Another aspect to be discussed is the selection of
the thresholds τ defining the binary feature space. For
this paper, an automated approach was used, selecting
initial thresholds based on the quantiles of the data
distribution. In later stages, adjacent intervals thus
defined are merged if their coefficients are equal.
In this paper, ICS* was introduced as an extension
of ICS. It allows to infer relevant effects, including
interactions, from given data and construct a scoring
system by solving a minimization problem. After in-
troduction of the changes applied to ICS, ICS* was
subjected to a sensitivity study on synthetic data. The
study showed that resampling can be used to improve
the robustness of the method. Furthermore, it also
indicated robustness to noise, training set size and
the number of additional non-informative variables.
However, both set size and number of variables were
shown to have a large impact on execution time. Fi-
nally, ICS* was applied to two UCI data sets with
good results.
Future work will investigate the formulation of
a more advanced approach to the initial estimation
of the τ thresholds. A better estimation of the final
thresholds from the beginning reduces the complexity
of the problem to be solved, since it relates directly to
the dimensionality of the expanded feature space.
Another goal is the formulation of the quadratic
transformation of ICS*. This would ensure the
uniqueness of the solution for a given data set. Fur-
thermore, row-action methods could be applied to
achieve a reduction of the execution time. More gen-
erally, approaches other than the LP, e.g. sparse inte-
ger solutions, could have interesting characteristics.
Finally, the problem to be solved is essentially
a combination of variable selection (sparsity on the
level of the original variables) and minimization of
the number of steps within each effect (sparsity on
the level of coefficient differences). Such a combined
criterion can be tackled by methods as group sparse
LASSO (Simon et al., 2013) for fast convergence to
the optimal solution.
This research was supported by: Bijzonder Onder-
zoeksfonds KU Leuven (BOF), Center of Excellence
(CoE): PFV/10/002 (OPTEC); KULeuven IDO fund-
ing: #3E140722 Sensor-based Platform for the Accu-
rate and Remote monitoring of Kine(ma)tics Linked
to E-health (SPARKLE); Belgian Federal Science
Policy Office: IUAP #P7/19/ (DYSCO, ‘Dynami-
cal systems, control and optimization’, 2012-2017).
VVB is a postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foun-
dation - Flanders (FWO).
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