random generated instance problems was compared
with the CPLEX Solver. The results show the
efficiency and effectively of proposed method.
It should be noted that the proposed model is
very compatible with the constraints of reality and it
is under implementation for locomotives routing and
assignment for railway transportation division of
MAPNA Group. In this model the trains are
considered as customers and they are made up at
different stations of network and they need to
receive locomotive based on the time table of train
scheduling. Moreover, the locomotives are located at
some central depots and they depart toward the
trains to move them from their origins to their
destinations based on the train scheduling plan. One
sample of train scheduling plan is illustrated in
Fig.3. In this case, the trains with low priorities are
considered to be having the classical time windows.
Moreover, the trains with highly priority have the
fuzzy time windows and the desired time is nearest
to the earliest dispatching time of each train.
Figure 3: Typical train scheduling plan.
Moreover, the detailed schedule of each locomotive
including the departure time, trains in its
commitments, planned routes, waiting times, fuel
consumption cost and etc is corresponding to the
routes found by the proposed VRPTW and they are
identified for this route.
The authors would like to thank MAPNA Group for
its supports and financing this paper.
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