In the future, automatic (scripted) generation of
LiME LKMs and Volatility profiles for a given
device would greatly simplify the process of memory
extraction and analysis. This could, for instance, be
achieved via distribution of a Linux VM (virtual
machine) containing the required scripts, to be
launched on the investigator’s forensic workstation.
With a target device that fulfills the requirements
set forth in section 6, the investigator would need to
supply only the source code for the kernel running on
the device and quickly be able to compile a working
LiME LKM for the device, as well as generate a
Volatility profile for memory extracted from the
device with the LKM.
A cleaner forensic approach for memory extraction
from Android devices, free from the limitations
shown in section 7, would require a completely new
approach which does not hinge upon the injection of
a kernel module. This would, however, require the
discovery of a vulnerability in Android which can be
triggered without modification of the running system.
Even if such a vulnerability were located, it would
only be a matter of time until Android was patched to
remove the vulnerability.
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