process, (Mart
ınez et al., 2014) compared the perfor-
mance of maintenance tasks when using an MDE ap-
proach against a code-centric approach.
From a product perspective, (Vanderose and
Habra, 2008) propose an approach to empirically
evaluate quality factors of developed artifacts in
MDE. In the same vein, (Fernandez et al., 2013) per-
formed a series of user studies to assess the usability
of web applications developed in an MDE process.
The closest study to the one in this paper
is (Carver et al., 2011): a systematic survey focused
on MODELS in order to understand the frequency with
which empirical evaluations have been reported.
In this paper, we report on a systematic mapping study
to understand the trends and characteristics of model
transformations for concrete problems. Our study
uses a major online database, Scopus, along with the
published articles in the four major MDE forums.
This study, which covers the period 2005-2014, was
conducted following the systematic mapping process.
First, we collected all publications found by query-
ing the database and by gathering the papers of the
specialized forums. Then, we screened them using
their abstract to ensure that they were eligible for our
analysis. Finally, we analyzed every included article
to classify the proposed transformation according to a
predefined scheme.
In addition to the findings discussed throughout
this paper, our study is a contribution to a global
assessment of the state of research and adoption of
MDE. Indeed, as for any new technology, it is our
duty as a research community to reflect globally on
what is relevant for research and what should be
treated as technical problems. In this context, we plan
to periodically repeat this study to have an up-to-date
portray of the situation. We also plan to perform a
similar study on additional MDE artifacts, in partic-
ular, metamodels. Finally, the classification scheme
will be evolved to take into consideration new re-
search results.
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MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development