line method failed when a slight misalignment of
the segmentation of the eye area occurred. In con-
trast, the proposed method succeeded even when the
slight misalignment occurred because the HOG fea-
ture could be extracted robustly even in case of slight
translation or rotation.
Since a Web camera is usually located outside the dis-
play while the user looks at his/her partner in the dis-
play, there is a problem that they cannot establish eye
contact with each other.
In this paper, we proposed a system for synthe-
sizing eye contact using a single camera. The pro-
posed system transformed eye areas of an user only
when the user’s gaze falls in the range that the partner
should perceive eye contact.
The training phase may impose the users a trou-
blesome task. To solve this issue, we can apply an
online gaze calibration method using click events in
daily use of a computer mouse like in (Sugano et al.,
2015) to capture the training images.
Our system runs at 5 fps for an input video with
a resolution of 1,280 × 960 pixels on a standard
consumer computer equipped with an Intel Core i7
3.59GHz CPU, and 8GB RAM. However, the system
can be faster by shrinking the input video size or par-
allelizing the process.
Our current system is not adapted for users wear-
ing glasses. Future work includes improving the gaze
classification by introductionof other features and im-
plementing the proposed method on an actual video
conferencing system.
Parts of this research were supported by MEXT,
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
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