doctor or a patient;
- instinct of “laziness” (to act if a motive is
present; otherwise, to return home and “sleep”) – a
condition for “locking” the general task of the
AMSMR functioning. Here, the “home” is the place
for charging batteries.
The last instinct is the main procedure for the
AMSMR to act. It determines the main loop of the
robot’s activity in its software.
We have tried in our study to develop the new,
formal and scientifically based engineer approach
for soundness of technical requirements to AMSMR
“from the first principles”. The expert analysis of the
basic scenarios of AMSMR behaviour in clinics
enabled classification of such robots as intellectual
dynamic systems acting according to a situation in a
multi-agent environment and basing on adaptive
logical reasoning. AMSMR are expected in clinics
to implement different errands associated, mainly,
with seeking an object of interest, interaction with it,
receiving and storage information from people,
information processing and transmission to other
people. As it was shown in the study, to follow the
scenario in a full-scale, such a robot must have well
developed model of our World – the World Model
(WM). Studying the principles of WM functioning
showed that WM should involve, in addition to the
models of all external objects, some general non-
object and procedural terms (to find, to be present, to
execute). Semantic relations between objects should
be also determined, as well as the basic world rules
(impossible to pass through the wall, etc.) should be
formulated. The model of AMSMR itself should
also be given in WM, and its behavioural instincts as
general motivations for a robot to act should be
formulated and determined, as well. It distinguishes
our WM from other ones. Correctness and efficiency
of the offered approach should be proved by further
experiments, but it is evidently now, that the first
and key step of AMSMR design and development is
the WM configuration design.
The reported study was funded by RFBR according
to the research project No. 14-08-01127.
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BIODEVICES 2016 - 9th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices