, and three sample exceeding 10
. A major issue is the surface quality of the
window’s edges. We observe the formation of
micro-cracks during soldering which in turn
significantly increase leakage rate. While the
procured windows show a very narrow thickness
tolerance, the edges are not polished and therefore
susceptible to crack induced by thermal shock.
We have shown the hermetical sealing of a multi-
material assembly for the possible use as a
calibration target container for the ExoMars Raman
Laser Spectrometer. Proof-of-concept samples made
of stainless steel and D263 achieved leakage rates of
. The bonding is completely
inorganic and therefore suitable for high cleanliness
and contamination free applications, e.g. under
COSPAR planetary protection requirements.
A FEA tool chain and models were set up for
optimization of joint geometries and were used to
provide appropriate design recommendations for
minimized stresses. Mechanical and
thermomechanical load cases were investigated by
numerical simulations. A minimized differential
thermal expansion is found to be necessary to
achieve acceptable stress levels in the solder joint.
Although the presented design of the container
and therefore the proposed bonding will not be used
for the RLS CT the results show the adequacy of
Solderjet Bumping for hermetical sealing and
aerospace applications. The development activities
continue and the technology is kept as a backup plan
for the ExoMars RLS CT.
Further improvements of leakage rate and
reduced failures during bonding are expected with
optimized sample geometries, improved surface
quality of the windows’ circumferential side faces,
and adapted tolerances between receptacle and
window. A goal would be to achieve a helium
leakage rate better than 10
. Experimental
qualifications based the mechanical and thermal load
cases considered for the numerical optimizations
have to be conducted with further samples.
The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from
MINECO, Spain, through project ESP2013-48427-
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