Risk Management for Dynamic Metadata Exchange
via a Trusted Third Party
Daniela P
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Boltzmannstr. 1, Garching n. Munich, Munich, Germany
Federated Identity Management, Metadata, SAML, Metadata Exchange.
Inter-organizational access to IT services based on the predominant standard of Federated Identity Manage-
ment (FIM), the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), suffers from scalability issues related to
metadata exchange. In order to overcome these issues, an approach for automated metadata exchange be-
tween Identity Provider (IDP) and Service Provider (SP) via a Trusted Third Party (TTP) is presented in this
article. Based on the architecture, risk management with threats and counter measures is applied by using a
risk management template. Special emphasis is put on the secure design of the automated metadata exchange.
Medium-sized and large organizations, like universi-
ties and companies, typically provide several infor-
mation and communications technology (ICT) ser-
vices to their members. These can be, e. g., email,
web collaboration tools, and more specific services,
like exam management service. In order to authen-
ticate, a technical identifier, commonly referred as
username, is assigned to each member. By provid-
ing the username and credentials, the user gets access
to these services. While the local, normally central-
ized Identity & Access Management (I&AM) enables
organization wide solution for identity management,
this becomes more complex when several organiza-
tion collaborate.
Such a collaboration can be a research project or
a combined development of a product, reducing the
costs for all participating companies. In order to
store and manage the user information only at one
place, Federated Identity Management (FIM) was es-
tablished. It is either based on the trust all comers
principle of OAuth (Hardt, 2012) and OpenID Con-
nect (Sakimura et al., 2014), as many web appli-
cations do, like Facebook and Google just to name
two. The other possibility is the usage of Security
Assertion Markup Language (SAML) (Cantor et al.,
2005a), which has closed trust boundaries. SAML
is used in the Research & Education environment as
well as in companies, like in the automotive federa-
tion Odette SESAM (Odette, 2009). The home or-
ganization of the user is called within SAML-world
as well as in this paper Identity Provider (IDP),
while the provider of the service is referred to as Ser-
vice Provider (SP). A formally collaboration of IDPs
and SPs is called a federation. In research and educa-
tion, these federations operated by national research
and education networks (NRENs) can include hun-
dreds to thousands of universities and research insti-
tutions with all their students, staff, and researchers.
Examples of those NREN federations are DFN-AAI
in Germany (DFN-AAI, 2015) and InCommon in the
US (InCommon, 2015).
Although these specific federations by geography
and industry-sector are not imposed by FIM technol-
ogy and protocols, it has become a reality. Most
countries and sectors run their own federation. In
order to cooperate internationally, so called inter-
federations are built, still excluding several potential
members. Let’s assume a researcher is involved into a
research community, also called virtual organization,
which provides several services essential for his work.
The organizations participating in the community are
spread over the world. At the same time, the univer-
sity of the researcher, also called IDP, is member of
a national federation. Other IDPs and SPs are part
of this national federation, in order to make use of
FIM. As common protocol, they use SAML as it has
fixed trust boundaries in comparison to OpenID Con-
nect. In order to know the endpoints and to have a cir-
cle of trust, they pre-exchange their metadata (Cantor
et al., 2005b). Metadata includes information about
the information endpoints, but also contact informa-
tion, and required attributes. In SAML-world, IDP
Pöhn, D.
Risk Management for Dynamic Metadata Exchange via a Trusted Third Party.
DOI: 10.5220/0005651702270234
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016), pages 227-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-167-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and SP can only make use of FIM, when they have
each others metadata. Although SAML does not ex-
plicitly specify the pre-exchange of aggregated meta-
data, it is current practice. Since the national federa-
tion is member of an inter-federation, e. g., eduGAIN,
the metadata of all members of the inter-federation is
as well aggregated and then distributed. In the case
of eduGAIN this comprises 40 federations with more
than 2,000 entities (G
EANT, 2015). As a result, ser-
vices can only be used within these trust boundaries.
This also means that the researcher’s virtual organiza-
tions need to set up their own virtual federation, as not
all members are participating in the inter-federation,
or it needs to make use of a Homeless IDP, integrating
all users from outside the inter-federation.
This example explains the main problems of FIM
with SAML. Although FIM is widely used, the cover-
age and scalability are known issues. The size of the
aggregated metadata is increasing, when more fed-
erations and providers are participating. The imple-
mented solutions are only sector-wide, e. g., Odette
SESAM in the automotive industry, while eduGAIN
is used in NREN federations. The approach the inter-
federation eduGAIN uses comes to its boundaries, as
the approach is not scalable. The aggregators and
parsers for the metadata can hardly cope with the in-
creasing amount of data. Since more and more ser-
vices are offered on-demand, the practical problem
and relevant question is, if the SAML metadata, re-
quired to make use of FIM, can be exchanged securely
on-demand. This article adds security considerations
and a risk management based on a template to the
EANT-TrustBroker approach (P
ohn et al., 2014).
The new approach, initiated by the eduGAIN oper-
ators (G
EANT project), needs to be as secure as FIM
with SAML can be, even though new components and
workflows are introduced.
The following section contrasts the architecture of
a Trusted Third Party (TTP) for dynamic metadata ex-
change with current state of the art and practical ap-
proaches. Section 3 explains a template for risk man-
agement, which is applied to the approach of dynamic
metadata exchange via a TTP in the following sec-
tions. Section 4 describes possible threats for the TTP,
while Section 5 characterizes actors against the TTP.
The following Section 6 describes counter measure-
ments, which need to be taken into account during the
implementation and the operations. Last but not least,
the paper concludes in Section 7 with the results and
further research questions.
In order to help administrators with the management
of their metadata, the Swiss federation SwitchAAI
was the first NREN federation to develop a web ser-
vice called Resource Registry. The Resource Reg-
istry lets entities register their metadata and update
entity information, before the national metadata file
is aggregated and distributed, based on all uploaded
metadata files. Further NREN federations adapted
this solution. A newer practical solution is the Pub-
lic Endpoint Entities Registry (PEER) by Young et
al. (Young and Joie, 2009). The concept of PEER
and the implementation called REEP is that any en-
tity, independent of the federation and protocol, can
use the registry. Therefore, it shifts from several
federations-several tools to one central tool, whereas
the metadata is still aggregated by federations and
inter-federations. Furthermore, manual steps are re-
quired to exchange metadata.
The approach of a TTP for dynamic metadata ex-
change works similar to PEER, as any entity can reg-
ister and upload their metadata. Alternatively, they
can set a pointer to their local metadata location,
which is public. In order to establish technical trust
on-demand, the TTP extends a localization service.
The service, formally known as WAYF (Where Are
You From?), is used to localize the user’s IDP and
therefore knows both endpoints of the metadata ex-
change. The user wants to make use of a service, i. e.,
he expresses his will to access a specific service at a
SP. By that, if IDP and SP technically do not know
each other, the TTP triggers the metadata exchange
on-demand. This approach is also described in (P
et al., 2014), where the state of the art, basic concepts,
workflows, and database design were explained. As
only the necessary metadata is exchanged, this signif-
icantly improves the scalability of the metadata ex-
change, while at the same time avoids performance
Young submitted an Internet-Draft (I-D) called
Metadata Query Protocol (Young, 2015). Another
I-D, SAML Profile for the Metadata Query Proto-
col, describes the profile for SAML. By the Metadata
Query Protocol, metadata can be retrieved by sim-
ple hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) GET requests.
This theoretically allows dynamic metadata distribu-
The TTP can re-use the Metadata Query Protocol, let-
ting IDPs and SPs query metadata on-demand. Either
the TTP knows the metadata location at the entity or
it stores it in a metadata repository. The authenticated
user triggers the metadata exchange by an extended
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
IDP discovery workflow based on SAML, as specified
in the I-D Dynamic Automated Metadata Exchange
ohn, 2015a). The TTP orchestrates the
metadata exchange, while the exchange itself can be
done by the Metadata Query Protocol.
Similar to the described TTP, the approach Trust
Service Provider (TSP) by Jian Jiang et al. (Jiang
et al., 2011) requires each entity to register at the cen-
tral TSP service. The TSP brokers the trust of two
entities during runtime. The metadata is downloaded
from the TSP and might be stored in the cache of an
entity. If a user wants to make use of a service, the SP
needs to query his local cache about the metadata of
the IDP. If the SP does not have the needed metadata,
it sends a request to the TSP. The IDP is required to
send another request, in order to fetch the metadata of
the SP. The metadata files have version numbers. If
the IDP is outside the federation, the SP of the home
federation of the IDP can be used as an IDP-Proxy for
indirect authentication. This also means, that the SP
needs to cache the assertion of the home IDP and that
each SP needs to run an IDP-Proxy. Additionally, the
version number is unnecessarily added to the meta-
data’s name.
The TTP, in contrast, does not need version numbers
and IDP-Proxys, as every federation and entity can
register at the TTP. Furthermore, federations can run
a distributed version of the TTPs, which communi-
cate with each other and exchange metadata across
TTPs. Therefore, entities do only need to register
once. The approach of the TTP automates the tech-
nical integration of new metadata on the SP as well as
on the IDP side. In order to integrate these informa-
tion automatically, an extension of existing software
is needed. The extension of the software can auto-
mate the manual steps by the information already in-
cluded into the metadata. This eliminates the manual
workload for SP and IDP administrators and avoids
waiting time for the end users. This is particularly the
case as the metadata can be exchanged across current
federations’ boarders.
The approach Dynamic Identity Federation by
Md. Sadek Ferdous and Ron Poet (Ferdous and
Poet, 2013) concentrates on the dynamic trust. Dy-
namic Identity Federation distinguishes between fully
trusted, semi-trusted, and untrusted entities. Authen-
ticated users are allowed to add SPs to their IDPs,
while SPs add the IDPs to their local trust anchor
list (TAL) for further usage. The user establishes the
trust by generating a code at his first authentication.
He then informs the SP about the code and the Enti-
tyID of the IDP. After verification, the SP generates
a request with two invisible fields, i. e., MetaAdd and
ReturnTo. Both fields are used for the metadata ex-
change, while the IDP needs to evaluate the value of
MetaAdd. When the user gives his consent, the IDP
adds the chosen SP to the list of semi-trusted entities.
Semi-trusted entities are not allowed to receive sen-
sitive attributes. Untrusted entities are given the Na-
tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
level of assurance (LoA) 1. If the SP is not known by
the IDP, a proxy could be used complicating the trust
establishment. The trust establishment via the user
generating and forwarding a code is not user friendly,
while both invisible fields are not necessary. The frag-
mentation into trusted, semi-trusted, and untrusted en-
tities as well as the usage of NIST LoA 1 does not
reflect real world with its different LoA schemes and
the trust relationships. As with the IDP discovery ser-
vice, all relevant information are integrated within the
SAML messages, additional fields are not required.
If the user trusts an SP, the SP is added to the IDP’s
TAL, which consists of all downloaded and integrated
metadata. If this fully automated trust is not wanted,
the IDP and SP can configure their LoA and the level
they want from their counterpart. If, e. g., the IDP
matches the level required by the SP, the metadata is
exchanged on-demand, while otherwise the adminis-
trators and the user are notified. Since many differ-
ent LoA are used within federations and most NREN
federation have around NIST LoA 1 or 2, a more fine-
grained LoA schema is needed, which can also map
different schemes. Furthermore, a federation admin-
istration tool is implemented for additional quality as-
Summing up, the TTP is a central service for on-
demand metadata exchange for IDPs and SPs. It
allows scalable metadata exchange, which is user
triggered and based on standard SAML workflows.
By software extensions it automates manual work-
flows and widens the trust boundaries, while, at the
same time, providing tools for quality assurance and
trust assurance. As the TTP is not an IDP proxy,
it is not involved in further communication. This
also reduces the likelihood of a bottleneck. Fur-
thermore, it could be operated distributively, as de-
scribed in (P
ohn, 2015b). The theoretical approach
of a TTP is currently implemented and improved for
piloting within the project G
EANT, which runs the
inter-federation eduGAIN. In order to have a secure
implementation and all needed functions, the risk and
security management is regarded. While the proof
of concept implementation of the TTP is tailored for
SAML, the TTP and all its functionalities are generi-
cally designed, so it can be adopted to further proto-
cols without changes.
For the researcher described above, it means that
his IDP and all the SPs of the community have to reg-
Risk Management for Dynamic Metadata Exchange via a Trusted Third Party
ister at the TTP as a prerequisite. If the researcher
wants to use a new service of the community, he is
forwarded to the extended discovery service of the
TTP. By choosing his IDP, he automatically triggers
the metadata exchange between IDP and SP. Since
both have configured fully automated metadata ex-
change and their LoA is high enough, the metadata
is exchanged on-demand and directly integrated into
the local configuration. The researcher therefore does
not have to wait until he can access the service. In
order to have the researcher securely access the ser-
vice, the risk and security of the new components has
to be regarded, before it is piloted within the G
In order to achieve a technology readiness level TRL7
and following existing good practices and interna-
tional standards, e. g., ISO/IEC 27001, a risk assess-
ment takes place. Hommel et. al (Hommel et al.,
2015) present a risk management template, which
operationalizes and supports the continuous manage-
ment process. This risk management template was
applied to the TTP. As the TTP allows the automated
metadata exchange, which possibly leads to the re-
lease of personally identifiable information, the crit-
ically has to be set to high. Therefore, appropriate
security measures have to be implemented.
The first step of risk management is the definition
of primary and secondary assets. The secondary as-
sets and the operational risk management are regarded
in Section 4. Possible events threatening components
of the dynamic metadata exchange are, e. g., flood-
ing the TTP with metadata exchange requests, as de-
scribed above. Assessing the threat event, the likeli-
hood as well as impact of the example must be seen
as high. The high risk value needs further action. To
overcome the threat, the TTP requires user authentica-
tion before the metadata exchange is triggered. Fur-
thermore, an integrated rate limiter slows down the
number of allowed requests sent to the TTP.
All possible risks are regarded, by listing assets,
analyzing the risks of all components and the dynamic
metadata exchange itself. A wide range of possible
risks are shortly explained in the following sections.
Based on the risks, possible actor models and counter
measurements were inspected. This lead to a proto-
col, which is as secure as possible, and to a secure
designed TTP. In addition, detective and responsive
measures need to be established as well. As an ex-
ample, the local software and the TTP need to be
monitored. Further risks can be mitigated by control
by federation operators and the use of an assurance
The first step in risk management requires the defi-
nition of primary and secondary assets. While pri-
mary assets are usually the core business processes
and workflows of an organization, the secondary as-
sets support these processes.
4.1 Assets
In the case of dynamic metadata exchange, the TTP
enables the immediate access to online services.
Therefore, it can be seen as an enabler and innovator
for the collaboration of organizations. The secondary
assets are usually categorized as hardware and soft-
ware, information exchanged and processed by ser-
vice components. The operational risk management
focuses on the technical components of the TTP, i. e.,
the extension of the entities’ software, the TTP itself,
including the underlying network infrastructure, and
the exchanged data. As the TTP is the main compo-
nent for the automated metadata exchange, it needs to
be highly secure. Therefore, the security of the TTP,
respectively distributed TTPs, and the extensions are
discussed in this section, followed by counter mea-
sures in the following section. First the changes due
to the new approach are shown, before all components
are regarded. In order to have an overview, different
malicious actors are shown afterwards.
Federations and inter-federations currently run
metadata aggregators, which aggregate the metadata
of all members. In order to obtain and distribute meta-
data, push and pull mechanisms along with a web tool
for metadata management were implemented. Feder-
ations normally run centralized discovery services for
IDP location. By the approach described in this paper,
the following changes appear:
TTP: instead of a standardized localization ser-
vice, the localization service is extended with a
relational database, an application programming
interface (API), a web frontend, and an orchestra-
tion service for metadata exchange.
Federations: federation administrators manage
their federations via an administration tool, which
is part of the web service of the TTP.
IDP/SP: IDPs and SPs use an extended software
for metadata exchange and integration, while
scripts make use of API calls.
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Communication itself: while the discovery work-
flow of SAML is extended for on-demand meta-
data exchange, HTTP requests and responses are
used for API calls. If the TTPs are distributed, the
communicate between TTPs and a register for the
TTPs is added.
In principle, the approach consists of server, vir-
tual machine, web server, web application, extension
of the software, database, SAML communication, ex-
tended communication, and a network of TTPs.
4.2 Threats
A threat scenario template, as described in (Hommel
et al., 2015), can be used to point out possible events
threatening the TTP. The template characterizes an
event by actors, threat type or category, the aim, and
the likelihood as well as the impact. Based on the
changes, the threats by components, i. e., assets, are
shown, before they are explained based on the actors.
The web application of the TTP has typical
threats, like coding errors and bugs in used soft-
ware. Furthermore, the registration of a faked entity
might lead to a collection of user information or the
unauthorized usage of services. The simulation of a
higher trust can also lead to the unauthorized usage
of services, while malicious code could, e. g., read or
change the database underneath or use the web ap-
plication to spread malware. Also obtaining surrepti-
tiously higher permissions could lead to the exclusion
of entities and further misuse. As the extended local-
ization service relies on the integrity and authenticity
of the TTP, it is important that the TTP is as secure
as possible. Since the localization service let the user
trigger the metadata exchange, the availability of the
service is crucial. The underlying services and the
database also need to be secure and available.
The extension of the entities’ software enables the
automated exchange of metadata and integration into
the local configuration, which can be at the same time
another threat. As the configuration sets the attribute
filter, which is responsible for filtering the user at-
tributes, an inaccurate configuration can lead to the
disclosure of user information. On the side of SPs,
an erroneous configuration can lead to the use of ser-
vices, for which users are normally not permitted.
By the automated exchange of metadata, entities
can cooperate without being member of the same fed-
eration or inter-federation. As a result, the commu-
nication between entities and TTP is a further risks,
given that a man in the middle potentially can listen
and change the communication. The authentication
and verification of all participants is especially cru-
cial, if the TTPs are distributed (P
ohn, 2015b), since
faked TTPs might get registered. These threats can be
used to attack the TTP or participating entities by ac-
tors with different motivation, origin, knowledge, and
The different actors are explained in this sections, di-
vided into IDP/SP, user, federation, and external ac-
5.1 Entities as Actors
An IDP or SP might act as an attacker against other
entities or the TTP, if his system was compromised
or an administrator misuses his permissions, e. g., as
insider threat. One possible motivation to misuse the
permissions is to fake identities or increase the trust,
in order to use a service. While this is technically
possible, the changes are traceable. By getting higher
permissions at the TTP, other entities might be ex-
cluded or other entities might be registered. Further
manipulation, like level of trust, is possible. The ef-
forts are higher than at the first manipulation, though
this attack should be traceable by logfiles. By includ-
ing malicious code, the web application, scripts, the
server, or the database might be changed. Different
motivations apply for this attack, as by extracting the
data, the actor might profit financially, while it is also
possible to update entities, permissions or the trust.
The traceability for this attack is more difficult, while
the ability of the actor varies from the sort of bug. At
communications, if an administrator tries to hijack a
session of another entity, information about the entity,
e. g., metadata, and trust level, as well as of the user
can be changed. The attack has to be targeted, which
means more efforts. At the same time the traceabil-
ity is less. The information can also be changed for
another entity, if social engineering is used to get the
account information. IDPs and SPs might try to ex-
change as many metadata or other data as possible to
the TTP, either to attack the TTP itself or one entity,
by this denial of service (DoS) attack. This attack
is mitigated by the DAME workflow, which requires
authentication before the metadata exchange is trig-
gered. Therefore, if not a bug in the implementation
let actors exchange data, the attack is traceable. Even
though the probability of an attack by an IDP or SP
is low, these attacks need to be considered. Attacks
by inside threats are the hardest to trace back and pro-
tect, while others are mitigated by the design of the
workflows and the TTP.
Risk Management for Dynamic Metadata Exchange via a Trusted Third Party
5.2 Users as Actors
Similar to IDP and SP as attackers, the likelihood of
an user to become an actor is low. It might the case, if
a user wants to harm an entity, to make use of further
services, or he wants to test his abilities or his sys-
tem was compromised. If a user exchanges as many
metadata as possible, the DoS attack can slow down a
service until it is out of service. Since the user needs
to authenticate for the metadata exchange, the trace-
ability is simple. Another possible attack is a mas-
querade attack, where a user tries to collect accounts.
This attack is not TTP-specific, as well as the social
engineering, though the impact might increase.
5.3 Federations as Actors
As the TTP has an administration tool for federations,
this interface can be misused, in order to affect an en-
tity or federation, to gain financial advantage or, if the
federation is operator at the same time, to affect en-
tities from specific countries. Equivalent to IDP and
SP, the federation administrator can include an entity
to attack other entities, to collect user information or
to exclude a valid entity. For collecting user informa-
tion, users have to choose the service and give consent
to the data release. These attacks are basically trace-
able, if not the logfiles are changed. If malicious code
or malicious code is used, this seems to be more dif-
When the federation is also the operator of the
TTP, further attack vectors are possible. For exam-
ple, administrators can misuse the resources, in order
to steal or change data, as described beforehand. The
infrastructure of the TTP can be attacked by an inter-
nal threat. To sum it up, internal threats are hardest
to identify, while the technical threats are taken into
5.4 Externals as Actors
Attacks of externals can be targeted to the TTP, but
also to specific entities. The knowledge ranges from
script kiddies to professional hacker. While script
kiddies are comparably easy to defend, professional
hackers with money and time are a bigger threat. The
threat also depends on the entities and federations us-
ing the TTP. The localization service and the TTP
with its database is especially critical, because of the
amount of data and the exposed position. Most likely
attacks are:
Malicious code, in order to collect data, to proto-
col inputs, to attack specific entities or all users,
to name few examples.
Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, for
querying the database or to change data.
Replay attacks by replaying overheard communi-
cation messages with the goal to receive further
information about the TTP and the communica-
DoS and distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks against
the availability of the TTP or entities.
Attacks against the user management.
Session Hijacking and Single sign-on attacks.
Additionally to the attacks explained beforehand,
an external might try to sniff the communication be-
tween IDP, SP, and TTP, in order to get information,
e. g., to gain financial profit. The traceability of this
attack is harder. Another possible attack by an exter-
nal is the registration of a federation, which sounds
similar to well-known federations. The aim is to get
entities into the federation, receive information, and
to harm the known federation. If the actor requires a
specific certificate, audit, or payment, the attack has
also financial consequences. The attack can be partly
traced by the database and log files, though it might be
difficult to re-obtain the paid money. With distributed
TTPs, an actor might try to set up an own TTP, in or-
der to attack or exclude TTPs. The actor has first to
implement an TTP and should understand the com-
munication between different TTPs and entities. If
the actor wants to attack TTPs directly, the TTP first
needs to be adapted. While the effort is comparably
high, the traceability might be difficult. Similar to
federations, the actor can register a TTP with a sim-
ilar name to a well-known TTP. The goal here is to
have many entities and federations registered for col-
lecting data and, in the worst case, also to gain finan-
cial benefits. External actors normally have different
motivation than participants of the TTP, attaching im-
portance to these attack vectors.
In order to either prevent or detect attacks, different
counter measures can be applied. For the components
listed in the previous section, important counter mea-
sures are the following:
The web application of the TTP has authentication
and authorization, validation of input and output,
session management, error management, and log
files. Additionally, a secure connection to back-
ground systems as well as fine grained permis-
sions are implemented. The validation of the reg-
istration is checked by certificate, email address
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
or a specific page on the web server, before an en-
tity can actually let metadata exchange. The local-
ization service only allows metadata exchange for
registered entities. The trust is evaluated, while all
important actions, like metadata exchanges, are
logged. Logging mechanisms are activated at the
database, where passwords are hashed and salted,
and hashes are used to validate the integrity. Fur-
thermore, all components of the TTP are moni-
tored. Federations can additionally verify entities.
The implementation of the IDP/SP software ex-
tension has to be as secure as possible, in order to
prevent the leakage of personal information. The
administrators can configure the trust and assur-
ance as well as the degree of automation. Further-
more, users have to authenticate before metadata
can be exchanged, while, at the same time, sig-
natures, IDs for messages, and a short validation
time for asseverations are used.
The communication is secured either by Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Secu-
rity (TLS). Distributed TTPs are registered with
a certificate for validation with at least Domain
Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) or,
preferably, DNS-based Authentication of Named
Entities (DANE). Certificate transparency can be
Counter measures can be distinguished between
organizational and technical measures as well as be-
tween preventive, detective, and responsive measures.
6.1 Organizational and Technical
Organizational measures regulate, who has which per-
missions for rooms and servers and how log files are
going to be evaluated. An additional security incident
response process can help to find threats, analyze an
attack, re-establish the target stage, and to document.
In order to make use of LoA, the local LoA has to be
measured or the requirements need to be estimated.
Technical measures help to prevent and detect at-
tacks. Random numbers as session ID, tokens, and
session timeouts need to be considered during design
and implementation as well as a validation of the en-
tity by certificate, email address or a specific page on
the web server. IDPs and SPs should use either to-
kens or FIM to authenticate at the TTP. Another ex-
ample for technical measures is the authentication of
the user, before the actual metadata exchange.
6.2 Preventive, Detective, and
Responsive Measures
A different classification divides the measures into
preventive, detective, and responsive. Preventive
measures for the dynamic metadata exchange via a
TTP include all measures, which need to be taken be-
fore a possible attack can occur. Examples are tech-
nical measures, like firewalls and salted passwords at
the TTP, as well as the usage of tokens and session
IDs during the communication. Detective measures
observe an attack, which could be done by monitor-
ing systems, such as an intrusion detection system.
Last but not least, responsive measures include secu-
rity incident response process, the automatic recon-
figuration, audits, and backups. These measures and
threats were taken into account at the risk manage-
ment, helping to secure the design, extensions, and
the implementation.
The automated SAML metadata exchange enables
user-triggered exchange of metadata between IDPs
and SP across current federations’ borders. The scal-
ability of the metadata exchange in federations and
inter-federations is improved at the same time, as only
the necessary metadata is exchanged. The approach
of dynamic metadata exchange via a TTP supports
the fully automated technical setup of FIM-based au-
thentication and authorization data exchange. It there-
fore increases the automation and scalability of for-
mer manual implementation steps by administrators.
Consequently, the users can immediately use a new
In order to have a secure service, which is impor-
tant for the acceptance, the risk management was ap-
plied and taken into account. The risk management
was initiated by the description and the application
of a risk management template. First, the assets and
the differences to current FIM was explained. Based
on the differences, the vulnerabilities and threats were
discussed, before possible actors against the TTP
were shown. This analysis show, that the TTP is the
biggest target in this setup and therefore has to be se-
cure. At the same time, as it is only involved during
the metadata exchange and a distributed setup can be
operated, the probability of a bottleneck is reduced.
Counter measures, divided into the different classi-
fication, demonstrated possibilities to overcome the
threats. These threats and counter measures need to
be taken into account for the improved implementa-
tion, before it can be piloted.
Risk Management for Dynamic Metadata Exchange via a Trusted Third Party
Further research topics relate to the level of as-
surance respectively the trust between two entities.
Though the technical trust is exchanged via the meta-
data, the quality of the entity could be assured or esti-
mated by a level of assurance and dynamic trust.
The authors wish to thank the members of the Munich
Network Management (MNM) Team for helpful com-
ments on previous versions of this paper. The MNM-
Team, directed by Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlm
and Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerd Hegering, is a group
of researchers at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit
unchen, Technische Universit
at M
unchen, the Uni-
versity of the Federal Armed Forces, and the Leibniz
Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of
Sciences and Humanities.
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ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy