• Considering the use of QVT, the implementa-
tion of a bidirectional mapping is more compli-
cated than a unidirectional one. Owing to the
fact that mapping declarations must be applied in
two ways, some restrictions have to be considered
(e.g. the right side of an assignment can not con-
tain complex runtime expression because it is also
the left side of the assignment when the transfor-
mation is applied in the opposite way). As writing
imperative code is commonly needed, the possi-
bility of defining helper functions in Medini QVT
is very useful. The tool allow the combination of
imperative code and OCL-style declarative code.
Medini QVT provides a lot of useful functionality
but the debug support should be improved.
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through one professional license of the Objectiver
tool. We also would like acknowledge the Precise re-
search group from the University of Namur their as-
sistance in using DB-Main.
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MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development