adding the medical suture as a calibration object with
known size. The approach essentially solved the
problem of treating the camera movement as known
constant under the condition that the original image
is converted to Lambertian image by removing spec-
ular reflectance with uniform reflectance parameter.
Based on estimating ∆Z, it makes possible to esti-
mate the reflectance parameter C and further to re-
cover the absolute size and shape of polyp based on
Shape-from-shading approach.
It is shown that the proposed approach is valuable
in the recovery process of polyp and the evaluation is
provided via experiments with real endoscope envi-
ronment. Using the medical suture as a calibration
object is not always useful but the paper extended
the possibility to recover the absolute size and shape
of polyp with further information. Further subject
includes that another cue information instead of the
medical suture is used and the entire purpose is done
with usual endoscope environment.
Iwahori’s research is supported by Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (C) (26330210) and Chubu Uni-
versity Grant. The authors would like to thank the re-
lated lab member of Chubu University for their useful
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Estimating Reflectance Parameter of Polyp using Medical Suture Information in Endoscope Image