V
epa et al., 2006). The
authors apply metrics that were originally designed
for class diagrams onto metamodels from the reposi-
tory. The applied metrics are: several size metrics (as
a basis for other metrics), DIT, several number of fea-
tures per class metrics, number of inherited attributes
and attribute inheritance factor. For some of the met-
rics, V
epa et al. provide a rationale how they relate to
metamodel quality but no validation is given.
Williams et al. applied a variety of size metrics
onto a big collection of metamodels (Williams et al.,
2013). However, they did not draw any conclusions
with regards to quality.
Di Rocco et al. also applied metrics onto a large
set of metamodels (Di Rocco et al., 2014). Besides
the usual size metrics, they also feature the number
of isolated metaclasses and the number of concrete
immediately featureless metaclasses. Further, they
searched for correlations of the metrics among each
other. E.g., they found that the number of metaclasses
with super class is positively correlated with the num-
ber of metaclasses without features. Based on the
characteristics they draw conclusions about general
characteristics of metamodels. Their long-term goal
is to draw conclusions from metamodel characteris-
tics with regards to the impact onto tools and transfor-
mations which are based on the metamodel. However,
in this work, they did not correlate the metric results
to any quality attributes.
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Gomez et al. propose an approach which aims
at evaluating the correctness and expressiveness of a
metamodel (G
omez et al., 2012). A metamodel is
considered correct, if it only allows valid instances.
Expressiveness is the degree in which it is able to ex-
press the instances it is supposed to. Their approach
automatically generates a (preferably small) set of in-
stances to evaluate these two criteria.
Garcia et al. developed a set of domain spe-
cific metamodel quality metrics for multi-agent sys-
tems modelling languages (Garc
no et al.,
2009). They propose three metrics: availability,
specificity and expressiveness. These metrics take
domain knowledge into account, e.g., the “number
of necessary concepts” or the “number of model ele-
ments necessary for modelling the system of the prob-
lem domain”.
Leitner et al. propose complexity metrics for do-
main models of the software product line field as well
as feature models (Leitner et al., 2012). A feature
model (Czarnecki and Eisenecker, 2000) is used to
express variability. In its simplest form it is a tree
with mandatory and optional nodes. More complex
constraints are also possible using excludes or feature
sets. A domain model is a DSL which also describes
variability. However, domain models are not as con-
strained by their metamodels as it is the case with fea-
ture models. The authors argue, that the complexity of
both, feature and domain models, influences the over-
all quality of the model, but especially usability and
maintainability. They show the applicability of their
metrics, but do not validate the influence between the
metrics and quality.
Vanderfeesten et al. published work on qual-
ity and quality metrics for business process models
(Vanderfeesten et al., 2007). They present a great
number of metrics in their work. Some of them
are so specific they can only be applied to business
quality models, others are quite general and can be
applied to metamodels or even graphs in general.
They assess the relation metric results and error oc-
currences (Mendling and Neumann, 2007; Mendling
et al., 2007a; Mendling et al., 2007b), between met-
ric results and manual quality assessments (S
alez et al., 2010) or to both (Vanderfeesten et al.,
2008). However, transferring the relation between
metrics and quality attributes to metamodels is sim-
ilarly problematic as it is with metrics for object-
oriented design. Business process models are used
for very specific purposes. They describe business
processes in the real world. They are used for docu-
mentation, communication, can be analyzed and sim-
ulated. The usage of metamodels is primarily instan-
tiation into models. Thus, if some of the metrics for
business process models can also be applied to meta-
models, it cannot be assumed that their correlations to
quality attributes still hold.
In this paper, we have described an empirical study
to enhance the understanding of metamodel quality
perception. We had a total of 24 participants, both
students and professionals. The results from analyz-
ing 89 questionnaires evaluating 23 metamodels of
two domains shows that the perception of metamodel
quality was mainly depending on completeness, cor-
rectness and modularity where other quality attributes
like the consistency of the metamodel did not show
a significant influence. The chosen quality attributes
have shown only few correlations and are therefore
a good starting point for the design of future experi-
ments. As the influence of the domain was not signif-
icant for the perception of metamodel quality, we ar-
gue that our results are independent from the domains
modeled in the scope of our experiment and thus can
be generalized to other domains as well.
The significance of modularity for the quality per-
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nore this quality attribute. Furthermore, we want to
use the results to push the development and evalua-
tion of metrics to measure the metamodel quality au-
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MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development