Figure 7: Tool feature preferences for requirements specifi-
cations and for system models.
level that can be managed manually, not by reducing
the complexity of the system design. Further, the se-
mantics of a structured information model like EAST-
ADL may help to make a system model more under-
standable and better structured.
To evaluate RAA and learn how requirements
analysis can be further supported, a qualitative usabil-
ity study was conducted with 17 engineers. From this,
we can form a preliminary theory of the typical pro-
cess. The process starts by learning about the system
model based on considering a given requirement, us-
ing the main tool feature. Subsequently, a set of el-
ements for allocation is identified, preferably also by
searching. For large information sets, filtering is also
used. Finally, the requirements and the system ele-
ments are checked to assure that the allocation is cor-
rect. In the last two steps, multiple study participants
requested further tool support.
This preliminary theory forms the basis for future
work. We will include a wider selection of partici-
pants in the usability study. Additionally, we will ex-
tend the tool in order to suggest a possible set of can-
didate elements for allocation to a given requirement
or to check the correctness of a given allocation.
We would like to thank the engineers who participated
in the evaluation of the prototype. This work was sup-
ported by VINNOVA under the FFI programme. This
work was conducted as part of the Synligare Project.
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