hypothesis that they are coming from the same
distribution. It is usually accepted that, for p-values
smaller than 0.01, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Table 2: Localization of Tsr-Venus clusters. Shown are
the percentages of clusters at the poles (‘polar clusters’),
and the percentages of clusters at midcell (‘lateral
clusters’) for cells at 10°C, 15°C, 24°C, 37°C, and 43°C.
10°C 15°C 24°C 37°C 43°C
clusters (%)
98.9 99.1 99.6 96.0 94.5
clusters (%)
1.1 0.9 0.4 4.0 5.5
From the comparisons between all pairs of
conditions, we find a tangible difference only
between 24°C and 43°C (all other p-values were
above 0.05). From this, we conclude that the
localization process is only weakly dependent of
temperature, in the range tested.
Tsr proteins play a central role in the chemotaxis
mechanisms of Escherichia coli. For this, they
participate in large clusters of various proteins.
From microscopy measurements of cells
expressing Tsr proteins tagged with Venus proteins,
we compared the clustering process and the
behaviour of the clusters at different temperatures.
We found that, in all conditions, these proteins
are able to form clusters and that these preferentially
locate at the cell poles. Nevertheless, the clustering
process is temperature dependent in that, at 37 °C,
the clusters clearly harness Tsr-Venus proteins more
efficiently than in the other conditions.
At the moment, the cause(s) for the dependence
of the clustering process on temperature is unknown.
However, recent studies showed that both the
cytoplasm viscosity (Parry et al., 2014) as well as
the relative nucleoid size of these cells are heavily
temperature dependent, which could explain why
temperature affects the long-term spatial distribution
of the clusters. Another possibility is that the
clustering process is not energy-free, and thus
depends on how much energy the cell has available
(similarly to the clustering of unwanted protein
aggregates (Govers et al., 2014)).
On the other hand, we observed that the
localization of the clusters (at the pole or at midcell),
appears to be only weakly temperature dependent,
within the range of temperatures studied. From this,
we conclude that the functionality of the proteins
responsible for retention of Tsr-clusters at the poles,
such as the Tol-Pal complex, is robust to suboptimal
temperatures, or that other, non-energy dependent
mechanisms, contribute to this preference for polar
In the future, it would be of interest to investigate
the causes for the temperature dependence of the
clustering process and for the temperature
independence of the localization process of these
Work supported by Academy of Finland (257603,
ASR) and Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology (PTDC/BBB-MET/1084/2012, ASR).
The funders had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
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