heavily occupied part of the room. For this reason
concentrations recorded in points 3 and 4 were most
frequently high and could be considered identical (90
%, see Fig. 8). Interestingly, results of lecturers seat
monitoring (point 1) frequently overlapped with the
concentrations up in the audience (80 % of time, see
Fig. 8).
From the above presented analysis we see that the
distinctive, important locations for CO
were associated with low-lying parts of the room and
heavily occupied sections. There, the species should
be controlled. In case of the examined lecture hall, the
sufficient information about CO
concentration could
be acquired using two measurement points namely,
point 2 (low-lying part of the room) and point 4 or 3
(heavily occupied zone). Setting more points resulted
in redundant information if measurements were per-
formed with the accuracy of 50 ppm + 3 % m.v.
sensors are several times more expensive
compared with temperature and RH sensors. They
require relatively frequent calibration and consume
much more energy. If measurements session lasts
longer than several days CO
measurement devices
shall be connected to power supply in order to assure
the continuity of readouts. These constraints have to
be taken under consideration while setting CO
toring network. However, based on our analysis small
number of CO
measurement points may not impair
the quality of information about this species. Con-
trarily, in view of the offered measurement accuracies
such sensor nets may be recommended.
Temporal and spatial variability of IAQ causes that it
should be determined by multi-point sensor networks
which operate continuously.
Many factors affect the quality of information
which is acquired in this way. These are, for exam-
ple the number of sensors, their localization and the
characteristics of measurement devices. In practical
applications, the optimization of these factors is very
In our opinion it is necessary that the accuracy of
measurement devices is taken under consideration in
the selection of the number and distribution of sen-
This parameter may be different in various com-
mercially offered temperature, RH and CO
In this work, we have shown that also the relation of
accuracy to spatial and temporal variation may be dif-
ferent among quantities measured in indoor air. For
this reason, the sensor net should be designed indi-
vidually for each parameter.
Based on our study, the measurement accuracy al-
lows to apply small number of sensors in RH and CO
measurements, while in case of temperature, their
number should be grater. However, in our opinion
the determination of the number of sensors and their
distribution shall be based on the screening study and
the analysis, which needs to be performed individu-
ally for a particular object of interest. This opinion
finds the justification in a strong influence of HVAC
system, occupancy and building characteristics on the
parameters describing IAQ.
This work was financially supported by the National
Science Center, Poland, under the contract number
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